Chapter 36

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" You wait till I catch you Xuan ! " Yibo screamed while he was getting dragged off, while Xuan smirked " Not before I end this game tonight with the big finale " Xuan smirked once again and walked back to his office with his hands in his pocket whistling on his way up, Xuan smirked thinking of his plan.

Zhan sat in his table, crying as he felt as though he had been betrayed, he felt trusting Yibo once again he had been made fool off. Xuan walked inside the room seeing Zhan cry, he grinned looking at Zhan cry, but later changed his expression to that of a soft one as though he was worried for him. He stood beside him and put his hand over his shoulder to make Zhan look at him " Zhan ~ " he called in a soft tone and Zhan looked at him with tearful red eyes feeling as though he was lost, Xuan patted his head to comfort him " Don't cry, I'm sorry he had hurt you " he said in an apologetic tone.

Zhan nodded his head as he got up " I have to go " Zhan said wiping his tears, Xuan immediately stood in front of him " What?! No, stay here for some time " he said pushing Zhan back on his chair, Zhan looked at him confused and tried getting up once again " Thank you for helping me today Xuan, but I have to go now ! " he said trying to walk past Xuan. But Xuan held his wrist and pulled him hard towards himself, Zhan made a shocked face before struggling to let himself go " Leave me ! Let me go ! " Zhan screamed but Xuan laughed in a psychotic way, pulling him hard once again Xuan laughed mockingly as he made an intense eye contact with him " Ah! No, No honey ! Do you think I won you just to let you go ! " Xuan laughed once again as he licked a stride of Zhan's ear.

Zhan immediately felt disgusting as he still fought to let himself free " Let me go you sicko ! " Zhan pushed him making Xuan slip, but as he fell, Xuan held Zhan's leg making Zhan trip and fall on the ground, Xuan took this opportunity to pin him down while he hovered on top of him, bashing his head on the floor once again to stop him from moving, Zhan whimpered in pain as he was failing to set himself from pain " What! You'll be hoe for Yibo alone ?! Not to me ! " he said removing his tie and tying it around Zhan's wrist. Zhan was angry at this point but till struggling " Fuck you Xuan ! " Xuan pulled Zhan by his hair to make him face him, he grinned looking straight in his eyes " Yeah~ Fuck me ! "

He quickly undid Zhan's shirt pulling his pants off, leaving him in his boxers, Xuan licked at the sight of now exposed Zhan, while Zhan still wriggled under Xuan trying to set himself free, Zhan was screaming for help, but this protest and screams made by Zhan only made Xuan even more lustered for Zhan. His hands ghosted upon exposed part of Zhan's chest, while he moved his knee to rub Zhan's member to make it hard, Zhan struggled and whimpered, tears blinding his eyes, he was pleading " Please ~ Please let me go Xuan, I haven't done anything wrong to you ~ " he pleaded, but this made Xuan laugh even more, he moved his lips closer to Zhan's face, while lacing open mouth kisses by Zhan's ear and then grinned looking back at him " Oh baby boy ~ Of course you didn't do anything ! This is all for what Yibo did, you ever just a chess piece for me and anything more ! " 

Xuan laughed as he moved his lips to Zhan's chest, placing hickeys at random spots, liking and sucking upon his exposed skin, Zhan remembered Yibo's words and now he regretted not trusting him, he was right all the time, even though Yibo was a jerk at the start, he sure was trustable, unlike Xuan who was a wolf hiding under a sheep's mask. Zhan tried to push him off as he screamed in pain induced by Xuan due to his bite marks, Yibo's face kept flashing in front of Zhan's eyes as he struggled beneath Xuan " YIBO ~ " Zhan screamed Yibo's name, in hopes of getting rescued by him, Xuan laughed " He won't hear and moreover when I'm making love to you, you should call my name baby boy ~ " he said continuing to kiss him.

Zhan cried helplessly " YIBO ~ ", he felt as though he had lost. But just then footsteps were heard outside the door, it was that of someone running, and soon after more footsteps were. With a bang the door flung open, Xuan stopped what he was doing and looked at the doo, Zhan looked up as well, and immediately a soft and broken smile appeared on his face. It was Yibo, he was standing by the door, breathless, panting for air, he had been running and finally stopped as he had found where Zhan was. Two more foot step heard, as the security tried once again to drag him off.

" What the hell ! Catch him ! " Xuan screamed, getting up above Zhan, he was pissed that Yibo had spoiled his mood that he had set, but even before security could do anything Yibo flung his fist at them knocking them out unconscious. He looked around to hit his next target and that being Xuan, he was afraid what Yibo would do, so he tried to slip out of the back door, but Yibo caught him even before he could escape and hit him hard till he bled " That was for what you did to me you jerk " the blow to face made Xuan fall on the ground, as he fell Yibo kicked him on the stomach making him wriggle in pain " And this is for what you did to Zhan ! " .

Leaving him aside, Yibo walked to Zhan, making him dress up " Are you alright ? " Yibo questioned, but immediately his eyes saw those blue purple marks on his skin and this made Yibo even more angry " I'll kill him ! " Yibo said getting up, but immediately Zhan held his hands " Please take me home ~ " Zhan cried and immediately Yibo lifted him up making him wear his coat. Taking him to his car, the whole ride Zhan was silent, while Yibo looked at him concerned. By the time he had reached home, Zhan was unconscious and Yibo carried him to his room.

Xihan was worried for his brother, opened the door after a heavy knocking. It was Yibo with Zhan looking messed up an unconscious "  What happened ?! " he asked worried, Yibo shushed him " Let's not talk now " Xihan nodded his head helping him open the bedroom door for Yibo to get in. He closed the door behind and just sat on the chair hopping his brother was doing good. Yibo had asked him not to come inside Zhan's room as he didn't want to see what he had suffered.

Meanwhile Yibo changed Zhan's clothes as he was now conscious , he was crying but had no strength in him to do anything, it was as though he couldn't believe what had happened to him, Yibo finished cleaning him and applied medicine on his wound helping him change clothes. Sitting on the bed along him Yibo rubbed Zhan's shoulder trying to comfort him. One by one tears fell down from his eyes as he started crying once more " Shhh~ Don't cry, I'm here and I won't let anything like this happen to you in the future " Yibo comforted, Zhan shook his head " I'm... I'm sorry that I didn't believe you " Yibo pulled his head to his arms hugging him soft " It's okay, you don't have to apologies " Yibo continued to comfort him.

Zhan laid down on the bed while Yibo got up, Zhan held Yibo's wrist " Don't leave me alone tonight ~ " Zhan pleaded, he was afraid after what he had witnessed today, Yibo didn't say any further words and climbed over the bed making Zhan rest his head on his chest " I'll be here for you ~ " Zhan nodded and rest his head over Yibo's chest, he huffed some air out and closed his eyes, while Yibo softly caressed his hair making him sleep.


To Be Continued ...

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