Chapter 10

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You need a lift?

Zhan's eyes grew big in shook as he knew who it was, he wasn't really sure what business he had with him as he continued to walk ignoring the person's existence at whole.

The man in the car snickered a laugh as he started riving his car in a slow motion to match the fast pace of Zhan walking away from him.

Don't worry I won't hurt you, my fight is with Yibo and Yibo alone, I'm not a coward to hurt someone else in the name of revenge!

Zhan wasn't sure if he could trust the guy, that's when words of his brother came to his mind telling him not to get involved with anything that had to be connected with Yibo's past. That also included Yibo's ex, Haoxuan. Zhan decided to ignore him as he had two things to concentrate, one was the pain in his back and other was how pretty much he was an hour late to work. he started walking faster but his legs were failing him due to the striking pain.

You can trust me ~ I'm man of my words. Haoxuan said smiling at Zhan.

Zhan stopped as he thought about it, he decided to get in the car and moreover he had to hide it from the person whom he feared most in the world, Xihan and Yibo. And if anything else had to happen he could resort to jumping of a moving car, like a ninja. True to Xihan's word, though Zhan looked like an adult he still was naive like a baby. He sighed as he turned around to look at Haoxuan.

You'll drop me and then leave me alone, no funny business right ?!

Haoxuan laughed showing him a thumbs up, Sure, just dropping you, that's all!

Zhan hesitated before stepping in the car, but eventually he did get in, he sat at the back seat of the car, Haoxuan started the car. Zhan was confused as to why Haoxuan was helping him he still wasn't sure what was he doing with car outside Yibo's apartment.

You seem to have lots to ask to me, why don't you ask instead of keeping them to yourself?

Haoxuan asked looking at the mirror in the car, which showed a confused Zhan scratching his head wondering what could be the possibility to all the questions in his mind. Zhan was bought back to reality hearing Haoxuan's voice.

Huh?! umm.... I- Why are you helping me ? Zhan decided to start of easy.

I felt bad to drag you to our problem the other day I met you and moreover you wouldn't know much about Yibo as well, so drag you to our problem would be actually wrong.

He smiled looking at Zhan to reassure him that he spoke the truth. Zhan smiled in an awkward way, but he couldn't understand what the statement ' you couldn't know about Yibo' meant. Was there more to be known about him that he hid inside him?

What were you doing outside Yibo's penthouse suite? Zhan was still not sure what he had been doing there.

I live two blocks from Yibo's penthouse, Yibo actually moved here because of me, but that's a long story and I dont want to bore you with stupid details.

Zhan nodded his head as he was trying to comprehend how deep was their relationship that Yibo had to move in the same place as Haoxuan and moreover if Haoxuan had any ill plans for Zhan he could have executed them by now, but he seems alright, just that his smile had a psychotic feels to it but anything more then that he seems alright. Within a few minutes they had reached the place and Zhan stepped out of the car to thank Haoxuan for dropping him off to work.

Thank you for dropping me to work~ Zhan smiled as Haoxuan started his car.

Just know I have no ill intentions for you, if anything it would be great to talk to you more in future, if you ever want to talk about anything do visit me sometimes, you sure know where I live.

Zhan smiled awkwardly as Haoxuan drove away he till wasn't sure if it would be a good idea to trust the guy, but for now h had sensed no danger so he guessed it was pretty much alright.


Ge! You know how worried I was since you hadn't picked up my call, you hadn't even called me that you won't be coming home last night, since I know that this had to do something with Yibo-ge I was relaxed that you're safe!

Xihan had called Zhan after Zhan had failed to pick up Xihan's phone call this morning, he had been worried for his brother, but he had been eating his ears off from the last half hour. Zhan sighed and rolled his eyes, since he was really busy he couldn't go on and on hearing or getting scolded by Xihan, he finally sopke up.

Xihan! I'm working right now, do you have anything important to say except scream at me?! 

Fine! You don't want me to worry about you, then I'll stop worrying do whatever you have to do and I'll not bother you from now on.

The call ended as Xihan was angry at Zhan, he just had been worried for him and Zhan wasn't understanding that. Zhan knew what he did was wrong and he had to make it up to Xihan, as he knew his work would end a little earlier today he decided to go to Xihan's university to take him out to an expensive place for dinner.

He kept in phone back at the table and continued typing back the documents he needed to rectify to make submission to his senior.


So you forced him and then had a rough night. Weijin and Yibo were talking as Yibo has told him what happened last night.

Don't give me that judging look! Yibo looked at Weijin who had a judging look on his face.

Weijin denied as he shrugged, I'm not judging!

I know you, you probably are thinking how the hell a guy would even be this stubborn and thick headed.

Those are not my words, but yours and you ain't lying! Weijin said sipping his Americano.

Hey~ Yibo sighed as Weijin had been very good a self triggering.

You know this whole "Sugar baby and Sugar daddy" relationship isn't going anywhere and what if he uses the gold debit card that you gave him.

ummm... That' the reason why I gave! To use it !

Are you dumb ?! He may take off all the money from it!

I don't care and if he wants to run away taking all the money then it's goof too, Dad would leave me alone then!

Weijin sighed as he finally figured what plans Yibo had in his mind, You're still mad at your dad for what he did?! Don't you think you should move on!

Yibo was angered at what Weijin said to him , he knew very well how heart broken he was because of what his dad did to him. And knowning very well what had happened so far in his life, he should't have said that. he took his bag and car key as he walked away from Weijin. Weijin was shocked by Yibo as he tried stopping him but he was gone too far. He sighed as he knew what he did was wrong and he had o make up to him.

Yibo stormed off in anger, he was really angry as to why no one was getting him, but as he walked with eyes full of anger he hit someone making him fall down dropping his phone.

What the....You?!


To Be Continued...

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