Chapter 41

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Zhan looked at him confusingly as he still didn't get what was going on " What's going on here ? " Yibo laughed looking outside the window " I will tell you once we reach there ~ " Zhan looked at him confusingly " Where ? " Yibo smiled looking at him " Shanghai ~ "

" Huh? " Zhan asked surprised, Yibo smiled and looked out of the window " Just relax and enjoy the view " Yibo said pointing to the view of the city above from the plane, Zhan looked outside and immediately was taken in awe on how beautiful the view was.


As soon as they got down Zhan and Yibo got in a car and the driver started driving it, it was already 8 pm and Zhan wondered what was Yibo planning to do by taking him to Shanghai. Yibo was busy in his phone and Zhan sighed resting his head against Yibo's shoulder, Yibo smiled sensing Zhan's head over his shoulder " It will take us some time to reach there, you can sleep till then " Zhan nodded as Yibo caressed Zhan's hair with his free hand making him drift to sleep.

After a while....

The car finally stopped making Yibo look up, he saw Zhan was still sleeping and smiled as he patted on his hand to make him wake up " Zhan ~ we are here " Zhan woke up and rubbed his eyes, blinking for a few minutes, Yibo got down and opened the door for Zhan to get down as well, Zhan got down and looked at the majestic building in front of him " Heaven's Paradise? " Zhan's eyes grew big in shock " Yibo! Do we have to go to such expensive place for our date? " He asked making Yibo laughed, " Well I happened to know the owner, so yeah ".

Zhan rolled his eyes " Still that doesn't mean you get to spend money for such expensive dinner date " He said standing beside Yibo " We can't do anything anymore, now that we are here let's go " He said holding Zhan's hand and running with him till the entrance. By the time they reached there Zhan was slightly out of breathe, Yibo looked at him and laughed " Should I lift you up in bridal style? " He smirked wriggling his eye brow, Zhan hit his arm and walked in front of him " I can walk " He said walking away from Yibo, to which Yibo ran and back hugged Zhan as they proceeded to walk hand in hand.

" Welcome to Heaven's Paradise  sir ~ " welcomed the staffs as Yibo and Zhan walked in hand in hand, Zhan was stunned how extravagant the place was and how pretty and aesthetic it looked, Yibo smiled seeing Zhan's reaction, it would have been right to say Yibo was happy seeing Zhan happy. Yibo smiled as he looked at the staff " The special seats " he said while the staff nodded. Guided by the staff, both Zhan and Yibo walked outside to this beautiful terrace garden night setting fro dinner, Zhan was awestruck once again seeing how beautiful the setting was " You like it ? " Zhan jumped at the sudden voice while Yibo laughed.

" Jie~ You didn't have to scare him like that " he said holding Zhan's hand, while Yanli laughed, she circled around Zhan and grinned " So this is the cutie you were talking about huh ? "  Zhan made a confused face as to who it was and then he remembered seeing her picture in Yibo's house hugging her tight that's when he remembered Yibo telling him he had a sister " Yanli ... Yanli- jie ? " he asked not really sure if he was right, Yanli smiled pinching his cheeks " Aww~ Look at you calling me jie as well, he's so cute ~ " she said looking at Yibo, he pulled Zhan aside " Sorry only I can do that ! " Yibo pouted, while Yanli laughed " Fine ~ Sit down I'll bring you favorite " 

Zhan and Yibo sat down as Zhan shook Yibo's hand and looked at him confused " Why are we here ? What's happening ? " Yibo smiled " This place belongs to my sister, my sister started this business from the scratch and ... " Yanli entered " After that I'll tell the rest, one day after the fight with my father I decided to stand on my own and start a business, when I opened the restaurant Yibo always missed the chance to come here, he just couldn't come to meet me, he had always troubled me with his thoughts, complaints of him came to me everyday, I decided to stop having conversation with him altogether and when he finally came to meet me I stopped him to entre the restaurant grounds, I told him he should only enter this place once I see a character change in him and finally have that one person he would imagine his rest of his life with " 

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