Chapter 3

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It was Xiao zhan's first day at work, finally he had a job worth working and spending time, which had a good salary as well.

Xiao zhan sighed looking at the computer, though he didn't get the job in an usual way he still felt guilty for what he had done. He thought he had to set example to his younger brother but he felt like he had failed. He was lost in this thoughts and that's when a he felt a hand in his shoulder, he starled but then recollected himself and got up.

Good morning, you must be new.
A guy with a sweet smile stood in front of him.

Xiao zhan smiled as well and spoke back.
Yes sir, my name is Xiao Zhan.

Nice to meet you Xiao zhan, I'm the section head here, my name is Zhang Yuvan.
The guy introduced himself to Xiao zhan and smiled again.

Nice to meet too you sir, I hope you can take care of me.
Xiao Zhan bowed at him in respect, while he held his arm.

With a smirk Yuvan looked at him.
Oh I will take care.

Yuvan walked away, with his hands at his back, while Xiao zhan sat back in his chair looking at the documents in front of him.


Someone is really excited for today.

Yibo And Weijun had finished their last class for today, both of them were out for lunch when Yibo stopped by to get something from the medical store.

Yibo smirked and shook his head.
It's not what you think, just some headache tablets and morever I have plenty of those with me in my house.

Weijun knew that Yibo was telling the truth, it's not like Yibo liked spending endless night with different partners, he loved it. But as long as Weijun knew Yibo he wasn't always so.

Weijun shook his head and walked along Yibo, as they both had gone to the noodle house to have their lunch.

What would you like to order?
Yibo asked Weijun looking at the menu.

As usual.
Weijun answered back looking at his phone.

Yibo laughed at Weijun's reply, he had the same old bland noodle soup with meatballs since he can't eat spicy food, while Yibo laughed and ordered the food, Weijun looked at his friend.

Why did you laugh, you know I can't eat spicy food.
Weijun hit Yibo's arm with his phone.

While Yibo moves back to avoid the hit, he still had got his anyway.

Maybe you can add a little spice, isn't it really boring to have the same old stuff all the time.

Weijun smirked at Yibo and then looked back at his phone.

Who said I don't have spice in my life, I do get spiced with my man all the time.

Yibo laughed at Weijun's answer, it was true that he had an amazing person as his lover, the junior who had begged and asked him to be his boyfriend after many months of following around him. Finally Weijun had to give in since he knew he had also fallen for him. Yibo was envious of that fact since it is really hard to find love, one which didn't involve someone staying with him for his money and fame.

True that you were lucky to find such love.

Jealous are we?
Weijun grinned at Yibo.

While Yibo slapped Weijun's hand.
Jealous my ass!

Both the men laughrd at the comment and began to eat their lunch.


Xiao zhan was exhausted after working for such a long time,  though it was his first day in the new office he had lot of work and lot of documents to over check. He was tired and exhausted already and could barely move.

He rested his head on the table to take a small break and that's when his phone vibrated, he looked at it and he had got a message from his brother that he had finished the dinner and was in the bed already. He smiled replying an okay and then checked the time.

He panicked seeing the time since it was 8:00 P.M and Yibo would be there any minute. He immediately took his belongings and got up to make a run for the elevator.

On the other hand Yibo had come there earlier and waited for Xiao zhan to come down. He would have called him, but what's the fun in that right? He was as usual in his cold expression looking around him and then back at his phone.

Hey baby! Are we alone tonight?

Yibo looked up from his phone, hearing a girls voice calling him. He grined looking at the girl and looked back at his phone but minding the girl.

We both know from the two of us who is actually alone tonight.

The girl was really angry and walked away stomping her feat in the ground. Yibo grined at her expression and was satisfied with what she had got. Just then he heard someone call him again, but this time the voice sounded silly and familiar.

Xiao zhan came running to Yibo fearing he would get mad for him being late. On the other hand Yibo sighed at Xiao zhan.

Xiao zhan stopped in front of Yibo trying to catch his breath and panting for air. Yibo looked at Xiao from top to bottom and then sighed again. He ruffled his wallet and then called Xiao zhan.

Here! Take this.

Xiao zhan looked up at Yibo to see a black card almost shoved at his face. Immediately his expression changed to see the black debit card and he started to get panic.

Why are you giving me this?
Xiao zhan questioned making Yibo confused, usually girls or guys too, would take it without asking any questions. But the silly little Xiao zhan had a question that made Yibo to be shocked.

You are my sugar baby right and any property of mine should wear good clothes as well.

Xiao zhan was confused with the statement given by Yibo.

What does that have to do anything with me being your sugar baby, I'm not your property and moreover you asked me to be your sugar baby just by who I was right, why do I have to change myself now.

Xiao zhan was seriously asking question making Yibo get shocked more and more.

Normally others would pounce on the card at first sight, but....

I'm not like others, now let's go, I'm hungry as well, as soon as your work with me is done, I have to get dinner.
Xiao zhan said opening the car door.

Yibo looked like he would be getting heartattack any moment since no one had ever behaved like Xiao zhan, for him Xiao zhan looked like an alien. He shook his head and went inside the car closing it starting his engine.

He was back to his cold expression and evil smirk as he spoke back.

The "work" with me is not something that would be finished in no time, maybe you should have dinner at first.

Yibo came close to Xiao zhan's ear and whispered in a low tone.
You do need the energy tonight.

Yibo smirked as he began to drive leaving Xiao zhan dam his red embarrassed face, all he could think was what could be happening with Yibo tonight. It seemed like he not longer was hungry and may have lost the appetite.


To be continued.....

Hey guys author here, sorry for the late update, I'll try to be more regular.

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