Chapter 16

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Zhan whimpered in pain as he tried to call the person standing in front of him, "Haoxuan, help me " Haoxuan shook his head as he pushed the other two guy away, they ran cursing at him as he helped Zhan to get up, he looked at Zhan's torn clothes and removed his jacket wrapping it around him. Zhan smiled weekly as he pulled the oversized jacket over him tightly.

" Thank you Haoxuan " Zhan smiled again holding his hand, while Haoxuan smiled taking his hand as they walked back to his car, " No need to thank, tell me your address and I'll drop you home " Zhan nods his head as he tried to open the car door.


At the other end Yibo's eyes had fallen on the familiar looking guy from his university, he drove his car close by him, " What are you doing out at this late night ? " The boy got startled but he calm down once he saw his seniors face. " Senior Yibo, I was hungry and thought I'll buy some Instant Noodles ~ " Yibo looked at him top to bottom, boy was he so in the mood to play with the boy in front of him " You know what Liwei, get in the car let me drop you "

The boy smiled for the offer " It's okay Yibo-ge, I'll walk back to my apartment, its nearby " Yibo smirked " I can't let a cute guy walk alone at night " the boy blushed at his comment and thanked Yibo getting in the car. Yibo drove with a grin on his face and that's when he saw a guy looking similar to Zhan getting inside someone's car, Yibo squinted his eyes to see if what he saw was true or not. As he squinted his eyes again he did confirm it was Zhan getting inside Haoxuan's car. Yibo was really angry at Haoxuan troubling Zhan again, he stopped the car and opened the door, and a threw a fist at Haoxuan who fell down due to the force of being hit by Yibo. Zhan stood there baffled and stunned of what was happening, he then kneeled beside to see if Haoxuan was okay.

" Haoxuan are you okay? Did you get hurt ? " Zhan was checking his face if he had any bruise, Yibo became more angry by Zhan's action as he pulled him up by his arm, Zhan whimpered in pain, " What the hell are you doing ?" Yibo asked Zhan in anger. " I should ask you the same, what the hell is wrong with you? Why did you hit him ? "

" He was trying to force you right ? " Yibo said looking at Zhan, to which Haoxuan laughed, Zhan made a confused face as he pushed Yibo back a bit, " Are you mad?! He saved me from getting raped, unlike you who would have done nothing " Yibo's anger climbed real high as he slapped Zhan, Haoxuan got up hitting Yibo on the face, " You're drunk go back home Yibo ".

Haoxuan held Zhan as he opened the car door for him to get inside, he was in tears due to the slap by Yibo as he did not want to look at him, Yibo slowly got up as Haoxuan drove Zhan home. Yibo dusted off his shirt and went back to his car, he still had the boy in the car but he was pissed of what had happened.


Haoxuan drove Zhan home as they reached his house in few minutes, Xihan was still sleeping hence Zhan used his key to open the door, Haoxuan helped him walk to his room while Zhan went to his bathroom to refresh.

Time skip....

Zhan took a shower and wiped his hair dry, he saw Haoxuan sitting on the couch and sat at the chair opposite to him " Thank you so much for today " Haoxuan smiled at Zhan's statement " It's alright, anybody in my place would have helped you " Zhan smiled nodding his head as he finished drying his hair, he walked over to his fridge and opened the door turning back looking at Haoxuan " Do you want anything to drink ? " Haoxuan got up " No thanks, I got to go now, I'll see you next time " Zhan held his hand as he knew a simple thanks wasn't enough for the help he had done for him.

" Come on how else can I thank you then ? " Zhan pouted, Haoxuan laughed as he ruffled Zhan's hair " Okay then, if you are still up for thanking me, have  lunch with me " Zhan smiled as it seemed like a good idea as well, maybe he could pay for the lunch as a thanks. " Where would we have lunch ? " Haoxuan thought about it and walked out of the door " I'll text you the address tomorrow " Zhan nodded his head and with a smile on his face he closed the door.


The next morning.....

Zhan had stayed all night to finish his report he had very little sleep, but he would compensate it by finishing his work earlier today. He was earlier then his usual time since the senior from work had asked him to submit the file before he is in the office. Since Xihan had no college due to his semester exams he was still asleep hence he decided to look the door behind. He stepped out of his apartment and saw a familiar looking car parked in front of his building. He rolled his eyes as he walked fast trying to avoid the driver of the car.

" Wait " A calm yet commanding voice was heard by Zhan making him turn back, he saw the window rolling down as Yibo stepped out of his car. " Why are you running ? " Yibo asked confused " Seriously you are asking me that, maybe you should ask  ' Who are you running from ' then I would have answered you "

Yibo sighed as he held Zhan's hand, since his grip was tight Zhan tried to wriggle his hand out but his fight was in vain " Let me go ! " Zhan said in a high pitch, Yibo dragged him to his car pushing him inside it " No " He drove the car .

" Let me go, you still think I'll be doing this after what you did last night " Zhan said in anger " I was drunk I'm sorry " Yibo had unknowingly apologized as he stopped mid sentence.

Zhan was taken back as he never had heard him apologize, he lowered his voice yet maintaining the stern tone " That doesn't give you the right to slap me or push the one who helped me " 

Yibo stooped the car as he looked at Zhan " I thought he was trying to do something bad, promise me you won't see him again " Yibo had an intense look on his face, Zhan feared a little but he still had to make him know where his boundaries lay " What I do with my life is non of your concern isn't that what we agreed on ? " Zhan pointed out to the agreement they had made together.

Yibo sighed rolling his eyes "I'm good with anyone, except him, just promise me " Zhan sighed as he was getting late and had no mood to argue " Fine, whatever " Zhan said slumping back on the car seat as he looked outside the window, Yibo drove Zhan to office.

They had reached the place in no time, as Zhan got down the car he was stopped by Yibo calling him " And remember, if you break the promise there ends our agreement " to which Zhan smirked " If it ends I'm not the one at loss " Yibo started his engine as he grinned " You will be because if it ends, there ends your future in the company and did I mention you'll be blacklisted and wont get a job anywhere else" 

Zhan was angry at his statement " This is not right ! " Yibo maintained the grin in his face " Right or wrong solely depends on how you behave ......" He rolled up the window as he winked at Zhan " My sugar baby "

He drove the car off leaving a baffled Zhan stand by in front of the building, thinking whether he was still making the right choice or not.


To Be Continued....

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