Chapter 37

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Zhan laid down on the bed while Yibo got up, Zhan held Yibo's wrist " Don't leave me alone tonight ~ " Zhan pleaded, he was afraid after what he had witnessed today, Yibo didn't say any further words and climbed over the bed making Zhan rest his head on his chest " I'll be here for you ~ " Zhan nodded and rest his head over Yibo's chest, he huffed some air out and closed his eyes, while Yibo softly caressed his hair making him sleep.

The next morning ...

Yibo woke up before Zhan and decided he would prepare breakfast, it wasn't like he knew how to cook, but he decided to make something. He tip toed to the kitchen so that he wouldn't wake anyone up but that didn't last long when he had hit his leg on the couch " The hell ! " he said rubbing his knee which was followed by a loud sound of laughter which echoed through the room, Yibo turned around to see who it was as he saw Xihan was standing by the kitchen counter already " Good morning Yibo-ge ~ " he said in a soft tone, trying to control his laughter at the baffled looking Yibo.

Yibo sighed, but he laughed as well as he di look funny that situation " Good morning Xihan ~ " he said walking towards him, " You are up early Yibo-ge .. " Xihan laughed as he came close to Yibo to whisper in his ears " Are you making breakfast for Zhan-ge ? " he asked snickering a laugh, Yibo laughed " Am I that obvious ?  " Yibo said walking to the fridge, Xihan nodded his head " Well I can see you being whipped for him at the maximum level, so in your attempts to impress my gege, I'll help you make breakfast " Yibo laughed nodding his head.

But Yibo wasn't sure why Xihan had always been nice to him even when he hurt Zhan in the past, he made a confused expression thinking about it which Xihan noticed " What are you thinking about Yibo-ge ? " Xihan asked in a curious tone. Yibo took a deep breathe as he looked at Xihan placing the ingredients on the table that he had taken from the fridge to make breakfast. " Why are you so kind to me even when you know what I did with Zhan at the past ? "

Xihan bit his lower lip as he took the big bowl to beat the eggs " I know you did some pretty bad thing with Zhan-ge and I hated you very much for that, I even said to Weijun-ge how much I hated you to the point I wanted to punch you on the face, but I also secretly hopped that you and Zhan-ge got together, It was not because I liked you or not, but I could see changes in Zhan-ge, even though he was getting hurt in the process, he was getting mature as well, he got to live different types of reality by being by your side ... " Yibo narrowed his eyebrows " So, you did all this just to make you ge mature ? ".

Xihan shook his head " No, at first  I thought about this, but when I saw how much you had made changes on your personality because of Zhan-ge, I knew you needed him, actually you both needed each other .. " Xihan smiled beating the eggs to start preparing for breakfast. But Yibo made a confused expression once again as he couldn't understand what Xihan meant " What do you mean ? " Xihan sighed " It was as though, I know it might sound cheesy, but it was as though, you both were one soul in two bodies, by some unknown force you both were kept pushed against each other, it was though you both needed each other to understand what the world really is. You need love which is what you lack but you have maturity about world and Zhan-ge has lot of love to give, but he's too innocent about the world ".

Xihan smiled cooking the breakfast, while Yibo smiled for what Xihan said, it was as though everyone around them knew about Yibo and Zhan, everyone but themselves and when Xihan had pointed out Yibo then realized hw true his words were and how deep his love for Zhan had become, but to him he didn't know when and how he had fallen deep for Zhan, but all he knew was he had fallen and didn't have any desire to get back up. Yibo laughed as he joined Xihan in making the breakfast for Zhan and all of them. Just as they were finishing Zhan had woken up.

" Good morning ~ " he said in a soft tone, rubbing his eyes, he was still half asleep as he walked to the dinner table dragging himself. Yibo looked at Zhan and smiled " Good morning ~ " he walked over to Zhan to help him sit down placing a glass of water for him to drink " What more should I get you my sugar baby ? ~ " Yibo smiled calling Zhan's former title of Sugar baby. Zhan rolled his eyes by the way Yibo had called him, he still was getting used to this side of Yibo and honestly it was tiring for him. Meanwhile Xihan coughed, grabbing both Zhan and Yibo's attention " Uhhh ! Excuse me ! Hello, don't make me puke on an empty stomach with all this romance this early in the morning " 

He laughed sitting down, while Zhan mad an embarrassed face as Yibo laughed " Fine, I'll do it in private " Yibo joked but Zhan immediately hit him on the arm making Xihan laugh even more. Back to his serious expression Xihan looked at Zhan while taking a spoonful of the food he had made " Gege ~ What's your next move now ? I'm pretty sure you won't be working for Haoxuan anymore ! " Zhan nodded his head " Yes I won't be working for him but I really have no idea what I would next " Zhan sighed and Xihan sighed along with him.

Yibo thought for sometimes and smiled looking at both Xihan and Zhan " Well I have an idea, how about you work for Wang publications once again ? " he said in an excited tone, making Xihan happy as well, but Zhan sighed " See... " but even before Zhan could say anything Yibo held both of Zhan's hands in his hands and looked at him in a loving way " I know I have done nothing but make you hurt in the past, but this time I really am willing to do anything just to have your trust on me, I won't force you to love me, but I would do anything to make you show and prove that my love for you is genuine ".

Zhan and Yibo looked at each other, eyes becoming one, without breaking eye contact, it was as though Zhan was trying to read Yibo's soul through his eyes, while Yibo was trying to reflect his love for Zhan though his eyes. Zhan took a deep breathe and freed his hands from Yibo's grip as he went back to eating his breakfast, Yibo looked ta him confused as he was about to ask him what his answer was, Zhan spoke " One chance ! Just one chance, that's all I'll give you " Yibo was happy as he couldn't contain it he kissed Zhan's cheeks " You ... " Zhan looked at him surprised as he was about to scold him, he looked at how happy Yibo was being so he let it slide and the anger in his face was immediately replaced was by a smile on his lips. 

Xihan who was watching all the drama, coughed once again getting both the men attention " Again ! I'm still here ! " he laughed, while Zhan and Yibo laughed at his comment. The three of them continued to eat their breakfast, just enjoying their life being peaceful at the moment.


To Be Continued ...

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