Chapter 18

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Zhan took his bag and his phone and walked towards the elevator, the doors where open to reveal a giant old man, Zhan squinted his eyes to get a close look at the guy who was oddly similar to Yibo, Zhan shrugged his shoulder thinking it maybe his thoughts and walked inside the elevator. Zhan looked at his phone to see whether he had any messages, but he sighed as he saw no new messages.

The elevator door opened at the ground floor as he saw Yuyan scrolling down her phone waiting for Zhan, he smiled at her as he walked towards her " Yuyu ~ " Zhan called her name in a soft tone, while she looked up from her phone with a smile as well " Anan ~ Shall we go now ? " Zhan nods his head as they both exit the building.

" I've known you for a long time and something tells me that you're either upset or thinking about something "  Yuyan said as she looked at a dazed looking Zhan, Zhan immediately snapped out of the trance and looked at her " Nothing, it's some work related stuff " Yuyan shook her head " It's okay if you don't want to tell it to me, you don't have to lie to me "

Zhan laughed as he well knew Yuyan was smarter than any average person, " I forgot who I was talking to ~ " Yuyan made a proud face as she stood in front of Zhan " Now that you remember, would you care to tell what's going on in your mind ? "

Zhan sighed as he walked slowly to match Yuyan's pace " The thing is ... There is this guy, who ummmm..... Has been annoying me for real " Yuyan thought about who the guy must be " Is it the guy Xihan was talking about ? " Zhan looked at her with a stressed expression " Yeah, Yibo "

" So what has been he doing to you? " Yuyan asked Zhan as he looked stressed " Nothing ! Just annoying me " " Are you sure that's the only thing he has been doing ? " Zhan didn't want to feel judged by Yuyan telling the fact on what kind of relationship he had with Yibo, he smiled at her  " It's nothing, let's get going fast, you still walk to the speed of turtle ", as soon as Zhan said it Yuyan hit him in the arm and walked a bit faster to the supermarket.


Yibo walked down the familiar street smiling to himself, he would walk with mother holding her hand and swinging back and forth, all those memories of his mother, he didn't have many but he did have few which he cherished, even before he could make anymore memories with his mother she had died leaving him alone. His sister was the only one who took care of him like his mother, but that was the thing she wasn't his mother. But at least she was way better than his father. He sighed as he walked by the familiar shops and    waved at the vendors who waved back at him.

Since he grew up around the place he knew a lot about it, that being said whenever Yibo was sad or missing his mother he would always come to this small shabby looking restaurant, it wasn't pretty or that clean yet Yibo always found himself coming back to the place since his mother would always bring him here, because as per her this place had the best dumplings all over the China. Since the owner knew Yibo from his childhood, he brought his order.

" Uncle two sets to go " Yibo said ordering two more for Weijun and Cheng. The uncle smiled " Ah girlfriend ? "  Yibo laughed as he began to eat " You wish ".

After a while Yibo finished eating and pays for the bill, he then remembered that, they were out of beer, hence he stopped by the supermarket to get a case of beer. He was looking at the racks to see if Weijun's favorite ones were available, but the eyes fell over a girl and the guy with, he walked over to them as he knew for sure who the guy was.

" Zhan? " Yibo called the guy in front of him as Zhan turned back. " Yibo ! What are you doing here ? " he asked nervously as he thought Yibo had followed him or something. Yibo showed him his beer case " Came here to get these, what are you doing here ? " asked Yibo to Zhan while looking at the girl next to him. Zhan noticed where Yibo was looking at.

" Oh I'm here for grocery shopping and this is my friend Yuyan and Yuyan this is Yibo he's a student from our university " Yuyan smiled as Yibo smiled bowing to his senior. Yuyan could guess some sort of tension in between them, mainly at Yibo, so she smirked, pulling Zhan at a side hug " Actually best friend "

Yibo starred at Zhan, while Zhan nervously removed the hand around him " Yeah best friend ". Yuyan grinned evilly as the situation in between them was kind of suspicious." Have you done shopping ? " asked Yuyan pointing to Yibo, " umm... I have two or three more things to buy "

" What are those? " Yuyan asked knowing well Yibo was faking it, while Zhan nudged her " Yuyu ~ stop asking questions, Yibo you can go shop now, I'm almost done anyway " Yuyan smiled " Oh I'm done as well, I think we should pay for these "

Yibo rolled his eyes " I'm done as well " Zhan was confused " But you said... "
" I'm done "  said Yibo walking past them both as he stood by the counter. Zhan shrugged " Aiyoo this boy ... Let's go Yuyu, I'll pay for us " Zhan walked along with Yuyan as they stood at the counter in which Yibo was already paying for his things.

Yibo had finished paying, as he was putting his things in the bag, Zhan pushed his and Yuyan's things over the counter as he ruffled his pocket for the wallet " I'll pay for you " said Yibo pulling at the cashier.

Zhan held his hand but took it back as he felt embarrassed " No need Yibo... I'll " , " I said I'll pay " Yibo gave his card, to which Yuyan smirked again " Ooooo,  Gold card ! Pay for me as well will you ? " Yuyan said for which Zhan widened his eyes nudging Yuyan, while Yibo rolled his eyes sighing " Paying for both " .

After they were done paying, Zhan and Yuyan checked their bags if everything was there in their bag, while Yibo stood with a hand in his pocket as he bend down to Zhan's ears, whispering " You know that wasn't free right ? I'll see you tomorrow night " Yibo walked waving goodbye as Zhan gulped loudly. Yuyan was watching them the whole time but didn't know what was happening " Oii Zhan what's happening ? " Yuyan asked a horrified looking Zhan, Zhan turned his face to Yuyan as he smiled awkwardly " He, umm.... Was saying no need to thank me for paying "  Yuyan shook her head but she had made a poker face " Oii Zhan you think I'm dense ? I can't put my finger on it but there's something going on between you two, well I guess time will tell the tale " she walked while Zhan walked behind her slowly.

After a while....

Zhan had reached home, as he put the grocery bag at the counter and his bad at the dinner table. He rested his head as he was really tired. That's when he got a phone call. At first he didn't pick it up, but it was ringing again and again, he sighed as he picked his phone, but turns out it was Yibo.

" Hello " 

" Wear something good for tomorrow " 

" Tomorrow is no good for me, I'm... "

" I'll pay for your tuxedo and I'll pick you up "

"But... "

" No more questions, do as I say "

Zhan rolled his eyes as he had no strength to argue and he knew very well he won't win against Yibo " Fine.... but don't force.... "

The call ended before he could say anything more.

" Aiyooo... This boy makes me want to hit my head against the wall, what does he want now ? " Zhan sighed as he rested his head back on the table.


( A/N: Aiyooo is a Chinese expression equivalent to Aigoooo of Korean basically letting out your frustration )

So what do you think Yibo wants this time ? 

( From here on we have whole lot of drama so buckle up and read the book from beginning if you're a new reader, votes and comments would be appreciated as well as following me would encourage me, its up to you though )

To Be Continued ...

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