Chapter 19

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" But.. "


A day ago ....

" I don't have any interest to see you, leave me alone ",  " YIBO ! is this a way your talk to your father ?! " Yibo rolled his eyes as he sat on the couch, while his father began to yell at him.

" And why didn't you tell me that you were going to be at Weijun's house "  Weijun who was in the kitchen listening to all this didn't want to get involved in this until and unless Yibo would seem to need him, he knew Yibo had a very terrible relationship with his father which was not very easy to mend as the two men were equally stubborn.

" Since when did you start to care about me, I said what I said, I'm not interested to see go to your stupid event, now you may leave " Yibo said as he got to leave the place, his father instantly held his shirt and pulled him, for which Weijun ran and stood in between Yibo's dad and Yibo. " Uncle don't worry I'll make sure Yibo attends the party today "

Yibo's dad let go of Yibo's shirt and straighten his coat " Just because your slave said I'm letting you go, make sure you be at the event today " Weijun became dishearten as Yibo's dad always called him that, Yibo's anger rose up again " Not everyone without money is your slave dad, slave's are the one who sugar tongue to take your money, like that woman you have, Weijun is my best friend " Yibo side hugged him as his dad stared at his in anger, Weijun tried to smile seeing Yibo but Yibo knew that the smile on his face was fake.

Yibo's dad left the place, shutting the door behind with a loud bang. Yibo sat on the couch "I'm not going and you can't compel me  ! " Yibo said looking at Weijun " Yibo if you don't go you dad will be more angry at you " Weijun sighed as he sat beside him " You should go, at least for your sister " 

Yibo knew that his father would start bothering his sister if he wasn't there, so he had to be there for at least, but the problem was Weijun wouldn't be avilable since he had to meet his grandmother, " If you're thinking of who to take, I think you should take your boyfriend " Weijun suggested as he laughed.

" He's not my boyfriend and moreover it was part of the deal that we won't ask each other for date and stuff" Yibo explained making Weijun laugh " Okay not boyfriend, umm.....Just acquaintance and moreover its not like that would be date, since he's your sugar baby and all you could make it like a business deal or something like that "

Yibo thought about it and Weijun's idea was not bad he actually was making sense, he grabbed his phone and called Zhan.


The next day Yibo went out to buy a fancy looking suit for Zhan, he did promise him that h would buy him a suit and pick him up from his apartment, he had never done this kinds of stuff to anyone, but he also didn't know why he was doing it. He looked at a suit which he thought would look good on him. He asked the shops manager to deliver the suit to Zhan's apartment to which they agreed.

Yibo had gone back to his penthouse as he had to make couple of calls before he would step into thee hell of the event. He wanted to make sure he won't be getting pissed by his father again.


Zhan was in his apartment as he didn't go to his work that day, Yibo had called him early morning asking him not to work as they would be leaving anytime this afternoon. Zhan sighed as he had nothing to do, he had already completed all his work and even Xihan was not there to talk with him. He looked around the house and rubbed his fingers at the top of the dinning table. While he did so, he saw dust particles over it, so he decided that he would clean the place.

He wore his cap so that his hair won't get dirty, he took his apron tying it around him, while took the brush and started to clean at once. As he began to clean he heard his door bell ring, he sighed getting down from the chair, as he walked over to his door to open it. As soon as he opened the door he heard someone laugh " What's with the old lady costume ? "

Zhan puffed his cheeks " I'm cleaning, what's up? why have you come here Haoxuan ? " Haoxuan laughed again at Zhan's puffed cheeks " Just came by to know how you are doing ? " Zhan smiled

" Come in ~ " haoxuan came in as he sat by the couch, " I'm doing good, how are you ? " Zhan asked as he sat at the couch opposite to Haoxuan. " I'm doing good as well, should I help ? " he asked pointing at the place. 

" Ah~ No need I can clean it by myself " Zhan said as he got up to clean " Come on I'm free and two can finish the job faster " Haoxuan smiled as Zhan thought about it " Are you sure ? " Haoxuan nods his head as he took another cleaning cloth to start cleaning the table and the window, while Zhan dusted off the old books and the ceiling.

Time skip....

After two hours of cleaning, Zhan and Haoxuan sat down in the couch as they were tired but mostly hungry. Zhan was too lazy to cook anything yet his stomach kept growling, he rubbed his hands over his stomach as his hunger was increasing. Haoxuan looked at him and then at his hands and smiled to himself. " Where are the pack of noodles ? " Haoxuan asked at the hunger stricken Zhan. Zhan replied in a low voice " At the top shelf ", it then hit him why would he ask that, as he got up immediately " Why did you ask the noodles for ? " 

" Of course to cook them dumbo " Haoxuan said cutting the packet, Zhan stood beside him
" Aii, No you're the guest, I'm supposed to do this " Haoxuan made Zhan sit by the counter as he went back to the stove " You just stay there, I'll make them and bring them over to you ". Zhan was waiting ass he saw Haoxuan cook, except burning his fingers once or twice, he did look handsome. 

Dude you're not gay ! Stop having gay thoughts !
Zhan was speaking to himself as he was self lost in trying to convince himself that he's not gay, he didn't  Haoxuan call him, he ended up shaking him to get his attention. " Zhan ! " and that's when he came back to his senses as he looked at the bowl of noodles in front of him. " Thank you ~ " Zhan smile taking his chopsticks so did Haoxuan " No problem "


It was evening and Haoxuan had already left, Zhan was hurrying up to get ready as Yibo had called him to get ready as he would be arriving in a half and hour. After a final touch Zhan looked himself at the mirror as he wore his Overcoat. He had his hair slicked back, black tuxedo with black silk like shirt. He looked stunning with his whole attire, Zhan looked at him proudly as he knew he had done a good job for the first time he felt as though Yibo had spent his money on something Zhan thought be interesting as well.

Which made him wonder what was the reason behind this, usually he would have thought that Yibo was asking him for a date, but when Yibo clearly said ' I don't do dates ' made him think for other possibilities. But his thoughts were disturbed as his phone rang, he looked at the number and it was Yibo.

He took his phone as he walked down the stairs, Yibo was already out of the car leaning against the car door looking at his phone. He wore a dark blue suit paired up with a white shirt and a red tie. Which hugged his frame pretty well, with hair slicked back as well his long hair with slicked back look perfect. 

Man I tell you again you are not gay, so stop admiring guys!

 Yibo looked up as he saw Zhan walk towards him, he looked handsome in his suit as his figure looked even more highlighting and attractive in the suit. He shook of his thoughts, " Get in " he said to Zhan as he got in the car. " So.....Where we going ? " asked Zhan as soon as he got in and strapped his seatbelts.

" You'll see ! " without any other words Yibo drove off to the party.


To Be Continued ...

So what do you think must have happened in the party ?

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