Chapter 13

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Yuyan?! Zhan was shocked to the familiar face of the lady who had got the cab along with her, even the women herself was shocked, like it was a destiny for them to meet again. 

Anan~ The women hugged Zhan as he hugged her back, that's when they reliased that they had a cab waiting for them and they both decided to get in the cab and continue talking, after getting in the cab Yuyan said her address to the driver and the car started. Both Zhan and the women turned towards each other smiling at each other.

How are you doing? It's been a long time right?! Zhan asked Yuyan, as she tugged the hair behind her ears, smiling at Zhan.

I'm doing good and yes it's been a long time, how are you doing ? Yuyan asked Zhan still smiling at him.

I'm doing great, got a job in publishing, I'm just happy that I don't have a due date to pay my rent since I pay them in advance, Xihan is happy and so am I. Since Yuyan was Zhan's best friend for a long time she knew how many problems Zhan faced financially and mentally as well, she smiled to hear those words coming from Zhan.

I'm happy for you Anan~ It was her way of calling Zhan since they have been friends from childhood, she always had called him so and didn't bother to stop calling him Anan anywhere and anytime. You look fabulous, she commented nudging her shoulder to Zhan's shoulder.

Zhan laughed and repeated her action to her, You look the same Yuyu, Beautiful and gorgeous  ~ 

Both the friends fell in fits of laughter and that's when Zhan's eyes darted out of the window, he had reached the destination and it was time for him to go, he pouted as he took his phone out. I have to go now, but give me your number! I lost it.

Yuyan nodded as she typed in her number, Zhan gave her a call ending the call to notify her that it was his number, We should get together and talk more one day.

Yuyan smiled, Oh yeah we should! I'll call to let you know.

Zhan nodded his head as he got down the cab paying the driver, the cab started and he waved Yuyan goodbye.


Ruffling under the covers Yibo woke up to the sunlight hitting his face at the early morning, he rolled over and found other half of the bed empty. He knew Zhan had left for work, he checked the time in his phone and got up to get ready to go to University.

After a thirty minutes....

Yibo had freshen up and left for University. He had morning classes since he had his upcoming semester exam, though he looked like a total douche at times, he was a really great student, always had the spot at the top three in the academics, the funny thing was he wasn't really concentrating much in his classes, all he had was Weijun who always forced him for group studies. He reached the university in no time and Weijun was waiting for him at the parking lot.

He parked his car, taking his bag he stepped out of the car, seeing Weijun he walked in his direction. You're late! Weijun said crossing his arms to his chest as he walked along Yibo.

Yibo sighed since his usual morning routine had started, he shook his head, I had a rough night. Yibo said casually not looking at Weijun. Weijun stopped him since he was shocked.

Wait don't tell me you... Weijun knew what he meant, but he wanted to hear from him.

Yeah, but I used very light BDSM since I figured it would his first time. Yibo shrugged his shoulder.

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