Chapter 21

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" Want a lift ? " Haoxuan smiled rolling the window down as Zhan stood there tears blinding his eyes. Without any further words Zhan got in the car, Haoxuan smiled in an assuring way, Zhan smiled back looking away from him to wipe his tears.

" You know what would cheer you ? " Haoxuan asked, Zhan looked at him as his eyes fell on the rear mirror." Huh ? " Zhan asked as he didn't hear what Haoxuan said. " I asked, you know what would cheer you ? " Zhan shook his head as he didn't have any idea what Haoxuan meant " Eating a good dinner " he smiled again, but Zhan was in no mood for a dinner and certainly not today, but before he could say anything Haoxuan spoke again " And you shouldn't say no, remember you promised to have dinner with me ~ "

Zhan sighed as he did make a promise to have dinner with him " Fine " Zhan said as he rested his head back to close his eyes for a few minutes. " That's great " Haoxuan drove the car faster to the restaurant he first wanted to have lunch with Zhan. And in no amount of time Haoxuan had drove to the place. He was looking for a place to park and Zhan looked at the restaurant in front of him. It was a big, lavish and luxuries restaurant. He sighed again looking at the place.

" Why do this rich people have to always eat at expensive places, why can't they choose normal place for once " he mumbled to himself as Haoxuan opened the car door for him. He waited till Zhan was out as he held his hand, Zhan pulled his hand back at once as it felt awkward for him, but then again Haoxuan smiled " I take it as  you don't like skinship huh ? ", Zhan nods his had.

Haoxuan smiled as he walked slow to match Zhan's pace, Zhan honestly wasn't in a mood to eat though as he was dead tired as well, but then again he didn't want to be rude so he put a faint smile on his face and walked along with him.


" Yibo ~ Don't you think lying to someone is wrong ? " Yanli was talking to Yibo, more like advising after the fight at the event, she had come to know everything that had happen so far with Yibo and Zhan but the only thing she didn't know was how Zhan looked like. 

" Don't you hate it when you are being lied to or humiliated in front of everyone ? " , Yibo sighed as he sat straight " But jie ~ I didn't humiliate him, baba did ! I didn't lie to him, I just hid the truth of my real identity just to see if he listened to me because of my name and fame or just because he wanted to ?! " Yibo stated. 

Yanli sighed " Yibo, it doesn't matter if your humiliated or baba did, the bottom line is he came with you  and any guest of you, if they are embarrassed or humiliated at place in which they accompanied you then the blames on you and imagine how would he have felt knowing the fact that your kept hidden from him about your real identity, he must have thought that you have taken him for a fool " . 

" Yibo with age comes maturity and you're old enough to understand that not everyone in this world is after you for money or would leave you or cheat on you, If you can trust Weijun enough to put your faith on him, then I think you would have no problem judging whether you can trust others or not " Yanli advised to which Yibo sat there listening to her with his head down, deep in him he did know he was wrong as well but he had hard time accepting it.

" I have to go now, take care " Yanli patted his shoulder as she had to leave because she had a flight to catch. Yibo stood along with her, while he closed the door behind when she left. He sighed as his thoughts were stuck on the words said by Zhan. 


Haoxuan had dropped Zhan home already. Zhan who went straight to his bed room was in no mood to talk to anyone including his brother. Xihan had sensed the dense atmosphere that Zahn had around him and he knew something was wrong. He stood outside Zhan's room as he knocked gently. " Ge ~ everything alright ? " Zhan hummed, Xihan sighed as he knew something was wrong but he decided to let his brother go for now as he knew he needed his privacy.

On the other hand, Zhan lie on the bed as he looked at the ceiling and sighed. He took his phone out and called Yibo.

" Hello "

" Listen ... "

" No! today it's your turn to listen "

" .... "

" As per the contract you and me put forward you had violated many rules and moreover it was also stated that I can quit whenever I want to, so that being said, I no longer want to be part of this Sugar baby and Daddy relationship "

" I can understand "

" And I longer want to work under ' Your ' company "

" No you can have the job " 

" No I don't want to and this is the last phone call I'll make so don't try to contact me here on "

Zhan ended the call without any further  words, he was jobless and tired and mostly he was back to square one.


At the other end, Yibo had ended the call and his relationship of Sugar baby and daddy with Zhan. It was something which he did often but this time he wasn't the one to end it and it felt heavy in his heart like a guilt creeping in him as though he had committed a crime.

It felt different this time as he felt he wasn't in the power when the thing had ended. He closed his eyes as he thought the feelings would pass, but the night passed on to be one turbulent dream filled with Zhan's face along with the advise by his sister. He knew he had more of them coming the next day as he was going to meet Weijun.


To Be Continued ...

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