Chapter 8

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He is not the the section head nor his name is Mr. Zhang! He is Feng Haoxuan! My ex!

Zhan stood between the two men staring at each other he was feeling quite uneasy with a really long and awkward silence.

What are you doing here ? Asked Yibo in a cold tone.

Oh I'm here just to have some fun, moreover I do still have the plans to buy the company's share! Haoxuan said it with an evil grin on his face.

Yibo stiffled a laugh as he knew what he was trying to do,  You're not welcome here! Get your ass out of here.

Haoxuan walked over to Yibo closer to his ear as he whispered in his ear, I see you've become more spicier then we used to date~ I like it.

Do I look like I care! Now off you go. Yibo walked back to his car signalling Zhan to go inside the office.

I see that's the new toy you've got for yourself~ Haoxuan stood crossing his arm to his chest with a smirk plastered to his face, as he saw Yibo turn towards him with quite a cool expression on his face, while Zhan was looking terrified. Haoxuan had a smirk on his face ass he enjoyed expression's given by the men in front of him.

That doesn't concern you. Said Yibo getting in his car, while Zhan was still shocked.

He looks good, maybe i'll play with him too ~

Yibo started his car as he stopped it beside Haoxuan, Well try to if you can~

Yibo drove away the car while Haoxuan still stood there laughing at Yibo. Zhan on the other hand felt like the dice getting rolled bwteen the two mn, he didn't know what was going to happen in future, but all he knew for sure was that, someone was going to get hurt.


Why do you look like you've got into a fight with your lover?

Yibo and Weijun were sitting in the cafe after their morning classes had been over with, Weijun knew something was troubling Yibo since morning as he didn't look normal.

Nothing! Yibo wasn't ready to say anything mainly cause he knew Weijun would go on to leacture him.

You met with Haoxuan right?! Weijun of course would guess what was wrong with Yibo.

Yeah! Yibo sighed.

Why do you care about him? Just let him say whatever he wants too. 

Yibo nodded his head as he scrolled down his phone.

Aren't you meeting Yanli today?

Yes I have to meet Jiejie today, she said she'll be coming straight to my condo but won't stay over.

( A/N: Jiejie means elder/ older sister )

And are you meeting Zhan today?

No, we have an agreement! According to it, we'll meet tomorrow.

Agreement! since when did you started to make agreement? This is unlike you? Do you have a fever or what?

Weijun tested Yibo's temperature jokingly to make him pissed more and Yibo swatted his hands away.

Fine~ I'm just joking, good to see you've been making some improvements in your life.

He laughed again as Yibo got up since he was pissed, Weijun held his wrist immediately not letting him go.

Fine, Fine~ I'm sorry. Weijun hung his hands around Yibo's shoulder as they walked back to their class.


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