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Shiiiiiiittttt !

That was Xiao Zhan waking up from his deep slumber, was usual he's late, well late for what you ask, let's hear him say that.

Shit! Shit! Shit! I can't afford to be late again, I'll miss this job interview as well.

Yeah that's right, he's late, again, for his job interview, it isn't the first time he's been late neither is was his first interview. He seriously needed this job.

Tie! Where's the tie?
He rushed getting dressed and ran out closing the door.

Taxi!! Taxi!!!

Luck wasnt favoring him today as he failed to get taxi, he took a public bus to the interview and he sincerly prayed that he wasnt late.

I'm sorry Mr. Zhan try next time.
The Interviewer handed back Xiao Zhan his file, as usual he smiled bowing his head and took the file.
As he stepped out of the office he shighed, adjusting his collar. He looked around and then at his watch, the time was 11 and he another interview at 4. He sighed walking to the park to sit there till his next interview starts.

Life was getting hard for him after he passed from his College, he thought by the time he finished his college he would land a job, but for some reason he couldn't get any job, any proper job for that matter. He was working at a convenience store and the pay wasnt that good either. He sighed thinking about his life, as he rested his head at the back of the Park's bench he closed his eyes under the shade of the tree.


Prince... My little Prince, wake up.
An old man shook a young man gently from his sleep, the tone of his voice was filled with love and care for the young man.

Dad, let me sleep some more.

Yibo! You gave to go back to your apartment today, you're classes are starting from tomorrow.
Yibo's Dad smiled as his son rolled on the bed, the 22 year old young man was not ready to get up from his sleep, he finally woke up from continues pestering from his father.

His father was happy that he wokeup and he walked out of the room but before he walked out, he peeked in the room once again to see his son did straight on the bed scratching his head and eyes half closed.

I know you don't like coming to the office, but it would a great exposure for what you're going to take up in future, that being said I want you to attend the interview session today and Yibo it's not a request this time it's an order.

The old man walked off from the room closing the door behind. Making Yibo sigh loud.

Damn, when is he going to understand that I don't want to take over his group of industries, Yanli wants it why can't he give it to her.

Yanli is Yibo's elder sister, who has every aspect to lead a successful business. She did dad and master her business degree, but only thing she missed was, she wasn't a boy. As per the old man he wants his son to take over the Wang Group of Industries, while his daughter could take over the family resort that was under Yibo's mothers name.
Mrs. Wang died a long time back and Since then Yibo has gone really quite.

Yibo sighed getting up from his bed, he had to go back to his apartment, though he wanted to stay at the dorms like his friends his father didn't want to make his son to stay in such a place.

Yibo packed his bag and started his car to go to his apartment. Though he hated to go to his father's Company he knew he would have to eventually be there. But he still wasn't sure whether he would be going to today's interview or not.

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