Chapter 23

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" Zhan ! " , Zhan heard his name being called as he turned back to see the familiar face, he was shocked as his tone was that of surprise " Haoxuan ?! " Haoxuan laughed as he was surprised to see Zhan, he did figure out it would be Zhan seeing the name at the resume, but he wanted to be sure of it. " Wow, you're here ? To work for me ? " 

Zhan was surprised as well, he did know Haoxuan came from wealthy background but he had no idea that he would be owning  a company of his own. " Oh I'm sorry Mr.Feng I really didn't know " though Zhan knew who he was that didn't mean he would get to call him by his name in his office. Haoxuan laughed " Zhan don't call me Mr. Feng you can call be by name itself and besides I'm just an acting CEO till my father thinks I'm capable to handle the business". 

Zhan nods his head as Haoxuan grins " I take it as you left your job at the Wang publications
? "
Zhan sighed " yes " , " But this opening is for the secretary, do you want this job ? " Zhan knew the opening was for being secretary, but at this moment he just needed a job to pay his rent and take care of his brother as well " A job is a job, if everyone in this world waits till they get a job of their choice then everyone in this world would be jobless " Haoxuan was impressed on Zhan's answer, he smiled looking at Zhan.

" Make sure to be here at 9 in the morning " Haoxuan said as he stood up to shake Zhan's hand, Zhan smiled as he knew he had got he job, h got and shook Haoxuan's hand so fiercely he laughed at the childish Zhan " My hand might come out if that's how you shook hands with me " Haoxuan joked making Zhan happy.


" Again, You got it wrong again, try solving it using this method " Weijun was teaching Yibo for their upcoming test and somehow Yibo was messing it up again and again " We've been over this topic ten times already, why don't you see to get it, you used to do this well " Weijun asked Yibo who sighed.

Yibo slammed the table with his hand and looked at Weijun " I don't know okay ! I'm dumb, if you want you can study all by yourself, I'll go " Yibo left the room to go to his bed room. Weijun was surprised and shocked as well " Yibo ! " he called his name but Yibo shut the door behind with a loud bang. Weijun had no idea why he was behaving this way.

On the other side, Yibo lay on his bed re-reading the messages he got in his phone this morning, he was getting angered again and again going over the message.

" Looks like you lost Yibo ~ I told you I'll get what I want, soon he'll be mine " he threw he phone over at the wall opposite to him making it crash and fall " I won't give up that easily Haoxuan, we'll see who wins ! "

Weijun who stood at the other side of the door heard what was going on as she sighed " Aiyoo ~ I see what's going on " he knew there was only two possibilities why he was behaving so, either he didn't want to lose to Haoxuan or he had evoked some feelings for Zhan inside him, either way he had to indirectly help him as Yibo wouldn't open up to him for any help at thing like this. He grinned as he had a plan set in his mind to find out what Yibo was really feeling.


" Xihan ~ How are you ? " Weijun welcomed Xihan inside the house, while Yibo was still upstairs, Xihan didn't know why he was here as well, as Weijun had called him earlier asking him to stop by Yibo's house. " I'm doing good gege~ Why did you ask me to see you ? " Xihan was confused what was happening, it was like more of curiosity for Xihan on where Yibo was after the alleged 'Breakup' between Yibo and Zhan, he did look around while Weijun tugged his hand to make him sit in the couch.

" Ah~ About that, you remember, you asked me for important notes for exams? " Weijun asked Xihan for which he nodded " I found them, thought they'll be useful for you since you have your exams coming soon " He gave the notes to Xihan, as he took a look in the notes and smiled " Thank you Weijun-ge, but I'm afraid I can't really say anything about Zhan gege right now" Xihan got up as he smiled as though he knew whyhe was there at the first place.

While Weijun awkwardly smiled " How did you know ? " , Xihan sighed " That's not important Weijun-ge, I really have no idea what's going on with gege, all I know is he is no longer working for Senior Yibo and they no longer are in their ' Relationship', I do know that he is working under Feng Industries now " Xihan never did lie about anything as he was straight forward, so when he said he didn't know much about it, he was telling the truth. Weijun sighed as he sat on the couch.

Xihan looked at his worried senior " What is it  Weijun-ge ? " Xihan asked concerned for his senior. " Feng Industries ? You mean he's working for Haoxuan now ? " Weijun asked looking at him, while Xihan sat back on the opposite couch " Yeah that's his name I guess, I really don't know much about him and when he came to meet gege this morning I knew one thing for sure, I really don't like him for some reason "

" Not many like him anyway " Weijun sighed " That troublesome dude ! What does he want this time ?! " Weijun was irritated, Xihan scooted closer " You know him Weijun-ge ? " , Weijun nods his head as he looks around to check if they were alone or not, because he didn't want Yibo to barge in on their conversation. " You know what, I'll discuss with you about this tomorrow, but I do need your help "

Xihan was confused on why he would need his help " For what ? " , " I truly believe if we don't step in on this, someone either Yibo or Zhan or maybe both of them will get hurt and believe me if Haoxuan is invloved in this, they would need our help "

" Weijun-ge ! They are grown men who can take care of themselves, we don't have to step in until they need us " Xihan explained, but Weijun sighed " Yes they are grown up men, but they have the brain of a child and I'm pretty sure neither of them would be able to feel what they feel for real until and unless some push is made in their way " 

" You mean ... " Xihan asked as he figured what Weijun was trying to tell, " I don't know if its' for true, but we shouldn't let this go if there does exist something and moreover Haoxuan is not all the shining gold he portrays like he is " Weijun looked at Xihan, while he thought about it. Xihan got up as he sighed " Fine Weijun-ge ~ I'll help you anyway possible, but remember I don't want my brother to get hurt in this process " 

" Well that makes two of us, anyway meet me at the university café tomorrow after your exam gets finished with " , Xihan nods his head as he smiles waving a goodbye to Weijun. He waved back closing the door behind. He sat back on the couch as he sighed again, he sure knew he was going to make Yibo angry if he knew but it was worth the risk.


To Be Continued ....

( So what's the big plan of Weijun? and do you want a brother like Xihan as well? Cause I want one as well ~ XD but my brother's characteristics pretty much matches well with Xihan though XP )

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