Chapter 15

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Zhan ran to get a taxi as he didn't know why he had called him, since he wasn't sure, he was in a hurry to catch the taxi. He was nervous as the call had had come at a unusual time, he did check with him if its good for him to leave and he had replied with a yes, anyway he was fidgeting with his shirt.

Time Skip...

Zhan had reached the place and paid for the cab, he ran upstairs as the lift wasn't working, he had finally reached the room and saw the light blinking at the cabinet, " Mr. Xiao, I've asked you to submit the report on the latest uprising author over the web "

Zhan was sweating as he had already had made it and submitted it, " Mr. Fong, I've already submitted it " Fong looked around and saw no document of Zhan, " Mr. Xiao if you had submitted, why would I call you?" Zhan was confused on where would have his file gone, since he was the first to submit, since he had finished the work he had decided to leave , but now it was confusing him on where his file had gone.

" Mr. Fong I swear I had finished and submitted a blue file on your table " Zhan was really tensed but more then that he was nervous his expression was almost that of he was about to cry, Fong saw Zhan's expression, because he knew Zhan had been doing his work well he knew he wouldn't lie, " Fine I'll give you tonight, tomorrow morning I want the file to be on my table, before I come " Zhan thanked Fong as Fong asked him to leave.

Zhan was confused on where his file would have gone, he had worked hard for three days straight to make the list and to complete it in a single night was impossible either way he was lucky enough that Fong had given him some time to redo his work. He sighed as h walked down the stair, he took out his phone and called Xihan. " Hello ! Xihan, are you home ? Okay I'll be late so lock the door and sleep, I'll use the key so you don't have to stay up for me" 

Zhan end the call and walked back slowly to get a cab, but then he had an eerie feeling of someone following, he didn't turn around, but he looked at the side and saw a shadow following him, more like three shadow following him, he hurried to walk and tried to look out whether there was any taxi, but he failed to get one as it was really late. He picked up his pace and started to run, now he was sure he was being chased by group of men, he ran faster but at once one of the guys had over taken him and stood in front of him. 

Zhan was blocked by the men and he couldn't escape anywhere, h looked at the guys as they look heavier then him there was no way he could fight them, " Help!!!! Anyone .." 

Before he could say anything more, one of the guy had shut his mouth and pushed him down climbing on top of him, the thug looked at the two other guys " Check his pocket ". The two other guys shook their head as they checked Zhan's pocket and bag to see if he had some valuable, they searched and found some cash but not much and his phone.

" Such a useless guy, he had no more then this ! " said one of the two guy who had searched Zhan, but on the other hand the guy on top of Zhan smirked and he looked at the guys " He ain't useless, look at him, doesn't he look tasty " The guys wet his lips as he looked at Zhan hungrily, Zhan whimpered trying to free himself from his grip, the two other guys took a good look at Zhan and shook their head " He certainly would be worth the chase " Said one of the guy who had been standing.

Zhan tried to free himself but the other two guys had pined his hands and legs, the guy on top of him hurried to open Zhan's buttons, as he opened them one by one he saw hickeys on his pale skin, he grinned seeing it as he looked at the other two guys " So this dog has an owner
 already~ "
the other two guys laughed, as the guy on top tried to remove the belt in Zhan's pant. Zhan was already ready to cry as he wasn't able to scream let alone push the and run away. He silently prayed for a miracle with tears flowing down his cheeks.


Yibo was mildly sober by now, he took his phone to see what time it was and it was already 10 Pm, he had no classes the next day hence his thoughts were roaming off to call Zhan, maybe they could have another fun night before his exams actually started. He took his phone to call Zhan, but he couldn't reach him as his phone had been switched off, Yibo tried again but finally he stopped calling as he was irritated, he had said to to always pick up his phone call, he huffed as he got up from the bed, he ruffled his hair as he wore his shirt. He was really bored to be at home, he decided to go out. He picked up his wallet and his car key as he closed the door behind him.

He started his car as he looked in the mirror adjusting his hair, he was already semi drunk more like 70% sobered up, so he wasn't probably going to the club. Instead he could be driving around the city aimlessly, he would usually do this since he was the type to get bored easily. As he started the car, he decided to drive past his fathers company, he didn't like that place as it always reminded him of his ongoing family issues. Though everyone had pegged him as the naughty and bratty son of a millionaire, but only people closer to him knew why he did what he did, he had no one to answer to especially his father who was always bothering him for something he had no interest for.

As his thoughts where on the road he found himself wandering at the people in the street, he saw a group of men and one of them particularly had caught his eyes, not that he looked good but he had a familiar face.


Zhan was still trying to get out of their grip, he was whimpering and wriggling out of their hold, but that's when the guys looked up as they saw a car headlights flash at them. " Oii ! Get out of here, do you want to get beat up ?!" asked the guy sitting on top of Zhan as he was agitated because of the lights from the car flashing at their faces. The car honked at them and Zhan looked at the car which was honking at them.

As the car was not leaving one of the guys who was standing went to the car with a fit of rage, he hit the door with his leg, the windows rolled down revealing the face, the guy pulled the drivers shirt, as he pushed his hand away and walked out of the car opening the door, Zhan was still not able to see the guy who had stepped out of the car.

The thug pulled the guys shirt again but this time the guy pushed him away straightening his shirt and dusting off the shirts dirt where the thug held his shirt. He walked away stepping in front of the car as he did Zhan saw who he was and he was happy to see the familiar face here to save him.

With a poker face the guy walked to the other two guys who were near Zhan as he was really angry what was happening there, but he hid his anger under his poker face walking towards Zhan to save him from the thugs.


To Be Continued...

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