Chapter 31

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" Fine you can invite your brother as well to the restaurant " Xuan suggested, Zhan shook his head " It's alright ! " but Haoxuan kept insisting which made Zhan think about it " How about we do this ? " Zhan questioned, while Xuan made a curious face " What ? " Zhan thought about it and it didn't seem like a bad idea so he continued " I'll cook the dinner tonight and you can join me in my place " Xuan immediately lit up to Zhan's offer, it was almost impossible for him to say no " I would love that ! " Xuan said it with an excitement while Zhan smiled as they both walked to his car.


Xihan had some plans up his sleeves, in his mind he was ready to give Yibo one more chance, for the sake of Weijun, who had requested it, he couldn't say no and moreover Zhan and Yibo had some kind of spark which others could feel but they themselves were dumb enough to not notice it. Xihan had earlier got a message from Zhan that he would be making the dinner today, he was really happy about it since it had been a long time since Zhan had cooked. But it was suspicious, Zhan was usually the lazy type and stopped cooking once Xihan started cooking. Xihan waited patiently to know what the occasion was. As he quietly waited for him, he heard a knock at the door, he smiled as he opened the door. 

" Is he here yet ? " Xihan shook his head asking the guy to come in " But you are late Yibo senior " said Xihan crossing his arms, " I had something to take care of " Yibo sighed as he sat down, Xihan sat opposite to him in the kitchen chair as he looked at him making a confused face, Yibo knew what he was thinking so before Xihan could ask he himself spoke " Some stuff with my father " Xihan nodded his head " Zhan-ge will be here, you better have some kind of apology, you know him, he's pretty stubborn potato " Yibo smiled at his comment on Zhan which was pretty much the truth, but the way he said it made it even more funny.

As Yibo and Xihan began to talk, they heard the door knock once again, Xihan knew it was Zhan this time. He ran to the door excited, meanwhile the same wouldn't be said by Yibo, for some reason he as nervous. It wasn't like he done anything like this before, it was as though his stomach was doing turns inside him, he sat down. 

" Gege ~ " Xihan said smiling at his brother, Zhan smiled as he ruffled Xihan's hair, but Xihan's smile disappeared as soon as he saw Haoxuan " Gege! You didn't say we would be having guest ?!" Zhan looked at Xuan and back at Xihan " Oh I'm sorry, it slipped my mind and moreover we were not able to decide it till the last minute " he smiled. Xihan rolled his eyes, his plan now had a little bump in the name of Xuan.

Zhan smiled as he walked in, as soon as Yibo saw Zhan walk in, he got up and looked straight at him, his facial expression visibly in somewhat of a pain inflicted state when he saw Xuan enter along with Zhan, but he didn't mind, he called him in a soft tone " Zhan ~ ". Zhan's smile disappeared slowly as he knew who's voice it was, he cocked his eyebrows turning at Yibo. " What are you doing here ?! " he asked raising his voice a little. Xihan walked to Zhan's side before Yibo could say anything.

" Gege~ listen to him " Zhan looked at Xihan and laughed as he was not able to believe the fact that Xihan was in this as well " After all you respect others more than me! " he said in a tone of surprise. Xihan angered a bit " GEGE! " Zhan lost it as well " DON'T YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE TO ME AND YOU... " he looked back at Yibo. He stepped in front of Zhan " Zhan, I know you are angry with me, but hear me out, I... I think, I like you ~ " Yibo confessed, still not sure if he really did like Zhan for sure. Zhan snickered a laugh " WELL GOOD FOR YOU, NOW GET OUT! " 

Yibo looked at Xihan who shook his head asking him to just leave, with a sad expression and heavy heart Yibo dragged his feet by the door turning around once again to look at Zhan, instead Xuan blocked him, Xuan grinned looking at Yibo while he turned to Zhan with a smile " I'll see him out " Zhan nodded his head while walking over to kitchen. Meanwhile Xihan had stormed of to his room.

Yibo who walked out didn't care if Xuan was after him or not, he just couldn't stay there anymore, he decided it was best to go back to the crappy party his father threw and get drunk to subside his emotions, but Xuan had other plans. He held Yibo's wrist and pushed him against the wall cornering him so that he won't escape. " You lost it Yibo and moreover it is not fun to watch my ex lover get hurt again and again, walk off from Zhan " Yibo sighed as he freed his hands from Hoaxuan " I'm not ready to walk off, you'll exactly see how I win him over "

Xuan smirked " I'll ruin him before you do " Yibo angered as he pinned Xuan to the wall " And I'll ruin your entire life if you touch my property, he's my sugar baby and mine alone! " he freed his collar as he walked off, but Xuan wasn't letting this go. He was angry as well and pulled Yibo back by of his collar, Yibo held his hand and pushed him aside while landing a strong punch to his face " Your messed up face will remind you not to touch my sugar baby " saying this Yibo walked off as he decided to go to his father's party, he would rather be there then to see Xuan's disgusting face.

Xuan grinned wiping the blood from his lips " You'll see it as well pretty boy " as he walked inside Zhan's apartment.


So what will happen next ?

To Be Continued ...

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