Chapter 9

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After the dinner, Yibo's sister finished cleaning the place and left since she had an early flight to catch.

I'll see you next, okay?! With a hand on Yibo's face she cupped his cheeks, as she smiled, while Yibo pouted since he didn't like it when his sister did that.

Jie~ You have to stop doing this, I'm a grown up now!

Yanli smiled as she ruffled his hair, Oh grown up huh?! You'll always be my little brother.

Yibo smiled at her reply as Yanli checked the time since it was getting late she waved Yibo goodbye and got in the cab leaving for the airport. Yibo was sad that his sister had to leave, he dragged himself to his bedroom as he tried to sleep, but he couldn't as images from his past relationship flashed in forms of nightmares in his sleep. He opened his eyes and went to the wine cellar to get a glass of wine as he sipped it slowly looking outside the busy night city.


Oh! Xihan have you talked to Nainai ? I forgot to call her back since I was busy at work!

(A/N: Nainai means grandma )

Zhan who had been doing the dishes in the kitchen remembered that he forgot to callback his grandma.

She called me herself, she wanted to know whether we would be available for lunch this Sunday? Xihan answered looking at Zhan, it was more of a question.

This Sunday..... Let me think~ I guess I'm pretty much free, let's go to meet her~

That's great! I'll inform nainai she'll be very happy to hear it.

Xihan ran to get his phone, Zhan continued washing the dishes.


Zhan I need this documents to be printed and mail me those new unedited script.

Zhan was early to work since he had lot of work to catch up on, he was really busy that he couldn't even attend his personal phone calls.

Sure Sir, they'll be in your table, Zhan ran to his cabin as he finally had the opportunity to sit since he had been running around in the office from morning since he came, Zhan's phone rang as he saw who was calling him, but since his higher official had asked for him to finish the work earlier he couldn't pick up his phone call. 

Few hours later....

Zhan was still busy with the work as it was evening by now, he had lot to complete for that day, so he decided to pull a late nighter  to finish most of the work in the office. Just as he was deep in  his work, he felt as though someone pull him, as he looked up he saw an angry Yibo pull Zhan towards him.

What are you trying to do ? Zhan asked trying to escape his hold.

Yibo pulled him closer to him as he held him by his waist, he used so much force as a result Zhan felt an immense pain on his waist.

Do you know how long have I been calling you? Yibo said in an angry tone.

Zhan didn't understand what Yibo was saying a he heard no one call you, When did you call me? I heard no one call me!

Yibo began to stare at him and that's when Zhan remembered he had many calls todsy which he didn't attend since he was busy, he knew he was in trouble this time given the fact Yibo had a big temper, he tried to soothe him down by acting dumb and cute.

Yibo~ I was sooooo busy.....

Yibo snapped at the moment as he dragged Zhan along with him to his car , Zhan tried to wriggle out of his grip but as soon as Yibo turned around glaring at Zhan, he decided to be quite and not do anything that would make Yibo more angry. Zhan whimpered as he felt Yibo was being too harsh on his wrist. Yibo opened the car door as he pushed Zhan inside his car, at once he started the car and drove off to his apartment. Zhan knew he had screwed up this time and he couldn't bargain with Yibo as he knew that would anger him even more.

In no time Yibo and Zhan had reached the apartment as he once again dragged Zhan to his Penthouse suite. At once he pushed him in the room making Zhan to stumble and fall on the couch.

Listen Yibo I know you're angry, but hear me out, I had so much work and I couldn't even attend my family calls how would I be able to answer you when I'm busy.

Yibo stood with his hands crossed  staring at Zhan, he had lost all his sense of patience as he wasn't ready to hear anymore explanations from Zhan.

Yibo bend down to remove the tie from Zhan's suit, as he slowly undid it, he pulled Zhan's hand making it join together, Zhan who didn't have any idea what was happening neither was ready to ask fearing it would irritate Yibo more. Yibo started tying the tie around Yibo's wrist as h tightened the knot around his wrist so that he won't escape his grip.

Were you working or working on someone, huh?

Yibo whispered the words in Zhan's ear, though the words were supposed to make Zhan angry, oddly he was turned on, yet he tried to hide it as he didn't want Yibo to take advantage of the situation.

I was working for real, but what I do with my life or in my life doesn't concern you!

Zhan shouted at Yibo, but Yibo didn't care about it, he was finished with tying the tie around his wrist as he dragged Zhan once again to his bedroom, he pushed him on the bed, as he ripped his suit apart and threw it over the floor like it was something unwanted.

You've got a pretty mouth that talks nonsense, use it for something useful , Yibo pulled Zhan closer to his head as he whispered in his ear,   Use it for something else.

Yibo's eyes looked down at his pants, while Zhan followed his eye moment, at once he understood what Yibo meant and Zhan panicked.

I....I have never done this to anyone else! Zhan tried to move back from Yibo, while pulled him closer once again.

Well today's your lucky day then~

Saying this he sat back on the bed comfortably, Zhan looked at him with fear clouding his eyes, he knew he had no other go other then doing what he asked for. Zhan climbed on the bed crawling towards Yibo, breathing out he looked at Yibo who's eyes were fixed on Zhan the whole time. Zhan rose his hand to show his hands were still tied.

Did I forget to say baby? You can't use your hands~

Zhan frowned as Yibo was being too strict than his usual self, it did irritate him but also it had a new kind of feelings, all which rushed down to hips. He further crawled to Yibos looking down at his pants, there was a small prominent bulge, the very sight of it Zhan gulped . It's not like hand't been used to it, but he wasn't used to doing it to Yibo. Zhan tried to zip down his pants, as he pulled down his pants. Trying to remove the pants he stumbled a bit, but he successfully wriggled the pants out of him, the bulge grew a little as his hands lay upon the boxers to strip it down. Looking at the sight he knew he couldn't escape Yibo's grasp as the cloud of lust had already blinded Yibo's eyes.


Next morning.....

Zhan wokeup when he heard his phone ring, last night was pretty much rough on him, since he had over worked his hips a lo, pretty much all over his body their were bruise mark and hickeys. He saw who was calling him as he saw Xihan calling him, he didn't attend the call, he knew he was going to be late to work but he didn't care a he slowly got up. He whimpered as he sat back on the bed due to an immense pain striking at his hips.

He slowly got up anyway as he dragged himself to bathroom to freshen up, Yibo was no where to be found as he knew he could have let for university.

After an hour....

Zhan had finally got ready as he finally came down to catch a cab to his work, he walked a few steps but failed to catch cabs by now. He sighed as his luck wasn't favoring him, that's when he heard a car honk beside him, he diverted his attention towards the car as he was shocked to see the person inside it.

Do you want a lift?


To be continued...

(A/N: Share with me if you want to read the smut scenes between Zhan and Yibo or if you're okay with my current writing in which I just mention the start of it and end it then and there, I'm good to write whatever you ask for.)

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