Chapter 35

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" Do you have to tag with me to the work ? " Zhan sighed as he rolled his eyes looking at Yibo who kept following him to his work, at first the deal was to drop him to work, but Yibo knew Xuan would be there so he decided to tag with Zhan just so he could show off " Yes~ I will " Yibo said smiling. Zhan stopped on his tracks as e turned to the side to look at Yibo " See I know you confessed to me, but you keep on following me is not going to help me make decision about you " Zhan said, even though Yibo had confessed that he liked him, Zhan wasn't sure about all this. He wasn't even sure what he wanted, as he already had been asked by Xuan to which he didn't have reply yet.

Zhan sighed once again, Yibo just nodded his head " I know ~ " Zhan rolled his eyes " Don't you have college ? " Zhan questioned, Yibo shook his head " Don't have, Semester break " he said making a proud face, Zhan held his head as he felt a slight headache creep inside, he looked at his phone and was getting late " Listen, I don't want you to follow me, please go somewhere else and leave me alone " Zhan ran away as he was getting late for work, Yibo sighed as it was being a very difficult task to impress Zhan, but then again his sister did tell him to show him all he got and he as ready to do that.

Meanwhile Zhan went inside the room where Xuan was looking at the blank desk of Zhan, while he came running in panting for air " Sorry... Boss... Sorry " Xuan smiled as he saw Zhan walk in " It's alright, why were you late ? " Xuan asked curiously, Zhan sat down on his desk as he gulped some water " I had to send Yibo off who kept tagging along with me " Zhan sighed at the thought of Yibo following him like a puppy, Xuan narrowed his eyebrows " What ? Yibo came with you ? " Zhan nodded his head for the question asked by Xuan, " You know what ? There are some files in my table, can you sort it out ? " asked Xuan as he went out " I have some work, I'll be back " he said closing the door behind.

Xuan walked faster with hands in his pockets, his eyes looking around trying to find Yibo, for some reason he wasn't done with him yet, Yibo irritated him but he didn't want to show it on his face. Finally after searching for a couple of minutes, Xuan found him by the stairs as he was leaving the place. He grinned as he stood a few distance away rom him " How pathetic are you ? Still going after him after all those insults by him " Xuan said grinning , while Yibo turned at the familiar voice, he knew who it was and it irritated him enough. " Not as pathetic as you Xuan " Yibo grinned knowing well that his words had wonder over Xuan's temper " Listen ! I'm not playing games here, you should step away when it's less humiliating " Xuan said with anger in his tone.

Yibo laughed at Xuan walking close to him, staring him him in his eyes with nothing less than a fire of challenge " Step away, Xuan I never step away from what's mine, you might as well step away and if possible get lost too ~ " Yibo walked away, while Xuan fisted his hands in anger, but he grinned as Yibo walked off and mumbled in a low tone " You'll see what I do to you and your boy toy " he walked back to his office still maintaining the grin on his face.


Zhan had finished his work and rested his head on the table, he was exhausted with today's work as the work load was heavy, Xuan sat by his table " Zhan ~ " he called him in a low voice " Zhan ~ Wake up " he shook his slightly in attempts to wake him up, Zhan groaned as he looked up " Huh ? What is it ? " he asked blinking his eyes " Can you get me a coffee and I'll drive you back home " Xuan asked Zhan in a low voice, Zhan got up slowly " Okay, I'll get you one from the café outside the office " Xuan held his hand and stopped him immediately " Get me from our café " Zhan made a confused face, but then shrugged " Okay, wait for me ".

He got up from hi desk to get the coffee from the office cafeteria, as he walked he felt as though people's gaze were fixed upon him, he felt as though everyone was looking at him, he looked around and was right, everyone were looking at him, not by surprise it was as though they were gossiping something, Zhan stopped to see if there was something stuck on his clothes or something, but he didn't find anything so he walked faster so that he could get the coffee and get back home. But then Zhan was stopped by a group of office mate standing in front of him with their arms crossed  " Excuse me guys I'm in a hurry, would you please move aside ? " Zhan requested them but one of the guy laughed.

" Why are you in a hurry Zhan ? " the guy asked while the other guy laughed " Maybe he's in a hurry to go fuck with his man " the guy made an offensive joke but then again everyone around him laughed as though he made a very funny joke. Zhan felt confused more importantly he felt uncomfortable " Excuse me ! " he said trying to scoot past them. But the guy pulled him by his collar and pushed him down, Zhan had got hurt while being push down " What the hell ! Why are you doing this ?! " Zhan asked in angry tone  but the guy laughed " Oh~ We don't like gays " and everyone once again laughed while nodding their head agreeing to the point made by the guy. Zhan got up punching the guy on his face with an immense force " Look ! I'm not gay and gay or not I don't see why I should be bothered by shit heads like you ! " Zhan said walking past them.

But then the guy who pushed Zhan earlier got up once again and pushed him from behind making Zhan fall, by this time there was a huge ruckus on the office as a fight broke out between Zhan and the other guy. Xuan saw a group of people crowded at the café so he walked at the direction to see hat was going on. Seeing Xuan walk in, the crowd moved aside as they didn't want to piss their CEO " What's going on here ?! " Xuan asked raising his voice, both the men who were fighting stopped their fight as they looked at Xuan.

" Zhan com over here " Zhan walked to Xuan as he looked at him confused, Xuan took out his phone and showed it to Zhan, he looked at it confused but seeing the photos in the phone Zhan's eyes grew big in shock " Yibo sent these " the photos of him and Yibo on the bed had made Zhan angry, he ass fuming with anger on how could Yibo do this to him while acting all sweet the night before, he though he finally had soft spot for him but he proved him once again that Yibo was no better than an asshole.

Just then Yibo who had came to Xuan's office to pick Zhan up saw a group of crowd as well, clearing the crowd Yibo saw Zhan and Xuan standing together " What the hell ..." he mumbled as he walked towards them " Zhan ! " he called his name, while Zhan looked up, his eyes red burning with anger walked towards more like sprinted towards Yibo and when he finally stopped, Yibo looked at him surprised and worried  " What happen... " before he could say anything more, Zhan slapped Yibo on his face.

" HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME ! " Yibo who was still in shock because of that slap, wasn't able to say anything " WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO YOU ! " Zhan demanded shaking him by his collar, Xuan grinned looking at Yibo who was in shock, after Yibo's gaze fell upon the grinning Xuan, he came back to senses " Zhan... I don't know what's going on, but believe me it's not me " Yibo tried to calm Zhan down, but Zhan shouted at him once more " GET AWAY FROM ME AND NEVER AGAIN COME IN MY LIFE AGAIN " Zhan said walking off from there.

Meanwhile Xuan waved his hands to the crowd to disperse, while he turned back to Yibo " What did you do Xuan ?! " Yibo demanded, while Xuan smirked " Oh~ I did just small thing, more is yet to come in the future " Xuan said as he walked back to his office. Yibo who was now all angry and red sprinted towards Xuan but before he could catch him, Xuan spoke once again " Security! Drag him away " and so did the security dragged Yibo off " You wait till I catch you Xuan ! "  Yibo screamed while he was getting dragged off, while Xuan smirked " Not before I end this game tonight with the big finale " Xuan smirked once again and walked back to his office with his hands in his pocket whistling on his way up, Xuan smirked thinking off his plan.


To Be Continued ...

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