Chapter 40

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" Come back early today, I have a surprise for you ~ " Yibo said kissing Zhan on his ear, Zhan being spooned by Yibo was smiling while tugging Yibo's long strand of hair behind his ear, Zhan hummed in response and continued to look lovingly at Yibo, he smiled as he trued around to check the time " I have to go ~ " Zhan said getting up, Yibo sighed " I hate this ! " Zhan looked at him and laughed " Hate me going to work " Yibo nodded his head " Well... Like I care " Zhan laughed getting up to which Yibo pretended as though he was hurt. He got back up and sat straight looking at Zhan getting ready for work.

Zhan sat in front of him waving a tie in front of Yibo's face " Would you like to help me ? " he asked smiling, while Yibo took the tie and wrapped it around his neck, while tying the tie, he looked in Zhan's eyes as their eyes came in contact with each other. Pulling him by the tie, Yibo kissed him to which Zhan responded back, as Yibo's hand's pulled Zhan up on his lap, Zhan smiled pushing him back " I know what you are trying to do Mr. Wang, I don't have time for this " he said taking his bag, Yibo looked at him like a puppy to which Zhan laughed and ruffled his hair " I'll see you later tonight " Yibo nodded his head as Zhan left.


It had been Two months since Zhan and Yibo had started dating, they were in love with each other so much that they wouldn't even fight and even if they did it wouldn't last more than an hour. Yibo was head over heels for Zhan, while Zhan was deeply in love with Yibo as well. Everyone around them often made fun of them being attached to each other like leech and everything, but Zhan and Yibo didn't care about anyone's words, they were in their own little world.

" I demand your attention ~ " Zhan said hugging Yibo from behind with a cute little pout on his lips, but Yibo didn't see him while he sighed " I would love to baby ~ But weren't you the one who told me to study hard for my exams " Yibo said going back to his books, Zhan huffed. Yibo had the final semester exams of his university and it was Zhan who had asked him to study hard, but the past few weeks, Yibo did nothing but studying taking Zhan's words very seriously. Yibo wanted to make Zhan happy by working hard, so he studied as well as decided it would be best not to be around Zhan, as Yibo would loose his patients around him.

It was all going well, when two days ago Yibo fell sick due to his continues studies and Weijun had called Zhan over, as Yibo had come over to Weijun's house to study. After hearing Yibo had fallen sick, Zhan had taken a week's leave from work and decided to see after Yibo. He was extremely worried, but now that his fever was down, Zhan was suddenly feeling lonely without Yibo constantly pampering him with love and attention. He was sulking the whole day and yet Yibo failed to notice it. His exams were on the next day and Yibo still was studying hard. Zhan waited for him patiently and yet Yibo didn't notice him.

" You're a meanie ~ " Zhan said sitting on the bed huffing at Yibo, to which Yibo laughed as he turned his chair to look at Zhan who had been pouting the whole time, Yibo stretched his hand to pinch his cheeks " Aww~ Does my baby miss me ? " he asked in a mocking tone knowing very well how much Zhan was missing him, the truth was he missed him even more. Zhan shook his head " I don't miss you ~ " he said getting up from the bed, while Yibo pulled him on the chair to make Zhan sit on his lap " I would love to shower you with all my love, but I promised you that I would study hard " Zhan pouted as he pulled Yibo's chin close to his face " And I'm the one asking you to break the promise "

That was all, Yibo had lost his patience, he had saved it all up and his pent up energy pounced upon Zhan's lips like hungry wolf, not even breaking the kiss even for a single minute he continued to kiss him, while finally Zhan pushed him feeling out of breath, a trail of saliva line formed between Zhan's and Yibo's lips making Yibo hard. He lifted Zhan to his bed wrapping his legs around his torso, placing him on the bed, Yibo removed his shirt and helped Zhan out of his clothes as well. The two were on it again and the thin walls weren't helping Weijun. 

" Damn these two! My mistake, guess I have to suffer " he laughed shaking his head while trying to concentrate on his studies as well.


The exams were officially over and Yibo had managed to secure very exceptional marks, he had successfully completed his degree, Zhan was patiently waiting for Yibo at the gates as he ran to him, he held his hands and pulled his hands for a kiss on top of his hand as Zhan smiled " Should I make dinner in celebrations of your exams being finally over ? " Zhan asked excitedly for Yibo. But Yibo laughed shaking his head " Please I want to live longer ? " Zhan huffed leaving his hand and started to walk away from him, but Yibo laughed as he hugged him from behind.

" Don't talk to me " Zhan said rolling his eyes, Yibo laughed hugging him tighter " Well there is this restaurant I want to go, I've been meaning to go, would you come with me ? " Zhan nodded his head " Sure, but where is it ? " Yibo held his hands once again and walked with almost strolling in happiness " You'll see ~ " Zhan laughed as he continued to walk.

After an hour ...

" Gege would you be staying for dinner ? " asked Xihan who's exams had also finally got over as well, Zhan shook his head " No Yibo has plans to take me outside for dinner " he said resting his head on the table, Xihan smirked " Oooh ~ The love birds need privacy huh ? " Xihan joked, while Zhan hit his head, making Xihan laugh  " I'm sorry gege ~ " they were talking as the time went by. Zhan got ready for his date. As he finished getting ready, he heard car honking outside as he looked outside the window, he saw Yibo had rolled down his window and waved for Zhan to come down. Zhan smiled as he ran out of his bed room " Bye gege enjoy the night ~ " Xihan wished as Zhan nodded his head " You stay safe as well, take care, Bye " he said ruffling his hair.

He went out to Yibo's car, Yibo opened the door for him and smiled as Zhan got in " So where are we going ? " Zhan asked curiously, Yibo smirked starting the car " You'll see ". After a coupe of minutes drive, Zhan noticed that Yibo was driving towards airport, he looked at Yibo and made a confused face " Wait, are you .... " Yibo put a finger over his lips and shushed him " Just enjoy ~ " Zhan was getting more and more curious by the minute as they had reached the place for a private jet.

" Who's jet is this ? " Zhan asked looking at the private jet, it was huge and gigantic more like a plane. Yibo put one hand inside his pocket while the other one held Zhan's hand " Mine ~ " he said in a clam tone making Zhan shocked, Yibo laughed " Let's go ~ " he said walking towards the plane. After getting in the plane Zhan was totally mesmerized by the inside of the jet, Yibo laughed at Zhan who looked like a kid seeing amusement park for the first time, Yibo pulled Zhan to sit beside him. Zhan looked at him confusingly as he still didn't get what was going on " What's going on here ? " Yibo laughed looking outside the window " I will tell you once we reach there ~ " Zhan looked at him confusingly " Where ? " Yibo smiled looking at him " Shanghai ~ "


To Be Continued ...

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