Chapter 4

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I got to Scott's and walked straight in. I listened out for a noise then walked up to Scott's room where I could hear the heartbeats.

"Hi." I say opening Scott's door and they were sat there staring at me just shocked and confused. "God it reaks in here." I say and Stiles scoffs. "Of what?" He asks and I turn from Scott to Stiles. "Fear but I can also smell blood." I say and Stiles sighs.

They both stand up and take me into Scott's bathroom where Scott pulls back the shower curtain to reveal the boy from practice. He ws wrapped in duct tape and has duct tape over his mouth and was definitely crying. I sigh as he starts trying to talk and looks from me to Scott.

"He bit him." Stiles says and my eyes widen. "He also kidnapped him." Stiles says and I sigh. "Why?" I ask turning to Scott and he looks away from my eyes and turns to Stiles. "I panicked." He says and I sigh again.

"This is why we discuss the plans together first, as a group." I say running a hand over my face.

The boys put the boy on the chair still completely in duct tape and I just sit on Scott's bed and decide to listen to their clever plan.

"Liam, we're going to take the duct tape off of your mouth. If you scream it goes right back on." Stiles says and I roll my eyes. "If you talk quietly, it stays off. Got it?" He asks asks and the boynods.

"Okay, Liam, now we know you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight. More confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things you've seen tonight." Stiles says and I roll my eyes. "Do you understand?" Stiles asks.

"Not really." The boy says and Stiles nods. "Good that's good." Stiles says and I sigh. "I don't understand either." Scott says. "Yeah no me neither." I say and Stiles sighs and points at Scott. "Maybe you should tell him." Stiles says. "Tell me what?" The boy asks getting slightly annoyed. You can't blame him, when Chris had me and Allison kidnapped and tied to a chair for the first time I cried.

"Liam... what happened to you, what I had to do in order to save you its going to change you." Scott says which was fairly all right. "Unless it kills you." Stiles says and I roll my eyes and look at him sternly. "Why would you say that?" I ask and he scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah shouldn't of said that." He says and I sigh.

Then the boy does something I didn't think he'd do, he starts crying. "Uh oh. Uh oh. Is he uh is he crying?" Stiles asks and I sigh and get off of the bed and kneel down infront of the boy. "Honestly maybe you should both have take a softer approach." I say rolling my eyes at them.

"It's Liam isn't it?" I ask and he nods and meets my eyes. "Hi Liam, I'm Clara." I say and he nods. "Why would you do that, what if he tells the police?" Stiles asks and I scoff. "He's not going to." I say turning back to face Liam.

"Everything is going to be okay. I'm going to take this tape off of you and everything is going to be okay, I promise." I say and he nods.

I stand up straight and start to take the tape off and Stiles comes over to help he.

"Liam are you okay?" Scott asks as Liam puts his head down and turns slightly. "We're sorry about this." Stiles says and I nod but Liam picks the chair up and hits it, mostly hitting Scott but I cover Stiles with myself to make sure he's okay.

"Liam, what the hell is your..." stiles says as we get up but gets cut off by a punch to the face which I jump infront off for Stiles.

"Oh my god are you okay?" Stiles asks as I wipe away some blood dripping from my nose. I nod then Scott and Stiles look at each other before running out of the room to get to him.

I slowly follow behind them hearing some shouting and grunting making me roll my eyes.

I get downstairs and the door was wide open with the boys lying on the floor looking out the door for him.

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