Chapter 7

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I was sat in the changing room with Stiles just telling the Sheriff everything that had happened.

Once the Sheriff knew everything we met Derek at Stiles Jeep and headed straight for the animal clinic.

Me and Derek rushed Brett inside and placed him on the table as he was spitting out yellow stop and wouldn't stop moving.

"What the hell is happening to this kid?" Stiles asks trying to hold him down. Me and Derek were then holding down the other side of him. "He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane." Deaton says as we try to hold him down.

"I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible." Deaton says looking mainly at Stiles. "Help Stiles." I say to Derek holding Brett down. He nods and moves across the table where Stiles and Derek both try to hold Brett down as well.

"If you can't hold him still the incision might kill him." Deaton says as the boys stop arguing. "I think he's slipping. I don't think I can hold him." Stiles says before pushing us all away.

"Ah!" Stiles says standing back up. "Are you alright?" I ask and he nods as Peter punches Brett and knocking him out.

"I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself." Peter says and I roll my eyes and with the help of Derek put Brett back on the table. "Maybe more than a little." Derek says and I just don't listen to them and make my way to Stiles side where he looks down at Brett worried.

"Hey doc, I don't think he's breathing." Stiles says. Deaton takes a blade to Brett's chest and cuts down the middle of it leaving a yellow steam to come out.

"Is he okay?" I ask and Deaton looks down at him. "I think he'll be fine, but he'll probably be out for a while." Deaton says and I nod.

Brett starts whispering and Stiles tries to get closer to hear it. "Can you guys hear that? I think he's saying something." Stiles says.

"The sun, the moon, the truth." I repeat making all of the men look at me. "Its Buddhist." Deaton says and looks at Derek so I turn to. "Satomi." Peter says.

I went back to Stiles' with him last night as he was extremely worried about me although I'm not even on the list, yet.

When I woke up Stiles was pacing around his room clearly worried. "Morning." I say and be smiles slightly. "We need to get ready for school." I say and he shakes his head for no. "No we're not going." He says and I look at him confused. "There's a lot going on today, we don't have the time to go there. I'm meeting Lydia at the Sheriff's station in an hour to talk to Parrish." He says and I nod and grab my phone.

Unknown- hey its Mason, just wondering if you've seen Liam?

"And apparently Lian has gone missing." I say showing Stiles my phone. "I need to go home and get ready." I say and Stiles looks at me worried. "You've got clothes here, I went and got them when you fell asleep last night." He says and I look at him confused. "I'm just worried about you getting hurt Clara." He says handing me some clothes. I thank him and get in the shower.

Once I get out of the shower I get dressed into the clothes Stiles got me from the apartment last night. A plain black crop top and black jeans.

I get into Stiles room as he was making his bed. I open his closet and look between the flannels and pull out a black and red one. I put it on and then grab my knives.

I brushed my hair quickly and did my makeup with the random bits of makeup I'd left here from getting ready a few times.

"Why do you think Parrish is on the list, he doesn't smell like a werewolf?" I ask and he shrugs. "Well we'll find out later, but our priority is to uncover the rest of the list." Stiles says as I put my shoes on. "Yeah okay." I say and he grabs his keys.

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