Chapter 17

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I wake up beside Stiles to our alarms. We climb out of her and have a shower. Once I had a shower I got dressed into a leopard print skirt with a plain black sweatshirt tucked in to the skirt. I did my hair and makeup. Once I put my converse on I turn to Stiles who was sat at the foot of his bed. "Hey you don't look well." I say and he sighs.

"Um I think I'm going to skip the first couple of periods. Can I still drop you to school, I want to make sure I get atleast a lesson in today." He says and I nod. "Sure." I say once I had done my laces. I take the bestiary out of my bag and put it on Stiles desk before we head to school.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you last night." Stiles says and I nod. "I know and it's fine." I say and he smiles slightly.

Once we get to the school car park I lean over and kiss Stiles. "Get some rest and let me know if you can't pick me up. I'll catch a ride with Lydia or something." I say and he nods. I smile before climbing out of the car.

Whilst heading over to the doors I bump into Lydia and Malia. Malia was telling Lydia about the book.

"The Dread Doctors by T.R. McCammon." Lydia says looking at the book funny. "What?" I ask her hoping for her thoughts. "I don't know. Theres something about it. Has anyone actually read it yet?" Lydia asks.

"Just me. And I didn't understand any of it." Malia says and I look up at her confused. "We should probably all read it." Lydia says and I nod. "Kira's working on that." Malia says as we head to Malia's locker.

"Stiles can't find anything on the author. He thinks it's a pen name." I say leaning against a locker. "In a small New England town, teenagers are taken in the night and buried alive." Lydia trails off looking at us making me scrunch up my face.

"Days later, they emerge transformed, wreaking havoc and spreading terror, commanded by an ancient order of parascientists know only as the Dread Doctors." Lydia reads out making me sigh.

"Sounds vaguely familiar. How does it end?" Lydia asks and we turn to Malia. "It doesn't. This is supposed to be volume one." Malia says making me scoff. "And let me guess there's no volume two." Lydia says and I nod.

"I think we're living volume two." I say making Lydia sigh. "Then maybe the real question is, is this a novel or someone's prediction?" Lydia asks and I shrug.

The day seemed to drag on without Stiles or anyone really. After fourth period I didn't see anyone for the rest of the day.

Come the end of the day I rang Stiles but didn't get an answer. "Hey Stiles. It's me. Your girlfriend. I'm uh in the library so when you decide to pick me up. I'll be here." I say annoyed heading into the library.

I sit at a table and read my copy of the Dread Doctors.

Hours had passed and no call from Stiles. "Page Turner?" A familiar voice says as he pulls out a chair from opposite me. "Not exactly. It's quite boring." I say as Theo sits infront of me. "So is this." He says picking up his pre calculus text book. I then look at him confused as he starts studying infront of me before getting back to the book.

When I got so painfully bored I started packing all my stuff up. "Need a ride?" Theo asks looking up at me. "I can take the bus." I say remembering that Stiles isn't fond of him. "You don't strike me as the type of girl that 'takes the bus' besides the last one left an hour ago." He says making me sigh.

"Then I can walk." I way putting my bag on my shoulder. "It's pretty dark and with these Dread Doctors do you think it's safe?" He asks and I sigh. "Fine but this doesn't mean I like or trust you." I say and Theo smiles standing up. "You don't have to." He says and I nod and follow him to his car.

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