Chapter 18

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When my alarm went off I had woke up to multiple miss calls off of Stiles. I them head straight to voicemail and listen to them.

"Hey it's me Stiles. Im so so sorry, I should've text you. I just dropped Malia off and I'm on my way to school. Wait outside for me I'll be there in five." He says and ends the voicemail making me sigh. Why was he with Malia?

I click on the next one and listen to that as well.

"Its me Stiles again, um I'm looking around and I can't find you. So I guess you've made your own way back home. I'll see you there in a minute." Calls out and I sigh again before listening to the last one.

"Hey it me again." He says sighing. "I just got home and you're not here? I know you're probably annoyed at me, I would be too. Just text or call me and let me know you're okay." He says and I sigh before climbing out of bed.

I have a shower before getting dressed. I put on a black leather skirt and my beige sweatshirt. I do my hair and makeup before making my bed. Once I had sorted that out I had a slice of toast and grabbed my bag and put on my black converse.

I grab my car keys and lock up before heading to school.

I got to around 3rd period before my dodging of everyone had been noticed.

"Are you okay?" Theo asks coming to my locker. "I'm fine Theo. But if Stiles notices you talking to me he's going to think something is wrong so you need to leave." I say grabbing my books for Biology.

"I thought we could walk to Biology together, now we're friends." He says and I sigh shutting my locker door. "We're not friends. I told you something that I shouldn't have. I'm just stressed." I say looking around when I notice Stiles eyes on us. Fuck. "Come on Clara." Theo says and I shake my head and walk past him.

"Hey, why were you talking to Theo?" Stiles says rushing to my side. "Oh so theres no 'Clara I'm so sorry for leaving you stranded yesterday. I really didn't feel well so I forgot to come and get you. I'm so so sorry' " I say and scoff heading down another corridor.

"Clara I am sorry." He says and I nod. "This is the second time Stiles, what's going on?" I ask him and he sighs. "We were at Eichen house." He says and I look at him confused. "We?" I question.

"Me, Malia, Lydia, Scott and Kira." He says and I roll my eyes. "Why wasn't I told about this?" I ask and he shrugs. "Okay then, why didn't you tell me?" I ask stopping in my tracks and looking up at him. "It slipped my mind honestly, I didn't know we were all going and by the time I did we were already at Eichen." He says and I just sigh. "Okay." I say and he furrows his eyebrows.

"You're not going to be annoyed at me?" He asks and I sigh again. "Oh I'm annoyed. But I'm also tired. I'm stressed and I don't want to argue with you Stiles. I love you and I don't want to argue about it." I say and he nods before leaning down and kissing me.

"Why were you talking to Theo?" Stiles asks taking my books from me. "I wasn't talking to Theo. Theo was talking to me." I say and Stiles furrows my eyebrows. "He gave me a lift home last night and wanted to see if I was okay today because I wasn't yesterday." I say and Stiles nods.

"Malia ran into Traffic yesterday." He says and I turn to him confused. "When we got out of Eichen, she ran into Traffic and got a vision of the crash." He says and my breathing hitches. "You okay?" He asks and I nod as we keep going. "Is she alright?" I ask and he nods. "Have you read the book yet?" Stiles asks. "Yeah I read 14 chapters whilst waiting for you last night." I say and he nods. "Has anything happened to you yet?" He asks and I shake my head no.


After school we all went to Scott's house. Me, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, Kira, Scott and Theo.

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