Chapter 13

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These past few months, I had finished my Junior year and spent the summer in France. It was actually quite relaxing. I had caught up with Issac and we had done a lot of fun things in France, exploring wise.

I landed back in Beacon Hills at around noon and have been chilling with Malia at her house the entire time. We were waiting for an email to say that she would been joining us for senior year.

There's a really bad storm here today. We're waiting on Stiles and Scott to come and pick us up. But as of right now we're helping Mr Tate move a tree off of the main road.

"All right here we go. Everybody get a good grip. Remember, lift with your legs. That's where you power is. One. Two. Three." Mr Tate shouts as we pick the tree up

Me and Malia (not on purpose) lifted the tree out of everyones hands and up. Mr Tate looked between us confused as we held the tree up. "Strong legs." Me and Malia say in sync.

"Is you're phone working?" Malia asks and I shake my head for no. The cell towers must've been out. "Dad is your phone working?" She asks and he gets his phone out. "No, I think the storm took the cell towers out." Mr Tate says.

Malia huffs and I smile at her sympathetically. "It's going to be okay. You'll find out when you find out." He says and she nods.

"Do you two girls need a ride to the school?" He asks as the familiar blue Jeep comes into the parking lot honking its horn. My face lit up and I rush over to the Jeep once it stopped. "Sorry we're late." Stiles calls as I make my way to the window.

"Hey you." He says with a happy smile but I connect my lips with his straight away. Once I pull away he had the biggest smile on my face. "I missed you too." Liam says poking his head forward making me roll my eyes playfully.

"You boys do remember I own a gun, right?" Mr Tate says and I giggle. Me and Malia had grown extremely close and we spend pretty much all the time together, either at her or my house. Mr Tate has apparently grown to love me like his own daughter which makes me extremely happy. "Vividly." Stiles says and I giggle again. Mr Tate then nods at both me and Malia before walking off.

Me and Malia get in the back of the Jeep . Both boys had turned in there seats to loom at Malia. "What?" Malia asks."Did you find out yet?" Scott asks. "Find out what?" Liam asks. "They're gonna email me." Malia says and I nod. "Is this about summer school?" Liam asks. Malia turns to Stiles with her eyebrows so high they may as well been not there.

"You told him?" Malia asks annoyed. "Uh.." "oh no, all they said was that you had to go to summer school. Cause the principal said your test scores weren't good enough and you might have to repeat junior year." Liam says and I look at Stiles with a stern expression. Malia didn't really want people to know that she had to go back to summer school but here Stiles was talking about it, I can see why she's upset. "We should've left him chained to the tree." Stiles says and turns back around.

We head into the hospital to drop Liam off here apparently, I don't actually have a clue why we're here.

Me and Malia were stood at the front desk trying to check her emails. "I'm sure you did great and you'll be joining us this year. You studied hard." I say and she sighs.

"Clara." Stiles says spinning me around. "Hello." I say. "If when you went to Francd I told you 'don't worry, go have fun.' What would you think I was talking about?" Stiles asks and I furrow my eyebrows. "Fun, like exploring France? Or sex with other guys?" I say and he turns to Scott.

A man comes in on a stretcher making me look over to Melissa confused. "Hey mom, where's all this coming from?" Scott asks. "A jackknifed tractor-trailer on 115, caused a major pile up." Melissa says before following the stretcher.

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