Chapter 37

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"Stiles." I continue to call as I see him head towards me.

"Come on Stiles, I can see you." I say as he heads towards me. "Come on Stiles! Don't stop. I felt safe with you Stiles, always. You need to get here. Come home Stiles!" I say as the rift disappears.

I gasp as I just stare into the tunnels.

"Clara?" Scott says and I wipe away a tear because he wasn't there. "Where is he?" I ask whilst waiting for him to show up.

"It was working." I say turning to them. "You guys saw him too, right?" I ask and they all look at each other awkwardly. "We didn't see anyone." Malia says and that's all I needed to start crying.

"He was here. I know it. Stiles was here. He got through that rift." I clarify inbetween tears.

They take me back to the room and just before they shut the door Liam comes.

I didn't listen to their conversation, I just sit and picture those beautiful brown eyes that I could get lost in every time I see them.

"Come on." Malia says helping me up. "Where are we going?" I ask. "To find Stiles." Lydia says and we head out to find him.

We find track marks on the floor and I recognise them. "They're new, can't you smell it?" I ask Malia and she nods. "It's from Stiles Jeep. He must've got it started we need to follow it." I say standing up straight. "And tell Scott." Lydia says.

"We should probably tell Scott about that too." Malia says pointing to a train track.

We follow it till we find people sat waiting in the library.

"Why is there a train station in the middle of the library?" Malia asks as we look around. "There's also a train station in the Wild Hunt." Lydia says. "Any chance they're connected?" Malia asks. "I would say high, like 100%." I say as we walk through the library.

"If there's a train station. Then there's probably a train." Malia says and I nod. "And if there's a train... It's going to the wild hunt." Lydia says.

"They're all gonna be taken." Malia says and I nod. "They can't get on that train." Lydia says and we agree with her.

"Okay, listen up, everybody. We've all gotta get out of here. We gotta go right now. Its bad we have to go!" She shouts and I scoff as no one moves.

"Hello." Lydia screams in someone's face and they don't even flinch. Catonic state.

"Malia is that Peter?" I ask her and we all rush over to Peter.

She starta screaming at him to wake up and it really doesn't work.

"Malia the only way we were able to break through the hunt is with an emotional connection." Lydia says ans I cringe. "Dang, wish I could help." Malia says and I laugh. "Sorry." I apologise when I notice Lydia glaring at me.

"Im not saying it. Im not saying it." Malia says annoyed. "Okay, well I guess everyone dies." Lydia says and turns away. "Fine." Malia sighs.

"Dad." She says to Peter in the most unconvincing way I've ever heard. She repeats it and nothing happens. "Say it like you mean it." Lydia says and Malia crouches down beside him.

"Dad. Please wake up." She says and I cringe. Peter drops the paper and stands up to look at Malia.

"Me?" Peter questions after the plan. "You want me to stop them? You know how many there are?" He asks. "Yeah. A lot of them. So get going." Malia says.

"There are hundreds of waiting rooms in this train station which apparently now serves as a high school library. It's impossible." He says. "We can try." Malia says and me and Lydia follow them through the crowd.

"Where do you get this implausible optimism?" Peter asks Malia. "Definitely not from my father." She says.

"We don't have time for this. We need someone to just hear us." Lydia says. "I think we already did." Peter says as a ghost rider comes our way.

Malia growls at it as she becomes her wolf self. "Get behind me, they won't take a banshee." Lydia says pushing me and Malia behind her. "You sure about that?" Peter asks before he starts fighting one, which seemed to have no impact.

The other people ran from the library/train station. Us three girls run in a different direction when Malia gets hit by a whip.

Peter rushes over to us and helps Malia to me before taking on two ghosy riders. "He did it." Malia says as I help support her to stand up.

"Malia! Go!" He shouts so we run out of there. Except Malia goes back to help Peter.

"That girl can be so stupid  sometimes." I say as we get out of there. "Oh my god." I say finding the familiar scent which belonged to Stiles. I hadn't smelt it in so long but I did now and I could recognize that smell anyway.

I get to the locker rooms with Lydia following behind me. I open the door to see a ghost rider about to shoot Stiles. Lydia uses her banshee power as she screams, the ghost rider gets thrown against the lockers.

I look at Stiles in disbelief. Wow. He's really here. "I'll give you both a moment." Lydia says before running off.

"Don't ever leave without me again." I say and he nods. "Never." He says before walking up to me and kissing me. I missed this man too much.

Once he pulled away I pulled him as close to me as I could possibly get him because these three months have been hell without him.

We make our way through the school, holding hands as tightly as possible in fear of losing one another again.

"Stiles is that you?" Claudia's voice calls through the corridors. "Mom?"  Stiles asks.

"Stiles that's not your mom." I say trying  to get him not to go after her. "No, it is. I know her voice." Stiles says. "No, that's the Wild Hunt. They're tricking you. They did the same thing to your dad and to me just mine was Allison. Stiles please believe me." I say whilst following him.

"They brought her back, but she's not real. I promise you that." I say and he turns to me confused. "What do you mean brought her back?" He asks. "Stiles." Claudia says again.

We turn to see Claudia making her way towards us. "I know what you've been through. I know how much you love your father." She says stepping into the darkness.

When she steps out of it she was a ghost rider. "But I love him more." She says distorted.

"Even from the hunt, you somehow wormed your way back into his memory." She says and I pull on Stiles hand trying to get him to move. "Yeah, worming is one of my skills." Stiles says and I sigh.

"That thing is conjured from your dad's pain. If he remembers you, he can't believe in her." I say to him. "That's why you need to go." She says and I try to pull Stiles away but he wasn't having it.

I quickly wolf up to try and attack, probably isn't a good idea considering its my boyfriends mom. She grabs my hand before I can claw her. She grabs my hair and before anything else can happen Stiles grabs her hand and forces her into letting go.

"You shouldn't treat your mother that way." She says putting her hand around Stiles throat. "You're not my mother." He breaths out. She pushes him up against the wall.

"He believes in me. Dreams. So hard to kill." She says choking him. Before I could could get to him the Sheriff shoots her. "But not impossible." He says.

"Noah. Your bullets can't hurt me." She says not even loosening her grip on Stiles.

"Fire again." Lydia says coming our of no where. She screams whilst he shoots her, which killed her.

Stiles falls down the wall panting and I quickly rush to his side to take his pain. "Im okay." He says as the ground starts shaking.

I grab a hold of Stiles whilst Noah held Lydia. That's when it all went back to normal, because just like that we were graduating.

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