Chapter 20

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It's been five days since we found out about Parrish. Five days since Theo saved Liam and Hayden. Everyone seems off. No ones really talking anymore, not even Stiles and I. We spend a lot of time together and we do talk. But it feels weird.

I wake up to my alarm and have a shower. After my shower I get dressed into a pale blue spaghetti  strap dress with white polka dots. I do my hair and makeup before putting my white converse on.

"You ready?" I ask Stiles and he nods once he finishes tying his shoe laces. "Are you going body hunting today?" I ask grabbing my bag and keys as we head to my car. "Yeah, on our free period." He says and I nod. "Alright." I say as we climb into my car.

"Are you okay?" I ask and he nods. "You seem distant." I say and he sighs. "Clara, I'm fine, I'm just tired." He says and I nod. "What about you? Had any hallucinations yet?" He asks and I sigh.

"I lied to you Stiles." I say and he looks over to me with a raised eyebrow. "That night when Theo gave me a ride home, I fell asleep in his car. I had a panic attack and it brought me to the night Allison died." I say and Stiles sighs. "Are you alright?" He asks and I nod. "I'm okay." I say and he nods.

When we get to school we head separate ways to our lessons.

On my free period I head to the library and begin to study. Half way through my free period I notice Stiles come in with Theo.

"You guys are sure that's where Parrish is taking the bodies?" Theo says and I pause my music coming from my earphones. "Lydia says that's what happens in his dreams." Stiles says and I pretend to be studying and not notice they've come in.

"You know if Lydia finds the nemeton she's going to find Donovan." Theo says and I pretend to read over my Biology textbook. "Clara is right over there." Stiles whispers. "Sorry." Theo says.

"She's also going to find Josh." Stiles says. Yes go on Stiles give him a taste of his own medicine. "You know what, maybe she should. I think things are different now for Scott. Especially after what he did to Corey. I don't think he's going to blame us for defending ourselves. I know he won't blame you." Theo says and I roll my eyes.

Once Theo leaves Stiles walks over to my table. "Hey." Stiles says pulling out my earphones. "Hi?" I say confused. "What you studying?" He asks. "Biology.'' I say smiling confused at him.

"What?" Stiles asks. "You're acting weird." I say and he rolls his eyes playfully. "I've got class, I'll see you later?" Stiles questions and I nod. He kisses my forehead then runs off.

People were running out of the library leaving me confused. I pack up my stuff and rush out of the library to see an ambulance heading away.

"Hey what happened?" I ask Mason when I noticed him covered in Mercury. "I'm okay, its Corey. He was fine then he just bled out." He says and I nod. "Scott and Theo have gone to the hospital." He says and I nod. "You should head home Mas' you could probably do with a rest. I wouldn't stay here after what just happened." I say and he nods.

After one of my lessons I see Malia coming down the corridor looking like she was in a trance. "Malia." I say rushing over to her.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask her holding her shoulders. "I hate this. I hate losing like this. I'm not like Scott or you for that fact. I can't deal with another body. Another failure." She says and I sigh.

"Malia, we'll figure things out." I say and she sighs before walking off.

This day was chaotic there was another dead body in the corridor. It was hectic.

I went back to my apartment to do some cleaning and well I did some food shopping as well.

Once I had finished cleaning I went into  Allison's room and sighed. I leant against the door.

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