Chapter 26

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"Um, I need to go." Stiles says and I look up from my english textbook to him. "Where you going?" I ask. "Scott's something happened at the school." He says and I nod. "Okay be careful." I say and he nods and kisses my forehead before rushing out the door.

Once Stiles leaves I pick my phone up and read Malia's text again.

Malia- come to Scott's. Me and Braeden are here.

I grab my keys and one of my guns that I strap under Stiles desk, without him knowing obviously. He would freak if he knew I hid a gun in here. He would definitely try and use it and hurt himself.

I grab a hoodie from his closet and tuck my gun into my jeans, covering it with the hoodie.

I get to Scott's house and jump out before heading straight in.

"Braeden, how are you?" I say smiling as I step into the kitchen. "I'm good, you?" She asks and I nod. "Im good." I say and she smiles.

"I'm headed in for my shift. You guys think you'll be okay for the night?"  Melissa says looking between the three of us. Braeden cocks her gun and Melissa nods.

"Do we really need to do this?" Malia asks and I sigh. "Deaton said the Desert wolf can't get her power  back unless she comes for me on a full moon." Malia says and I roll my eyes.

"Just because there are rules to taking power doesn't mean she plans to follow them." Braeden says and Malia looks at me. I smile at her nodding.

"Yeah, well, I've come up with a rule of my own..." Melissa says stepping outside of her house and getting something from her bag. "Never be too careful." She says before lining the house up with mountain ash.

"So how come your back helping." Braeden asks as I sit on the kitchen counter. "I didn't know Malia was still looking." I say reading over the multiple texts I'd just received from Stiles.

"Hey have you heard from Derek?" I ask putting my phone down and she sighs. "He ditched his phone just before I came back to Beacon Hills." Braeden says and I nod. "That would explain why he's not answering my texts." I say and she smiles at me sympathetically.

"How's your dad?" I ask Malia and she shrugs. "He's fine I guess, thinks I'm staying at yours." She says and turns to my phone as it starts to ring. I check to caller ID and see Stiles name and sigh.

"You didn't just really ignore my message." He says as soon as I answer the phone. "That's not even my first concern, where are you?" He asks and I sigh jumping off of the counter and going to sit on the stairs.

"I'm with Malia, I'll be okay." I say and he sighs. "Clara--" "Stiles, I'll be fine." I say making him sigh.

"Are you at Scott's?" He asks. "I am." I say playing with my necklace. "Im on my way." He says and I roll my eyes. "Stiles, get some sleep. I'll be fine. I promised Malia I'd help her and that's what I'm going to do." I say and he sighs. "I can help." He says and I chuckle. "Stiles get to sleep." I say and he groans and I could just imagine him throwing his arms around in annoyance.

"How am I supposed to sleep when you're not at my side. I need to know your okay." He says and I run a tired hand down my face. "I'm fine Stiles, I promise if anything happens you'll be the first I call." I say and he groans. "Okay. But I'm not okay with this." He says making me smile. "I know."

"I love you." Stiles says making my smile widen. "I love you too Stilinski now get some sleep!" I say playfully. "Sir yes sir." He says and I laugh before ending the call.

"How is Stiles?" Braeden asks as I make my way back to my space on the counter. "Uh... he's okay." I say and she looks at me sceptical but drops it.

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