Chapter 10

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I wake up to Malia nudging me. "What?" I groan putting my head in my pillow. "Stiles is in the hospital." She says and I jump up. "What?" I ask and she hands me my phone.

Lydia- I know you and Stiles aren't talking right now but I think you should know he's in the hospital.

"Oh God, I have to go and see him." I say jumping up. "I can drop you home on my way." I say and she nods.

I head to my bathroom where I have a shower and quickly get dressed. I put on some blue jeans and a white t-shirt. I quickly sort out my hair and makeup before putting my black leather jacket on. I put on my black ankle boot heels then head into the kitchen.

I grab a cinnamon roll and throw one at Malia before grabbing my keys and we head out.

I drop Malia to her house then head to the hospital.

Once I get to the hospital I rush inside and start looking around to find Stiles. "Clara." Melissa says and I spin to face her. "Come on I'll show you to Stiles room." She says and I stand there awkwardly.

"Just tell me if he's okay so I can leave." I say and she sighs. "He seems to be okay, he's been trying to get out ever since he heard what happened at the bonfire last night. He's tried to call you." She says and I sigh. "I've uh been ignoring him." I say and she chuckles. "Well I'm sure that he can tell you how he feels, I have no clue. Anything to get out of here." She says and I smile and follow her to Stiles room.

She knocks on the door before walking in. Why do I feel so sick all of a sudden?

"Did you find a tape player?" I hear Stiles ask. "No." Mellisa says bluntly. "But I found something looking for you." She says and I walk into the room awkwardly.

He stands up off of the bed. "Hey." He says and he sounds tired. I turn to see Melissa shut the door before looking back at Stiles. I feel really sick.

"I heard you almost got killed." I say and his eyes widen. "I heard you almost got killed." He says and I look at him worried.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "Brunski punched me in the face. Turns out he was a serial killer." He says and I look at him confused.

"It doesn't matter, what about you?" He asks and I nod. "We almost got set on fire." I say. "Everyone okay?" He asks and I nod. "Basically. My dad and Braeden saved us." I say and he sighs.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine." I say smiling softly. His eyes were full of dread and pain and I couldn't bare to look at him anymore.

"I'm uh, gonna go." I say spinning round to the door. "You don't have to." He says taking a step forward as I head to the door. "I should go." I say looking over my shoulder. "Okay." He says and I try to open the door.

The door wouldn't open. I pulled the handle a few times but it wouldn't open. "Its locked." I say. "Why would she lock the door?" He asks coming to my side to try and open the door. "Uh... hey, Melissa?" He calls awkwardly making me laugh softly.

"I've missed that laugh." He says and I gulp harshly before walking further into the room.

"Why would she lock the door?"  I ask confused. "Maybe she didn't mean to." He says softly. "You can't just accidentally lock a door. It doesn't make sense." I say and take a seat on the bed.

"Okay, well maybe she wasn't thinking exactly. Or wasn't thinking it through. You know, people sometimes do things without thinking them through." He says and I roll my eyes. "That's stupid. Stiles you wanna be a detective, you should know you have to think everything through." I say sighing.

"Well even smart people can do stupid things. You know cause they think it's the right thing." He says and I can feel the conversation shift. We're no longer talking about Melissa but about us.

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