Chapter 39

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The apartment was amazing. It had a beautiful view and was bigger than I thought it would be. Chris did an amazing job on our room.

Our room had a wooden affect that I was obsessed with.

A wooden bedframe with white sheets and under pillows, but sage green bedding. Wooden bedside units and a wooden desk, which Stiles claimed the second we checked the room out. The walls were white and we had a large closet.

It was beautiful, the whole apartment was. It was all we needed really.

Stiles alarm woke me up this morning. I sat up and he spun to face me. "Sorry." He apologises as I yawn and rub my face tiredly with my fists. "That's alright." I say and he kissed my cheek before climbing out of bed and heading for the kitchen.

Our apartment was pretty much open planned, well the communal areas was.

This part of the apartment was pretty much exactly how I remembered it.

The sofa was in a L shape and was black with white decorative pillows. The coffee table was wooden and so was the unit the tv was on. 

The table was inbetween the living room and kitchen. It was wooden and had black chairs.

The kitchen had white cupboards which contrasted with the black counter beautiful. The island also had black stools. You can tell this was my mom's apartment. There's so much darkness.

I make some toast for Stiles and I. Today is his first day and I'm so excited for him, im not excited to spend the whole day alone though.

I have a quick shower and once I'm out I blow dry ans straigten it.

I get dressed into some black jeans, black crop top and then one of Stiles flannels. I put on some light makeup. Once I was ready I see that Stiles had made the bed which made me smile. I quickly put my converse on and rush out of the room to see Stiles dialing a number.

"Who you calling?" I ask and he looks up. "Scott. He's not answering, do you want to leave a voicemail together?" He asks and I nod.

"Hey, Scott." We say in sync. "We're here
Really here. In Quantico, Virginia, at the FBI. Well I'm here at the freaking FBI. Not Clara. It's real. I'm really here." Stiles says.

"Listen Scott. Whatever you're doing just make sure you're getting out of Beacon Hills. I mean, maybe you think you can't leave, you know, like the whole thing falls apart if you're not there. Which I get, but you have to." Stiles says.

"Yeah Scott, you deserve a break as much as the rest of us do." I add.

"I know you're supposed to drive out tonight, so if you don't call me back, just promise me you're actuallt going. Just get in the Jeep and go."

"We love and miss you loads. " we say in sync before ending the voice mail.

Once the voicemail was finished I handed Stiles his drink and straightened out his tie.

We headed out of the apartment and to my car, I wanted to drive Stiles this morning.

"Good luck, have fun." I say once I park. He leans forward and kisses me. "You'll do great." I say and he nods. "I know." He says and I smile.

I straighten out his tie before he gets out of the car. He takes his bag and smiles at me before heading inside.

I watch him walk inside the building.

I felt so so proud of him. We really were here. He's going for his dream. After everything that's happened to him, he's in Virginia training to be part of the FBI. I really am so proud of him.

"Clara." Stiles calls walking into thr apartment. "Yeah?" I shout walking out of the bedroom.

"I need to talk to you." He says picking up something out of his bag. He hands me a vanilla cupcake and I look at him confused. "What did you do?" I ask worried.

"I don't know what you've eaten today and I want you to eat something before I tell you the news." He says and I scrunch my face up worried before taking a bite.

"I was learning about a mass murderer todsy." He says after I take a bite. "Okay..." I say struggling to see what was so bad about this.

"Um... when was the last time you heard from Derek?" He asks and I shrug whilst picking bits off the cupcake. "About 9 months ago." I say shrugging until it hits me.

"No." I say shocked and Stiles nods. "What? Huh. Why? Oh jesus." I say and he nods. "I wondered why he ditched his phone. Oh my god." I say and Stiles holds my hand.

"Im sorry." He says and I look at him confused. "It's fine Stiles. He probably got set up again, right?" I ask and he shrugs. "Hopefully." He says and I sigh.

"Uh, what do you want for dinner. Name anything, it's on me and then you can tell me all about what you learnt." I say and he nods excitedly before talking about Burgers, so that's what  i ordered.

When dinner came we sat at the island eating whilst Stiles talked all about his first day.

He talked about how many task trials they might get to go on and all the exciting stuff that will happen.

I sat and listened to him and I felt so happy just listening to him ramble and talk about how amazing his first day was.

After dinner I clean up the rubbish and make my way over to the sofa with Stiles.

We watched some random film, which we ended up not watching as we made out on the sofa.

Stiles hovered over me and I put my leg around his waist pulling his body closer to me as he kissed down my neck.

He struggled to take his tie off and it was so funny to watch. In the end he got so agitated I ended up taking it off for him. He didn't struggle to take my clothes off though, he had gotten wuite skilled at that. He was always so gentle when he took my clothes off compared to when he took his off, he seemed to be quite forceful.

So I prefer to jusy hit his hands out of the way and unbutton his shirt and pull his trousers down.

Once Stiles wasn't so restricted by his clothes anymore you could see how excited he was.

We spent our evening on the sofa becoming one and connecting beautifully.

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