Chapter 33

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I kept my promise to Allison by staying out of what was going on. I was ignoring Malia, Lydia and Scott which made me feel guilty. Even when Hayden, Mason and Liam tried to contact me I had to ignore them.

Every tiny insignificant thing that happened made me want to cry. That wasn't so good considering that my shifting trigger is my emotional pain.

I hadn't stopped believing in a Stiles because with every little thing I did there seemed to be a void there.

When I woke up this morning my phone hadn't stopped ringing.

"Oh my god what?" I groan into the phone. "Clara?" Melissa's voice asks and I sit up. "Sorry Melissa, I didn't realise it was you. How can I help?" I ask.

"It's Chris. He's here at the hospital." She says sadly. "Oh my god, is he alright?" I ask sitting up straight. "Um, you and Allison should get down here. Get ready for school and get down here." She says and I jumped out of bed whilst ending the call.

I head straight for Allison's room and barge in there. "He's in the hospital. Your dad's in the hospital! Get up!" I shout and Allison jumps up. "What?" She asks shocked. "Get ready!" I shout before heading to the bathroom.

Once I get out of the shower I dry my hair, not bothering with straightening it or doing my makeup. I put on some blue jeans and a black hoodie along with my black converse.

I meet Allison in the kitchen and we both head straight to the hospital.

When we get there we found Melissa almost immediately. "What happened?" Allison asks as we look up at her.

"Where were you guys last night?" Melissa asks and I look up to Allison feeling guilty. "We didn't know anything was goinf on. We must of fell asleep." Allison lies as though we hadn't been ignoring everyone.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask as we get outside of Chris' room. "He has blunt force trauma to his temporal bone, three broken ribs and multiple surface lacerations which are from whip marks." She says and I wince whilst looking in to Chris' room.

We head inside the room and we sit together as he lay fast asleep. I place my hand over Chris' whilst he was still asleep and begin to take his pain. Chris would probably never allow this if he was awake.

Me and Allison share the seat and I rest my head on her shoulder whilst she holds my hand. "Im glad we still have each other." I say to Ally who just smiles. "Me too." She says as we watch Chris.

"You girls should head to school, he probably won't wake up." Melissa says and I look up as she walks in. "You could make second period if you leave now." She says and I sigh.

"Melissa, we can't." I say sighing. "No she's right, one of us should atleast go. If you go today I'll go tomorrow." Allison says and I furrow my eyebrows. "It's senior year, you're so close to finishing. Your attendance is already shocking, just go." Melissa says and I stand up. "Call me if anything changes." I say and Melissa nods.

I get into the car and start crying. It feels as though im always crying. I feel so empty and confused and the last thing I need right now is Chris being in the hospital.

As my eyes begin to change colour I sigh, why can't I just control myself. I rip my sleeve of my hoodie up my arm aggressively and dig my claws into my arm until I shift back.

Once I get to school I just chill in my car  with my head rested against the wheel. It was half way into 2nd period now so I'll just wait for my 2nd period to end.

On my way to my 4th period, which was biology, I got stopped by Malia. "Where the hell have you been?" She asks grabbing my arm. "Malia you're hurting me." I warn trying to pull my arm away from her.

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