Chapter 23

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"Clara." A voice says waking me. "Hmm?" I say rolling over to see I was on the floor. "We need to head to the hospital." Stiles says sticking a hand out for me to take.

I stand up and rub my eyes and notice I was in Allison's room. My eyes widen and I gently usher Stiles out of the room. I grab my keys and phone and then follow Stiles to his Jeep.

"So uh... why were you in A--" "why do we have to go to the hospital?" I ask changing the subject before Stiles could even finish his sentence. This causes him to sigh.

"23 new bodies have been found." He says and my eyes widen. "23?" I ask and he nods. "Wow." I say and he nods.

We meet Scott and Kira at the hospital and head in to find the Sheriff.

We come off of the elevator together making the Sheriff turn to us. "Who found them?" Stiles asks.

"Argent." Sheriff says and I sigh. "And he said the doctors were down there. He also said you guys might know what this thing is." Sheriff says and we look between each other.

"We have a theory." Scott says. "A slightly terrifying theory." Stiles adds.

"Well the ME said the victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels." Sheriff says and I scrunch up my face in disgust.
Stiles puts his hand on my lower back, making my face soften immediately.

"Hey what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies?" Scott asks and I nod, it's a good theory. "Why would they do that?" Kira asks. "Maybe they're covering for it. Protecting it like a parent would." Stiles says glancing at me.

"Protecting what?" Sheriff asks. "A werewolf. It's called the beast." I say and his eyes widen. "We know. Horrifying." Stiles says.

"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish. Because it looks like his dream is coming true." Sheriff says and I sigh.

"How are you Clara? Stiles told me that you two broke up." He says and I sigh. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say as we walk down the corridor. "You don't look okay, you look sick." He says and I scoff. "I'll be okay. I'm just not really myself." I say and he puts an arm over my shoulder.

"Clara, you can talk to me." He says and I nod and glance over at Stiles who was talking with Kira and Scott. "I don't know what's wrong with me." I say looking up at him. I can't sleep, I can't breath. Everytime I fall asleep, I wake up in Allison's room on the floor. I feel sick all the time." I say and he sighs and hugs me. "Sounds like grief, Clara." He says and I sigh.

"I don't understand, I got over Allison's death. I was okay again." I say and he sighs. "It's okay to fall down again Clara. I've done it, so has Stiles. It's okay." He says and I smile at him softly.

"I want you to know. That promise I made to you about protecting Stiles, I'll still keep it." I say and he nods. "I know you will." He says making me smile.

"Hey, Clara you ready?" Stiles asks coming over to me. "Yeah." I say and turn to the Sheriff. "It was nice seeing you Clara." He says and I smile. "You too Sheriff." I say smiling.

I follow Stiles to his Jeep where he gives me a ride home.

"Do you want to stay with me tonight?" He asks and I look at him confused. "That's not for the best." I say and he sighs. "Clara, you aren't sleeping." He says and I shrug. "Its not your problem anymore Stiles." I say turning to the window. "Clara, can't you see. I care about you. I want to know why you're sleeping on the floor in Allison's room. What's going on?" He asks and I sigh.

"Your dad said it's the grief. The second wave of grief finally hitting me, now that I have time alone." I say and he sighs. "Clara let me be there for you." He says and I shake my head for no. "If I don't get through it alone Stiles, I'll never get through it." I say and he sighs.

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