Chapter 16

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A bunch of noise came down to the basement and I look up to see Scott. "We saved her. She was safe. She was okay. She was awake." I say and he kneels down infront of me.

"What the hell happened to her?" The Sheriff asks and I take a deep breath. I turn to Malia who just stood up and tried to look brave. "There were these people. They had masks. Um, there... there were three of them. I think there were three." Malia says stuttering. "There were three." I say looking to Scott who looked just as worried and concerned.

"What are you talking about?" Stiles asks. I look up at Malia who was on the verge of crying again. "They were strong, Stiles. They had a weapon. We saved her and they.. they.. they killed her." I say as Deaton checks out her claws. "Shes not changing back, we're going to need to get her put of here." Deaton says and I look up at him.

"What, hey. Absolutely not." Sheriff says  and I look up at him. "This is a crime scene. We call the coroner." He says and I sigh and run a tired hand over my face before focusing on Tracy.

"I think the coroner might be very confused by this girl's severed reptilian tail." Deaton says. "I don't care!" The Sheriff shouts making me flinch. "You should. Unless you're prepared to hold a press conference announcing the presence of supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills." Deaton says and I sigh.

"Dad he's right." Stiles says as I continue to move the hair off of her face and look at her in shock. "Maybe at the clinic we can figure it out how to change her back then call the coroner?" Scott says but I just rolled my eyes.

"Theres a line.... There is a line that we have to draw." Sheriff says stammering. "Dad, you've crossed it. More than once." Stiles says and I sigh. "Sheriff... please. Let me help. I've delt with things like this before." Deaton says. "Just do it fast." The sheriff says making me sigh. I can't be here. I can't listen to this. It's totally insensitive.

"Clara you need to let go." Scott says and I shake my head for no. "She's dead Scott. She's not going to change back. This is so insensitive. We just watched her die. She actually died. So no I'm not just gonna let go." I shout and Scott looks over to Stiles. "Come on." Stiles says moving me away. I fight it at first but then just sigh once I watched them leave.

Once they were gone I stand up and make my way over to Malia who looked just as devastated. I pull her into the tightest hug possible and listen to her as she cries.

Once Malia had calmed down I pull away to look at a very awkward Stiles and Noah. "Is Lydia okay?" I ask and he shrugs. "We should probably head to the hospital and check." Stiles says and I nod. I take Malia's hand and lead her up through the Sheriff's station. I grab Kira's hand on the way and I walk them to Kira's car.

I then head to Stiles car but before I could head over to my door Stiles grabs my wrist. I turn to him and he pulls me into a hug. He didn't even have to say anything because in this moment I just needed to be in Stiles arms. I need to feel at home.

I take a deep breath and take a step back. "We should head to the hospital." I say and Stiles nods.

We climb into his Jeep and head for the hospital. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks and I shake my head for no. "Theres nothing to talk about." I say keeping my attention on the passing trees.

When we get to the hospital we head straight to the waiting room, where Kira and Malia where. My eyes also land on Theo's and I just roll my eyes before walking to the side of Kira. Kira placed her head on my shoulder and I looked down at her to see her covered in blood. Lydia's blood. "Have you heard anything?" I asked them. "No, Melissa said she'll come and tell us as soon as she knows." Malia says and I nod and hold her hand.

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