Chapter 22

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My knees were in my chest, it's been days since the Sheriff got better. It's also got back the point where I'm not sleeping. But its worse, it's like I'm grieving all over again.

"Oh this is bad." I hear Chris mutter. I felt his arms around me as he picks me up off of the floor. I wake up fully as he places me on my bed.

"Clara what's going on?" Chris asks as I pull my knees into my chest. "Clara it's like your mom died all over again. What's happening?" He asks as he wipes away one of my tears.

"We broke up. Me and Stiles broke up." I say and he sighs."Clara." He starts but I shake my head no. "Chris I need to tell you something." I say and he nods.

"When we were in Mexico. When mom knocked you out, I let her escape. She asked me to run away with her but I let her escape. I was scared and I didn't want you guys to hurt her." I say and he sighs. "Is that why you broke up?" He asks and I shrug. "Kinda." I say and he nods.

"Clara I understand okay. You don't need to worry. But clearly I do." He says looking around the mess that was my room. "Clara you're the most organised person I know, I've never seen your room in such a state. Falling asleep on the floor in Allison's room, isn't okay. What's really going on with you?" Hr asks and I sigh. "I don't know what's going on with me either." I say and start crying.

Chris scoots closer and hugs me. "We'll figure it out." He says and I nod.

"Look. You are amazing, you don't need Stiles. You don't need anyone. Don't fall down this hole okay?" He asks and I nod.

"How do you girls put it? 'You are a queen?" He asks making me laugh. "Thanks uncle Chris." I say and he smiles and kisses my forehead. "Get up, get dressed. Do something, whether its hanging out with Malia or cleaning your room. Are you still not healed?" He asks looking down at my t-shirt to see the red blood stain.

I lift my top up slightly and sigh. "That looks awful." He says and I scoff. "Feels it as well." I say and he laughs. "I've got something to do, will you be alright?" He asks and I nod.

Once Chris leaves I have a shower. I get dressed into some Nike leggings and my green vintage nike sweatshirt and put my hair in high pony when there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"I thought you--- oh hi." I say when I see Scott and Stiles. "I used the key." Stiles says showing me the key I gave him. Scott nudges him as Stiles looks past me into my room. "Come to Mexico with us." Stiles says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"We're going to get Kira and we want you to come with us." Scott says and I sigh. I grab my phone and my car keys. I walk past them shutting my bedroom door. I write a note for Chris leaving it on the island. I'm going to Mexico with Scott and Stiles. Be back soon.

"Let's go to Mexico." I say sighing. I lock up the apartment and follow the boys down to Stiles Jeep. I climb into the back seat and we head to Mexico.

I wake up from my sleep as I was now sweating. "I think the Jeep's overheating again." I say sighing. "Probably." Stiles says glancing at me through the mirror.

"Should we pull over and put more antifreeze in it?" Scott suggests. "No we can just turn the heat off." Stiles says and I lie back down on the back seats whilst Scott opens the windows.

"You find anything yet?" Stiles asks. "They're mostly the same stuff you already knew." Scott says.

"Damnatio memoriae was a Roman practice, 'a government decree to destroy the images of the damned. And they would scratch off their names from inscriptions, chisel their face off of statues. The Roman's believed it was a punishment worse than death." Scott says and I gulp. "Being forgotten." Stiles says.

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