Chapter 6

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I woke up feeling quite happy. I places a kiss on the back of Stiles neck which clearly woke him up. "Morning." I say leaning over and kissing his cheek.

Someone clears their voice making me jump and we covered yourself further with the comforter.

"Oh my god Chris, when did you get back?" I ask happily. "Early afternoon yesterday." He says glancing over at Stiles. "Uh welcome back Mr Argent." Stiles scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Thank you Stiles." He says and then turns to the door. "I'll uh, I'll leave you two to get sorted seen as you have a busy day today." He says leaving us confused.

Once the door was shut I lean over Stiles and grab my phone from the bedside unit. "Oh my god." I say as my eyes widen. "What?" Stiles asks and I show him my phone. "Oh god, we're going to have to get up." Stiles says and I nod.

"The girls stayed at the lakehouse last night so can you give me a ride to your house and I'll take my car from there?" I ask as he pulls on some jeans. "Yeah sure." He says smiling. "You can use the shower in the bathroom down the hall if you want." I say and he nods. "Thanks." He says.

I then decide to have a shower myself. Once my shower was done I quickly got dressed into some black jeans and a beige cropped sweatshirt. Once I was dressed I quickly blow dry and straighten my hair and step out into the kitchen where Chris was stood awkwardly.

"Morning uncle Chris." I say and he smiles awkwardly. "Good morning." He says and I smile. "It is indeed." I say and he scrunched his face up. "I've got things to do today, so we can catch up whenever we're free?" Chris asks and I sigh. "I don't think that will be a while, tell me how is France? How is Issac?" I ask and he nods. "They're both good." He says and I smile. "I'm glad." I say.

"So I see you and Stiles resolved your problems." Chris says and I play with my hands. "He's been a big help since Ally died. He's helped me in so many ways Chris." I say and he smiles. "I'm glad he treats you well, I'm also glad that you aren't always alone in this apartment. I've been so worried about you." He says and I smile. "I know, but honestly I am fine." I say and he smiles.

I stand on my tip toes and wrap my arms around him. "I'm so glad you're here Chris." I say and he smiles as we pull away. "Me too Clara, me too." He says. 

Stiles joined us in the kitchen and we had breakfast. "I'm going to go because I have things to do. But I don't ever want to witness what I witnessed this morning." Chris says pointing between us both. "Okay bye." I say awkwardly.

"You ready?" I ask Stiles and he nods. We go back into my room and grab our phone and I roughly make my bed before we head to the Jeep.

We get in the Jeep and head straight to Stiles house. "So last night. Wanna talk about it?" Stiles asks whilst focusing on the road. "Sure." I say and he glances across to me smiling slightly. "Did you uh... did you.. did you enjoy it?" He asks and I smile and lean over and grab his hand from the gear stick. "Of course I did." I say and he smiles.

"What about you? Was it everything you thought it would be?" I ask noticing that he had wore the same smile all day so far. "It was." He says and I smile. "I'm glad." I say and he brings our hands to his mouth and kisses the back of my hand.

Once we arrived at his house we get out and share a kiss before I get in my keys and head to Lydia's lake house.

Once I head in it was extremely quiet which left me confused. "Hello?" I shout but no one answered. I head upstairs and check the rooms once I come up with the idea they could be asleep. I find them in a room sat around a record player.

We spent the weekend at the lakehouse where we tried to get the second sipher key.

When Monday had rolled around I didn't want to get out of bed after the extremely long weekend I had. I pull myself out of bed and make my bed straight away so I didn't feel tempted to  climb back in.

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