Chapter 31

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My alarm rang, waking me up. I sat up and looked around my room, I felt weird. It felt like I wasn't at home, which was unusual because I was.

"Are you seriously still in bed." Allison asks and I sigh. "I feel strange." I say to her and she shrugs. "Get your ass out of bed, you finish high school soon." She says and I groan and climb out of bed and head into the shower.

Once I get out of the shoulder I throw on a sage mini skirt with a black top tucked in. I grab a black denim jacket and my black ankle boots. I do my hair and makeup before rushing into the kitchen.

I grab my car keys and a granola bar before rushing out of the house, with Allison hot on my tail.

"Are you feeling better?" Allison asks as I focus on the road. "Not really, it's not that I don't feel well because I do. It's more of the fact that I feel empty. Like something is missing." I say sparing her a quick glance before focusing on the road again.

"Maybe you forgot to do something." She says and I nod. "But I can't remember what." I say and she laughs. "Well obviously." She says and we both burst into fits of laughter.

When we get to school we both head our separate ways.

I walk through the doors of the school when this wave of guilt hit me. I slowly walk down the corridor and stop in front of a locker, like I needed to be here.

As the bell rings I look at the locker confused before heading to first period, basically dragging my feet.

When I got home after the longest day of school, it felt weird. I sat at the island in the kitchen after looking at my key chain.

"Did you put this key on here?" I ask Allison whilst looking from the key to her. "No." She says before grabbing something to eat.

"Strange." I mutter before grabbing a bag of chips and heading into my room. I climb into bed and start to finish some homework and do some studying for a few hours.

"Hey I'm thinking of making mac and cheese." Allison says and I groan. "Oh my god please." I say and she laughs before heading back into the kitchen.

"How you feeling?" Allison asks once we sit down at the island together. "Just confused like my mind is scrambled. I just feel like I'm missing something and it's really bugging me. Or that I've forgotten something." I say remembering the conversation from earlier. "Oh yeah, maybe its stress from senior year." She says and I shrug. "Maybe." I say and she nods.

After studying for a little bit longer I get an emergency text from Malia.

I climb out of bed and head over to my closet to grab a jacket when I stub my toe. I immediately growl as my eyes turn red. What the hell? I have control, why is this happening?

After putting my denim jacket back on and my black converse I rush put of my room, grabbing my car keys.

"Hey um Malia needs me, are you coming?" I ask Allison when I barge into her room. "Sure." She says jumping up.

We head to my car and hea straight for the school. When we get out of the car we immediately see Lydia.

"She called you here too?" Lydia asks and I nod. "Yeah." Allison says and we head for the boiler room.

"Hello?" Lydia asks when we step in there. "Over here." Malia says softly grabbing our attention.

Malia had one arm chained up to a wall, but not the other.

"Has it really come to this?" Lydia asks as we step infront of Malia. "Can you give me a hand?" Malia asks and I pick up the chain.  "If this is a new after-school club, count me out?" Lydia says in an uncertain voice.

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