Chapter 11

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I sigh as my alarm goes off. Why did Stiles have to have early Lacrosse practice. I could deal with a little longer in bed.

I switch my alarm off and sit up. I run a tired hand down my face to see Stiles still fast to sleep.

"Stiles." I repeat multiple times times. "Hmm?" He says still fast to sleep. "You've got an early morning practice for the big game, remember?" I say still shaking him. "All right." He says still not  nudging making me roll my eyes.

"Stiles I swear to god, you best have gotten better. If you're making me sit through another match you best have gotten better." I say sighing. "I have." He mumbles and I just roll my eyes.

"Stiles come on, it was your idea to ride today that's why I left my car at the apartment last night. Plus you know I have to help Malia get some last minute studying I." I say as he rolls over.

"Stiles!" I shout in his ear and he groans. This boy. He has got to be kidding. "We can ride to school together. Bring your stuff to mine and stay over, we'll have lots of fun." I imitate our conversation from last night. Fun. What a lot of fun we had. What I wonderful idea.

I turn to Stiles and pull him so he was lying on his back. I lean down and kiss him. He was obviously shocked at first but held the back of my head and deepend our kiss before pulling back.

"What are you doing? I haven't even brushed my teeth yet." He says and I roll my eyes and continue smiling at him with a bright smile. He brings his hands up to the sides of my face and smiles back at me. "I don't care." I say and he chuckles before leaning back in.

"Now we do genuinely have to get a move on." I say putting his t-shirt on that I wore to bed last night back on. "Mhm." He says as I rush into the bathroom.

After I have a shower Stiles goes in the shower. I get dressed into a beige denim skirt and a plain black sweatshirt. I get my hair dryer out of my bag and dry and straighten my hair. Once I had done that I do my makeup and look over to Stiles who was completely ready. I put on my black ankle boot heels and we head downstairs.

We grab something to eat quickly before rushing to school.

Once we get to school I see Malia stood by the school sign. "Have fun." Stiles says and I smile and kiss his cheek as we went two different ways.

"It's nice you and Stiles are back together. It makes things seem normal." She says and I scoff as we make our way to the the library. "Maybe we should hit you up with someone." I suggest and she looks at me with wide eyes. "Let me get to normal first, I'm still trying to fit in." She says and I nod.

After studying with Malia until she had to go to her maths test I had a few lessons of my own before we all had econ.

I was the first one in there out of all our friends.

I sat down and prepared for the lesson when Malia wonders in and sits beside me. "How'd it go?" I ask and she shrugs. "I'm sure you did good." I say and she groans. Lydia and Kira come in and sit behind us as Coach hands out our pop quizzes.

"Girs look." Malia says and we all turn to her. "I passed." She says wiggling a test which had a C- in the top corner in red ink. "C minus." Lydia says. "Your notes are great when they're not written in code." Malia says making me laugh.

Coach slams a test ok Malia's desk with an F in bold red writing. "Disappointed Malia. Profoundly disappointed." He says and I sigh. "I'll send you my notes." Lydia says and I smiles at her sympathetically till we get on with the lesson.

At lunch time I head with Lydia to the courtyard. We sat down so I could talk to her. Well she doesn't know I'm going to talk to her, but I need to talk to her.

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