Chapter 27

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After being dragged to Scott's house by Stiles. I was forced to lie down on the sofa. "Why aren't you healing?" Malia asks and I shrug. "Haven't got a clue." I say shrugging. "I knew it would be a bad idea." Malia says and I sigh. "I'm fine." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Are you in pain?" Malia asks looking at me concerned. "No." "Yes."  Me and Stiles say at the same time. "I'm fine." I say and she rolls her eyes and kneels down beside and starts taking my pain.
"Now hopefully you'll start healing." Malia says and I nod.

"Should we tell him?" Braeden whispers under her breath. "Yeah, it would be smart." I say and Stiles looks at me confused. I look over to the side of the sofa, where he was sat with my legs on him.

"What did I do?" Stiles asks looking around at us three girls looking at him. "You know how my mother wants to kill me?" Malia asks and he nods slightly. "I think she might want to kill you and Clara too." Stiles eyes widens. He picks my legs up so he could stand up then places them back down.

"Okay, uh, that's disconcerting. I should probably have a gun." He says looking from Malia to Braeden. "I'm not giving you a gun." She says bluntly. "You have a gun. The desert wolf who is trying to kill me, has a gun. I think I should probably have a gun." He says and I roll my eyes.

Braeden and Malia turn to me as if they were asking for my permission. I nod slightly and Braeden takes a gun from her jeans. She takes the bullets from the gun and throws it to Stiles.

Stiles was unable to catch the gun, he sort of juggled with it. It was quite funny to watch. When the gun fell to the floor he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I probably shouldn't have a gun." He says and I scrunch up my face and nod.

"So what's the plan?" Stiles asks looking between Braeden and Malia. "I'm just going to tail your ass more then usual." I say and he looks at me confused. "You're still healing." He says and I scoff. "It doesn't hurt." I say and he sighs.

"Well I'm gonna head home and grab some clothes for you and all that." Stiles says and I nod and turn to Malia. "Go with him." I say and she nods. Stiles then kisses my forehead as he heads out with Malia behind him.

"Malia, if you can hear me cough." I say and listen out for her to cough, which she does. "I have a gun under Stiles desk along with some bullets. I need you to get them for me. Don't let Stiles know that they're there." I say.

I lie on the sofa hoping to fall asleep without any nightmares. By the time I was on the verge of falling to sleep the front door flung open and Stiles came in along with Malia.

"Everything okay?" Braeden asks and they both nod. Stiles comes over a.d kisses my forehead before looking over the cuts again. "She still hasn't healed." Stiles says sighing. "I'll be fine." I say sitting up. "Maybe we should ask Melissa to stitch you up or something?" Stiles says. "Stiles, our main priority right now is finding Mason." I say and he sighs.

"Okay fine, what if we just clean up the blood, just a bit." Stiles suggests. "Clara don't be so stubborn, it might help." Malia says and I sigh. "Fine." I say and wince as I stand up.

Stiles helps me upstairs into the bathroom where he sits me on the bathtub.  I sit on the edge of it and take off my crop top. "I liked this shirt." I say throwing it to the floor. "Well maybe that will teach you to not run after Liam and try and attack a beast." He says and I sigh.

Stiles presses a warm flannel to my stomach where he starts cleaning away the dried blood. "You know I can do that myself." I say and he sighs. "Clara, let me help you." He says and I smile at him sympathetically before letting him continue.

"These are pretty deep, are you sure you don't want stitches?" Stiles asks and I nod. "I'm sure." I say.

Stiles turns around to clean the flannel in the sink before turning back to me. "Cute bra." Stiles says and I look down at my bra and laugh. "Stiles. Its plain black." I say and he chuckles.

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