Chapter 34

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I wake up in the hospital, across from Allison who was already awake. She was holding her father's hand until she looked over at me.

"It's my turn to go to school today." She says bitterly and I nod. She gets up and immediately leaves. "Do you want my keys?" I call after her. She nods and heads back to me and takes my keys.

I sat back down in my chair and remember my argument with Allison last night. She was far from happy about me helping the others with the Stiles situation which I understand because I made a promise to her.

Chris was still asleep when I got a text from Scott asking why I wasn't in school, which was followed up by another text saying nevermind because he had found out from Allison.

I start to think back to the suppressed happiness I felt when I got to talk to Stiles last night. He loved me. He told me that. He confirmed it was the last thing he ever said to me. I need to bring him back, save him even.

I couldn't picture Stiles, not at all. I could hear his voice constantly, "I'll love  you forever and even if you forget me, it won't matter because I love you Clara Argent." When I fell asleep last night, I continued to hear that voice saying those words to me. Except we were in random places. The hospital, a corridor in school as I walked to Econ, that night I was attacked at the school, my room at the old house, the homeroom on my first day at school here. It was quite odd , it felt liks there were parts missing. Maybe that's where Stiles was.

"Are you seriously still here?" Chris groans and I turn to look at him. "Yeah." I say sadly. "You're 18. You graduate in what a few months? Go to school or like go and spend time with your friends." He says and I sigh. There is no way im leaving him here alone.

"Is Allison still angry with you?" He asks and I nod. "Clara, go and have fun. You need to get out of here. I'm going to be fine." He says and my phone buzzes.

Lydia- Come to Caanan with us?

Which was then followed by another text.

Malia- we're on the way to get you. We're going Caanan.

I groan and Chris looks over to me. "What's up?" He asks as I type back a text to Lydia. "Roadtrip thing with Malia and Lydia. I don't think im gonna go." I say and Chris scoffs. "Yes you are." He says and I sigh again.

"Chris I have to stay or else Allison is going to kill me. Plus you have surgery today." I say and Chris smiles. "All the more reasons to go. I'll be in surgery all day, it's not going to he fun sitting in the waiting room all day." He says and I groan when Malia, Lydia and Scott walk in.

"You ready?" Malia asks. "No." "Yes." Me and Chris say at the time. "Tell her I'll be fine and she should go." Chris says and Malia yanks me up. "We have to go." Lydia says sternly. "Plus my mom can watch Argent and give us updates." Scott says and Chris nods.

"Fine." I groan and Lydia links arms with me and drags me ouf of the hospital and to her car. Where I had to sit in the back with Scott.

"So why don't you think Allison wants to do this anymore, she used to be all for it." Lydia says as I push Scott's head off of my shoulder. "I don't know, she seems scared. She also just wants to get out of here. Maybe she's going through a phase." I say shrugging. "Yeah maybe." Lydia says.

Scott was asleep and put his head on my shoulder again. "Do you mind?" I shout, waking him up. "Mind what?" He says tiredly. "Shut up." I groan and lean my head against the window.

"You look awful." Lydia says looking through her mirror to me. "Thank you." I say and roll my eyes. "When was the last time you slept?" Scott asks as I yawn. "Properly? Since before all of this ghost rider stuff." I say and they look at me concerned. "It's whatever." I say shutting down the conversation and looking out the window.

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