Chapter 21

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I get up and my eyes were still glowimg red. Thank god.  I felt incredibly weak but it's okay, I'll heal.

I head to the hospital after seeing Melissa's text about Hayden.

I head to the basement and find Liam crying out blood on his hands. I sigh and rush over to his side. "It'll be okay." I say pulling him into a hug.

"I did a bad thing." Liam says and I pull away from the hug to look at him. "I nearly killed Scott." He says and I sigh. "Its the supermoon, I'm sure he'll understand." I say and he shrugs. "Not this time." He says and I pull him back into another hug.

"I'm sorry about Hayden." I say rubbing his back. "I'm sorry about Scott." He says and I nod. "I know you are." I say holding him.

I help Liam up and he looks at my top. "Are you hurt?" He asks and I sigh. "I'll be okay." I say and he sighs. "Stiles has my keys, he's upstairs. I'll get them from him and I'm going to take you home. Go wash your hands and meet me at my car." I say and he nods.

I get off at the elevator and see Stiles and Scott fighting. I rush over to them along with Melissa. "Where were you? You trusted him. You believed him. Right, huh, so where were you?" Stiles shouts and I wrap my arms around his waist as Melissa and some doctors try and get him to stop. "Where the hell were you?" Stiles shouts and I pull him off of Scott with a few other Doctors holding Stiles back.

"Alright, alright." Stiles says stopping and the doctors letting go of him. "Look, your dads not the only one who got hurt." Scott says. "Oh you'll heal." Stiles says sarcastically.

"I'm not talking about me." Scott says glancing over to me. "Lydia's here. Clara got hurt as well." Scott says and Stiles looks over at me. "I'm fine." I say crossing my arms over the rip in the t-shirt I was wearing.

The doctors leave and I look between them both. "I'm gonna take Liam home and then we can come up with a plan." I say putting my hand out infront of Stiles. Stiles drops my keys in my hand and I leave.

Liam was leaning against my car and I smile at him sympathetically before unlocking the door. He gets into the car and we head to his house. "You should get some rest Liam." I say and he nods. "You might want to sort that out." Liam says pointing to my stomach. "I will, thank you." I say and he nods.

He gets out of the car and I head back to the hospital. I grab a jacket from the back seat of my car and out it on so it covers the rips in my t-shirt.

I meet up Parrish, Stiles, Scott and Melissa.

"It could be a side effect of shock." Parrish says when I walk into the room. "She's catatonic. It was Theo digging his way through her mind." Stiles says and I just sigh. I really hate Theo.

"Why would he do that? What is he looking for?" Melissa asks. "The same thing he's always looking for. An advantage." Scott says and I scoff.

"So what did he gain by trying to kill Stilinski?" Parrish asks. "It left me alone with Liam." Scott says. "Yeah and me alone with Theo. He wanted one of us gone." I say looking up at Scott.

"Okay, so he gutted my dad as a distraction." Stiles says and I look at him sympathetically. "We need to find this kid." Parrish says. "Isn't that a little dangerous? Especially since he almost killed my kid?" Melissa asks. "And Clara." Stiles adds.

"He said he didn't want Noah to die." I say glancing over at Stiles. "And you believe him?" Parrish asks. "He told us where to find him." I say glancing over to Stiles. "So, maybe he also knows how to save him." Stiles says.

"What do you want to do? Talk to him?" Melissa asks. "If it saves my dad, then yeah." Stiles says. "I'll come with you. He doesn't know that I'm alive. Maybe that gives us an advantage." Scott says and I nod.

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