Chapter 37

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Rebecca POV

After Harry kissed me . I instantly felt bad . "1" he whispered .

I teared up . "I'm so sorry baby . "

"What's wrong " he held my head tighter . He had a concerned face. .

" Baby... When I woke up they told me it was New Year's Eve . I have been in a coma for almost a year . I could have died . They said that they are amazed I don't have amnesia . I woke up and I wanted you . I'm so sorry ..."


"NO ! HARRY I HAVE LEFT YOU FOR ALMOST A YEAR WITH OUR CHILD . I missed her birthday... I missed our Valentine's Day . I missed our wedding for Christ sakes !!! I missed my birthday. I missed everything. I probably missed my baby first word . If I would have just stayed ... " I paused and took a deep breath .
"If I stayed , and just listened and gave you another chance we wouldn't be in this situation. I would have missed my baby first year . I would have not put you through hell . I'm so sorry . I'm so so sorry . I'm a bad fiancé and mother . But you .. You are a great person . I heard you everyday when you came and just talked . I loved how you never lost hope in me . I love you , and I'm terribly sorry . " Tears were flowing down my face . I hated that I put him through this .

He grabbed my face . "I forgive you . " He was crying too . I hugged him and then I hugged Kandy . I miss my family . I kissed her forehead. She was half sleep . I mean I understand it's 12:24 am .

I looked at the screen and people were still celebrating. I smiled . " Baby here are your clothes. Get dressed , so we can get you out of here . Give me Kandy . " He gave me some clothes and I passed him a sleeping Kandy .

I got dressed in the mix matched clothing and signed all my papers for being in the hospital. I walked out to the lobby and saw Harry .

He grabbed my hand and we walked out to the car . The car ride was quiet but very comfortable.

I laid my head against he cold window . I thought about how my life will be so different if I never went to New York . I'm Truely happy . Yes I loved Calum , but it wasn't meant to be . I met Harry . I knew it was something about him . I never would have thought that he would be the one to keep me happy . The one to have my child . The one who I will love more than everything. I can't wait to be his wife . Maybe after this we can finally have our marriage. I haven't forgotten what he did at the club but I refuse to bring that up . I let him suffer from me being gone . It's in the past . I forgive him , honestly and completely.

My mom and dad .. Well I miss them . They was there for me at times before the big argument. I will miss them . I'm sad they never met their grandchild . They will never see me walk down the aisle . They will never meet their son in law . But I don't know if they are in a better place but I hope for the best .

I'm glad for my brother . I'm sad that we never got along when we were younger . We never really grew up close . But I'm glad that all turned around . I'm happy that we have a great relationship. I'm happy that we came a long way .

I'm glad I met the friends who I love dearly . I'm glad that Gemma and Abbey never left my side even when I moved . Im happy that Michael and Luke was there for me . I'm happy that we have our friendship. I'm glad that I met the boys girlfriends who are now my sisters . My best friends.

I'm happy for my child . Even though she wasn't planned I'm happy that I have her in my life . I'm happy that she's here . She is well, healthy , and a happy giggly girl .

I love my life . Through everything that has happened to me . The good , the bad ... I'm happy that I went through everything because if I haven't ... I would be where I am right now .

{edited 6/23/15}

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