Chapter 25

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Harry POV

A week later ...

I woke up early because today is a special day for a special person .
I threw on a white v neck , black jeans , black boots , a jean button up , a mustache with a big coat . I don't have time to be stopped by fans considering they know im back home for a while .

I kissed her cheek and left to go to the store . I bought eggs , bacon , crossants , and strawberry preserves, 2 boxes of blue velvet cake mix , cream cheese icing , two candles (# 1 & 8) , box of turtles chocolate , and some white roses , and a card . I hope she really likes this . She deserves the best .

I went back home and heard her singing "Isnt She Lovely" . Aw she is so lovely . I chuckled at my pun joke , then I closed the door .

I went to the kitchen and started to make us breakfast . I set up the table with the card , chocolates, and roses in a vase in the middle , two plates of food , and tea for me and orange juice for the lady . Then I made the cake and put it in the oven .

I guess it's time for her to see everything . "Hey Becca ! Come downstairs ! " I yelled .

"Coming ! " She yelled back .
She walked down in black skinny jeans , yellow vans , and a black vans shirt with yellow writing . And her hair was wet and wavy . She looks gorgeous without trying and I love that .

"Goodmorning Harry . Like the mustache. " She giggled . "What's all this ? " She smiled and sat down.. in the wrong chair .

"It's your birthday Becca , but can you sit in that chair . I kinda wanted to sit here . " I smiled nervously

I need her to have the right plate . Under her plate is a little note asking her out to a birthday date day all day long . Celebrating her , and only her

"Uh sure .. " She looked at me funny and changed seats . " Well thank you for birthday breakfast it was really nice of you ... And wait .. Is that my favorite chocolate and roses ? " She smiled so big . I'm glad I have that effect on her .

"Yes love and that's your card . "I pointed to the blue envelope .

"Well thank you ! Do you mind if I read it in front of you ? "

"Well I'm about to check on the cake in the oven so yes , you may . " I got up and got a tooth pick and poked the cake . It was done . I got my green hand muffs and pulled the cake pan out . It was two round pans so I can make a two story cake .

Then I felt two little arms hugging me from behind .

Rebecca POV

I opened the card when Harry got up . It's says

Rebecca , I wish you a happy birthday because you are the light in my eyes . I truly enjoy you staying with me out of all people . I know you wanted to go to Disney World but with the accident I know you changed your mind . So i want to take you out . I hope you read this after you ate because now I want you to look under your plate .
~love Harry ❤️

I quickly stuffed my mouth then looked under my plate .

"Ello love , hope breakfast was wonderful . Now ..may I take you , a beautiful young lady to a birthday date ?"

I smiled and looked up . I ran to the kitchen and hugged him from behind . He turned around and picked me up and set me on the counter . He stop between my legs . "So what do you say Becca ? Birthday Date day with me ? " He smiled widely , showing off his dimples . Now how can I resist that .

"Of course Harry and im glad that you did this for me . " I pecked his lips and smiled . Then he grabbed the back of my neck and smashed our lips together . We didn't have a heated make out session .It was a slow passionate kiss , that kind of kiss you wish you can have every moment of the day .

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now