Chapter 23

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Rebecca POV

I called Harry .

*phone covo*

H: Ello ?

R; hey harry , how are you ?

H: considering it's 3am , pretty tired.

R: im sorry , I'll -

H: im woke now .. What's up ?

R: Calum slaped me because I caught him cheating and got in a big aurguement . And I told everyone I was leaving so do you mind if I come and stay with you because I can't be anyone near them .

H: sure . When are you coming ?

R: now . After you hang up im calling a taxi to the airport .

H. Okay imm get everything set up . The plane ride is 7 hours .

R: thank you harry

H: you're welcome love , see you soon

R: Kay , bye

*end of convo *

I called a taxi and drove to the airport without luggage . Just my iPhone, charger , lip gloss , and my wallet that was in my purse.

I got there and paid $463.82 for my ticket . They looked at me weird for not having luggage and it wasn't a roundtrip it was there to stay .

I got on the plane and fell asleep.

I woke up and it was sunny . I looked around and called for a flight attendant.

"Miss .. Pst miss !" I called for the lady

"Hello ma'am how many i service you ? "
"When are we landing? "

"In 12 minutes minutes. In 2 minutes I will tell the announcements and procedures . " She smiled

"Okay thank you and can I have a headache pill and bottle of water ?"

"Yes ma'am . Is that it for you ? "

"Yes and thank you"

She smiled and walked off .

Within 3 minutes she brought back 2 red pills and a dshani bottle of water.

She then gave the announcements and I put on my seat belt.

We landed and I texted Harry. I changed his name . It was Love💙 . Which he put in my phone when we first met , but that's was suspicious, so I changed it .

Me: r u here

Harry👄❤️: yea I'm holding a sign that's says 'BAE' . With a big coat , mustache and brown boots

Me :Really ? Bae ? Wow .. And okay I think I see you .

Harry👄❤️: okay

I walked behind harry and squeezed him tight .

"Maam may you get off of me" an old man said to me .

"I'm so sorry ... " I let go and turned around and saw Harry staring at me laughing . I walked to him . "Not funny mate !"

"Histericaly funny actually! "He started to tear up and clutch his stomach still laughing.

"Shut up and let's go . "

We drove off

We go to his apartment and cuddled in his bed and ate ice cream because I was crying again .

I turned over an looked him in the eye .

"Thank you for getting this . " I hugged him .

He squeezed and let go .

"Anything for you . "

I stared into his beautiful eyes and leaned in .

He looked hesitant but leaned in until or lips touched .

I instant felt sparks . I don't know why but I did .

It was a simple kiss . Then he dragged is tough against my bottom lip asking for entrence and I allowed him .

We kissed and our lips moved in sync . He roamed his hands all over my body .

He disconnected and I already missed his lips .

"Are you okay with this ? " He asked

"Positive. I really like you . " I stared into his eyes .

"I'm glad because I really like you too . " He smiled and pecked my lips .

I turned around and he wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep .

{edited 6/22/15}

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