Chapter 28

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Rebecca POV

"Harry ... I love you . " He slowly pulls down my shorts and climb on top of me . "And I love you more . " he whispers in his raspy sexy voice . He starts pumping me with two fingers. "Harry.. faster ..." I moaned "Becca . " "Harry " "baby .. Wakey wakey "


I jolted up .

"Huh ? " I rubbed my eyes .

"You are sweating and kept calling my name . What's wrong love ? "

Oh no . I'm having wet dreams about him . I mean we are a couple so is it normal ? Ugh .

"Becca , it is fine " he winked and got up . "I'll go check on Kandy " he only had on his boxers. Gosh how did i get lucky ?

But Shit . He heard me . I got up and went to the bathroom. I had on my panties and a tank top . I sat on the toilet and just started to doze off . Why am I so tired ? I got up , brushed my teeth , and washed my face . I threw my hair in a messy bun .

Oh I know why I'm so tired . I haven't properly rested in a year . Since the tour is over I get to sleep regular . Then the baby isnt making me sleep comfortable . But I just love her . She is so adorable. I can't wait to let everyone to see her . Well really Luke , Ashton , Michael and I guess Calum . We all were going to spend two weeks in L.A in a big beach house since it's sunny over there and chilly over here . Considering its January .

"Baby , I love you . We made a beautiful child and im so happy to be with you . " Harry kissed my cheek .

"Harry , I love you more than anything...having a child at 19 wasn't really in my plan but with a great person like you I don't care . We have our own little family . " we laid down with the baby in his arms and my head on his shoulder .

"Hey when are we leaving for L.A ? "

"Next week on Saturday morning and we will get there that night . " I replied

"Okay good . What do u wanna do today love . "

"I'm not sure but I don't wanna stay inside . " I got up and looked for an outfit .

"What about you and the girls go hang out and I'll go with the lads ? "

I fake gasped . "What ? You don't wanna spend time with your wonderful wi- I mean girlfriend? " I chuckled nervously. I hope he didn't hear what I was about to say .

"Oh . That would be nice . " He laid Kandy on the bed and wrapped his hands around my waist from the back .

"What will? " I pushed my head to the side and he put his chin there . I put my arm over his .

"My wife . Mrs.Styles ." He kissed my neck .

"I'm not sure . You aren't proving it enough . " I teased .

"Oh really . What were we doing in your dream ? " He circled my panty waist line .

"I -I Don't Uh - remember" i shuttered .

"I think I just proved my point "bhe laughed and let me go . WHAT ?

"Are you serious ? " I said confused

"Yes babe . Now get ready then go hang with the gals . " He chuckled .

I got a pillow and threw it at him then quickly grabbed Kandy . "You can't throw a pillow with a lady with a baby with her hand ! " I laughed then walked out the room .

I went to her room and grabbed a tank top , a pink long sleeve shirt , some zebra leggings , and some pink flats and white socks . I grabbed a zebra head band then went to her bathroom . I put her in the sink because he is so tiny . I ran some water then bathed her . I dried her then but some johnson baby lotion on and her outfit .

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now