Chapter 16

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Rebecca POV

I woke up about 8am and heard New York busy streets . The balcony door was open . I saw Harry outside with a brown journel . He was leaning against the railing writing .

He didn't see me walk out there so I sat down in the chair and look out . I didn't want to scare him because I didn't want him to drop his book and blame me .

He turned around and jumped . At least his book didn't fall .

"Goodmorning Becca ... How long have you been out here ? " He asked with his hand still in his chest

"Sorry to scare ya mate . But I was only out here for three minutes. It's a nice site don't cha agree ? " I leaned back .

"Yeah , I came out here and wrote about the day that I have had and the pretty weather . It's cold but yet so great . " He sat beside me .

"Yeah , thanksgiving is next week ... What are you doing ? " I asked not looking at him . I was resting my eyes .

"We all are going home this Thursday " he said and yawned

"Oh yeah Louis did say that eveyone was going back home to England ." I opened my eyes .

"Yeah aren't you going with him ? "

"I was , I might still go , but I have to drop by Australia and sort out some stuff and then take a flight to England and start job and apartment hunting. I decided to live in England so that when the tour ends I could visit my bestie, Louis . "

"Oh okay . Then we all can meet each other and have fun on thanksgiving. " He smiled .

"Yeah , we sure could . " I yawned and stood up .

"Hey want to get some breakfast ? " Harry asked standing up and stretching

"Sure .. Where to ? " I walked inside .

"Maybe Starbucks or somewhere else if I'm being stereotypical ? " He closed the door .

"Yeah sure .. Then we can bring everyone something . " I chuckled

"What's funny ? " He smiled

"It's ten of us . They will probably think we are fat . " I put on some grey jogger sweats and some red vans with a red jacket .

"Hey I don't care . I look good in any shape and size. I can be tall and 600 and still be sexy ! " He snapped his fingers in a gay way and strunted to his suitcase .

"Okay sassy pants ! " I laughed then covered my mouth . I forgot Louis was sleep .

He put on some tight skinny jeans , i green beanie , a huge coat that made him look fat , a fake mustache , some fake glasses , and some brown boots . "ready ! " He called out . He grabbed his wallet and walked towards me .

"All that for Starbucks? " I giggled .

"Yeah fans are crazy now in days . " We walked in the elevator.

We walked across the street to Starbucks .

No one was really in there beside business people , and some college students . We walked up and ordered me , all onedirection and 5 seconds of summer people drinks and a muffin.

"The total is $56.92 . " The lady at the register said .

" Got it! " I yelled .I digged in my purse looking for my wallet .

"Too late love . " Harry smirked and started walking away . He had one tray of cups and the muffins.

I grabbed the other tray and my cup and jogged to catch up with him .

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now