Chapter 32

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Rebecca POV

I woke up early . I decided I am going to look into jobs . I have been a house girlfriend/fiancé and mom . I want to go into modeling . I think I should go with my perfect body .

I looked at the clock and it was 8 am . I got up and considering it to be January I put on white pants with a tan/ brown sweater . sweater weather !

As I was brushing my teeth then Harry knocked on the door .
"Come in "

"Good morning babe . Where are you going so early ? " He hugged my waist from behind .

I bent down and rinsed my mouth . "I like this position " he said in raspy morning voice .

I stood up quickly . "I guess we gotta try it soon ." I winked . I linked my arms around his neck . I leaned forward then hugged him . "I love you but I gotta go . " I smirked

"Such a tease " he pouted . "Where are you going ? "

"A job . I wanna go into modeling. " i put on some lip gloss . "Do I look good ? " I spinned in a circle.

"Gorgeous as always. " He smiled and kissed my forehead .

"Oh tell the boys I'll be back later . We all can go to dinner or something. " I started walking to the kitchen .

"Will do ! " he followed .

I grabbed my purse and laptop.
"Check on Kandy while I go out okay . Make sure she eats , takes a bath , wash her hair with the baby shampoo . Make sure you take her outside . It can even be in the backyard . Or you can buy her a little play set . And uhm .. Feed - "

He put his finger in my lips . " Shush . She is my child too . I'm not the babysitter. I know what to do . I love you now go and model baby girl . "

I smiled . "Bye ! "

I grabbed my keys and went to the car .

As I was driving I put the radio on low as I called some modeling agents here .
Some was really rude about me not being 90 lbs . Like I am only 120 . Then as soon as I said I'm a mother they hung up . I am 19 with a child and a fiancé . Is that bad ?

I got one more number to call . It was Victoria secret modeling.
I pulled into Starbucks .

Ring ring

"Ello . Victoria Secret Modeling In Holmes Chapel . Denarius speaking . How may I help you ?"

"Hi Denarius . I'm Rebecca Styles I am wondering if you are hiring ? "

"Actually we are . How old are you and your weight . "

"I am 19 years of age . I weight 120"

"Okay great you are qualified. Tell me about your living "

"I am engaged . I have a 1 1/2 month old baby . I live in Holmes Chapel . I am currently not working . I am on a well income from my fiancé . I live in a 3 story home . I have a car . I have dropped out of school around 17 but I am very intelligent. And that is it . "

"Okay ma'am . Considering you have a wedding to plan and a child to raise do you think you will have enough time to work , and model and travel for events ? "

"I do "

"Yell ma'am you have the job . When can you come sign some papers and start modeling? "

I smiled . "I can come now if you want since I am already out . "

"Okay I will text you the headquarters address and don't worry about clothes because we have you covered . Nice talking to you Mrs . Styles , and see you soon . Goodbye "

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now