Chapter 9

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4 months later ( September )

I woke up by a delicious smell . I haven't smelled that aroma in such a long time .

I brushed my hair into a ponytail and walked towards the kitchen .

I stood at the door of the kitchen looking in . I saw Calum with basketball shorts on and shirtless . His hair was all messy but in a sexy way . His toned skin . His tattoos that are so very perfect . Those perfect , perfect , PERFECT abs . Oh my . He -

"You do know that a picture last longer right ? " Calum snapped me from my thoughts and smirked .

"Sorry , but what cha cooking there handsome? " I kissed his cheeck and looked over his shoulder.

"An omelette , bacon , and waffles .. Oh and coffee . Would you like some beautiful? " He poured himself some coffee and started to add sugar .

"Uhm no thanks .... " I scratched the back of my neck and looked down .

"Babe , I told you a while ago I would help you get through . Please eat . For me . " He set down his coffee and grabbed my waist . He put his forehead against mine . Aw I love this man . But could i eat ? I want to but I really don't want to . I have the shape I want .

"Babe .. Please ... I want you I mean I really,really want you to eat . It would mean so much ." He kissed my forehead .

"Maybe ......bite ? " I hesitated.

"BABY ! Yessss ! " He picked me up an spun us around . I giggled and kissed him again .

"Okay , let's do this " i said sarcastically.

"Babe , if you don't we can always try ano-"

"No , I'm doing this . For me , you , and my life for the better . " I walked up to the cabinet and pulled down five plates . On the first one I put a little bit of an omelette, and one piece of bacon . On the other four i split the food and put it all of the plates . I set three aside and gve one to Calum . I got the one with hardly anything on it and held it in my hands .

"Ready Becca ?"

"Than I'll ever be Cal .."

I grabbed the bacon , oh my .. It smells amazing . I nibbled off a piece . It was so good . I took another , then another , until it was all gone .

I turned around to a very happy Calum .

"Babe ... YOU DID IT . " He yelled . He picked me up and spun me around . He didn't just stop at one spin he kept going .

I heard all the boys run downstairs and go in the kitchen .

"Cal , put me down " I giggled . He set me down .

"So what was that all about ?" Luke asked demolishing his plate .

"Yeah , and who cooked breakfast ?" Michael asked sipping OJ and examining his plate .

"Yeah , did you propose bro, because it you did I swear I will rip your head off . " Ashton said in a stern voice, staring at us . I was still in Calum's arms .

I pulled away . "First of all no he didn't propose and we are dating and I don't give a shit about what you say about that Ashton . " I patted his shoulder and grabbed my plate .

"But most importantly.... BECCA ATE FOOD ! " Calum screamed .

Luke stared at him in disbelief . " No freaking way ! BECCA is he lying please tell me . You guys can't joke around with this tell me tell me ! " Luke kept looking back and forth between me .

Michael ran up to me and spun me around . "I'm happy for Ya ! Very proud . Like an father at his baby girls wedding day . Oh no . Happier than that . You rock Bec ! " He high fives me and continued eating .

"Really Becca ? When your boyfriend ask you , you eat but when I tried you gave me shit ? " Ashton face stated turning red .

"No it's not like that I just chose to eat today . Today I was ready . " I flipped my hair an grabbed my fork and ate piece of an omelette . "Oh and by the way , Calum cooked Michael , and look I am eating . " I took another nibble " yum !" i moaned .

"Well look at that . That's amazing , but guys we should hurry we have to be in the studio in and hour and management is coming in 30 minutes. " Luke said walking up stairs .

"Well bye Becky ! Mickey gave me a side hug and got up . "
I smiled "Bye Mickey ." I waved .

"Be safe sis . Bye ." Ashton kissed my cheek and walked upstairs . I swear he can bipolar at times .

"I love you babe . You are amazing . Keep it up . And have a marvelous day at work . Be safe . " Calum kissed my lips and walked upstairs .

The doorbell rang . I opened the door to management . "Hey Paul, how is it going mate ? " I smiled .

"Great , how about yourself ? " He asked giving me a side hug .

"It's okay , hey I should get ready for work . See Ya soon . " I started walking off , until Paul called me back .

"Hey , uhm .. Becca ... I have something to tell you . "


"Uhm you are invited on tour , and we would like you to do a brother and sister song . He stated akwardly.

"Thanks Paul. That's awesome . But I have to - "

I stopped talking and ran into the bathroom . I threw up the little that was in my stomach . Maybe I should try for a few days so my stomach can get use to eating again.

"Babe , are you okay ? " Calum pulled back my hair .

"Yeah , just I guess I ate too much for the first time and spun around too much . And I'm coming on tour with you guys . Now go , go record . I'll be fine "

I pushed him out and went upstairs .

Around the second month here
I've been working at Starbucks . Its nice and i love the smell of coffee .

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 12:45pm afternoon . I had to be at work at 1 . I got dressed and ran out the house . I got there at 1:02 pm . Whew !


I got home and heard silence. That's new . I walked into he kitchen and saw a note by a box of pizza .

Dear Becca ,
We decided to have a guys night out . Sorry it's late minute but we worked really hard at the studio . It also been informed that we leave for tour in a few days so you can go head and start packing . We will be home whenever . But when we come home we will be super quiet . We love you ! See Ya soon .

P.S we bought you pizza , sorry two slices are missing because of Mickey... But yeah enjoy !

I put the note down and opened the pizza box , surely two slices were gone . I grabbed the box and headed upstairs .

I took a shower and put in "22 jump street " . Suddenly my eyes felt heavy and I drifted into a sleep .

{edited 6/19/15}

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