Chapter 19

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Rebecca POV

"Babe im home ! " Harry yelled .
"Hey sweetie I just put Kandy down for a nap so don't be too loud " i pecked his soft lips .
"Okay , but the real question is can you keep the - *kiss* moaning *kiss* at an *kiss* minimal *kiss*
He picked me up and put me on the counter . He started to take off my tank top . Then start sucking on my collarbone. I took of his white v neck shirt .
"I've missed you these past months " he said into my neck .
"Let's go to the bedroom "
Becca ... Becca .. Becca wake up
" I am woke , we are making love "
Becca ... Becca ...Becca !
BECCA !!!!!

I jolted up . "Becca! Wake up it time to get off the plane ! " Calum said shaking me .

"Oh ... Okay " I stood up and stretched. That was such a weird dream or should it be called a nightmare.. Why was a dreaming about Harry ? I don't even like him like that like the fuck ? And a kid ? You got to be kidding me .

"Uh Becca are you just gonna stand there or ... " Calum scratched the back of his neck.

"Sorry ... " I grabbed my suitcase from the top .

We walked off the plane into sunny hot Austrailan airport.

"What time is it here ? " I asked Calum .

"Well since we got on the plane at 7 Wednesday, the flight was 3 hours ... Austraila is 15 hours ahead .... It it thursday and 11am afternoon..... I believe. My phone is dead so I suppose it's 11 . " He glanced at me and went to baggage claim for his luggage.

"Thanks . Man I'm tired . " I yawned .

"Uh Becca ... Can I ask you a question? " Calum asked waiting for the thing to come around .

"Of course "

"When you were sleep .. You said we are making love . Who were you dreaming about ? " He raised a brow

Shit shit shit shit shit ! "You babe .. Who else ? " I lied

"Good ! That's a reilf! But seriously me and you making love ? That's hot ! Maybe we should when we get settled down . " He grabbed my waist and kissed my lips .

"Ha-ha, maybe .. now grab your luggage! " I said pointing to his suitcase and squirming out of his grip. It was so awkward. Yes I love him but with that dream/ nightmare like seriously what the hell ! Ugh and I hope I don't have any more like that . And shit ! He heard me say that ? I never talked in my sleep ! What if I start and I say Harry ? Oh my goodness, I would be fucked if I said his name . He will think the kiss was real . Is that why I'm dreaming of him ? This is bullcrap.... Maybe if I be lovey dobey with Cal I'll dream about him . I don't want to have wet dreams but I rather have them about my boyfriend than someone else. It's so werid .

Someone snaps their fingers in front of me . "Becca ! "

I turned my head and saw Calum. "Yes ? "

"You zoned out again . Maybe we should get you home and to bed . " He grabbed my hand and interlocked them . "Would you like some Starbucks ? "

"No . I want to go home ... " I all of a sudden thought about my parents dying . I droped my suitcase and started crying. "I d-don't w-w-Anna g-ooooooo th-e-re " I sobbed into Calum's chest gripping his shirt with all my might like it was my life .

"Shhhhh , it okay baby girl . It's okay . Shhh" he rubbed my back squeezing me tightly . " hey let's find the boys and we can go to my house " he let me go .

"No ... No .. You live too close to me . Somewhere else but near my house . " I sobbed .

"Uhm lets go ask Michael . " He grabbed both our suitcases and walked to the blue haired boy .

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now