Chapter 20

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Calum POV

"Hey Cal , I just sorted everything out with the house , they are selling it . I texted Michael and him and Becca should be here soon . And me and Nicole are going in a date later , I haven't seen her in ages, so I'm gonna go to the mall . Can you stay here and wait for Mike , Becca , and Nicole might be here early. " Ashton was walking all around the house . "Have you seen my keys ? "

"Sure I'll stay here .. I got nothing better to do . But seriously a date . I thought she was just a fuck buddy . No commitments. She a fu-"

My mum and dad walked in .

Ashton gave me a death glare .

"Joy have you seen my car keys ? " He asked turning his back at me and flicked me off so my mum couldn't see .

"Oh honey they are in the bathroom but we are going out and getting a book from Barns and Noble from the mall . What about you come with us and save gas ? " My mom patted his back .

"Uh , sure , but I have to be back in an hour . " Ash gave an unsure facial expression

"Of course honey ! now let me get my keys . " She smiled and ruffed his hair . She had to stand on her tippy toes because he was pretty tall . It was a little funny .

"I'll wait outside . " Ashton left

"Okay , bye honey . " She kissed my cheeck.

"Bye mum . " I waved and saw her walk out .

I turned on the tv and put on Everybody Hates Chris. It was the episode when Chris had a F on his report and forged his mother signature. And the dad had the gout .

I was laying on the couch and when it was on commercial I got up and went to get me a pop .

The door bell rang . I looked at the clock . My parents and Ash left about 15 minutes ago . Maybe it's Becca and Michael . I miss my Bae . I just want to cuddle and kiss her .

I walked to the door and opened it to reveal Nicole . Well this is akward..
She had on red lipstick, way too much makeup , a black half shirt showing off her belly button ring, with a jean mini shirt . If she bent down her ass will be hanging out. Yuck! She had on red stilettos and her hair way straighten down her back .

"Uh hi Nicole .. Ashton isn't back yet . But uh you can come in and wait I guess . " I stepped aside

"Hey Calum , and thank you . " She winked

Ugh this is so werid I wish they would hurry up and get here .

"Sooooo ... Would you like a drink or something? " I closed the door and went to the kitchen where she was looking around.

"No but I want you .. " She walked toward me

"Uhm you have Ashton and im taken sorry .." I walked away to the sofa and laid back down . She's gross . And like I was about to say earlier she's a fucking slut .

She walked over and droped her phone on the carpet right in front of face .

"I'll get it " I reached for it but she slapped my hand away .

"No let me , I did drop it . I'm so clumsy.." She licked her lips and bent down .

She showed off her pink thong . Oh god this is getting uncomfortable.

"Uh I have to go call Becca and see where she is " I started to sit up .

She pushed me down and say in my lap .

"I haven't had sex for over an week . I'm sexually frustrated. Help me like your my doctor Calum . " She began to kiss my neck .

"Get off of me . " I tried to pushed her off but she wouldn't budge .

She found my sweet spot and started to suck harshly on it .

I moaned and she smiled. She took off her shirt and pulled mines off . She digs her nails down my abs .

I shouldn't be doing this I thought but it felt so damn good .

She took off her shirt and her heals . She started to palm me through my basketball shorts. I moaned . I couldn't do this anymore. I gave in and grabbed her . I kissed her harshly and let my hands roam all over her body .

I heard the door opened but I was too into it to stop .

I flipped her over and began to suck harshly on her chest. And I pulled down her thong . Man she was wet .

I think I heard footstep but I ignored it . It could just be the TV .

Then I heard a scream . Okay now I now that I heard that .

I jolted up to see Becca and Michael both holding their mouths with their hands . Becca looks like she was about to break down .

Damn I'm in tough shit .

{edited 6/22/15}

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