Chapter 35

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The song for this chapter is Half a ,Heart by One Direction... And to give you a heads ups .. You may cry .


Rebecca POV

"When we were in the club when we spilt up me and Harry went to the bar . Then he started to get drunk and crazy. I told him lets go home . I kept trying to persuade him to go home but he wouldn't listen. "I sniffled . "Then he yanked my arm and pulled me towards go bathroom . He kicked open the door and jammed himself in me . I started screaming because it hurted and it was like being ... Raped . Then that's when you all came . " I was currently telling what happened at the club . We just got home . I was telling the girls what happened and Harry is outside with the guys . I told the guys a shorter version of what happened and they all got mad . They stormed out with fist and red faces .

My brother already probably beat the shit out of him . But they left , their air plane comes in 20 minutes . I mean I love Harry but this side of him was scary and I can't have that around Kandy nor myself .

"Gals .. I don't know if I wanna stay here . I don't know if I want him around Kandy . I don't even know if I wanna stay being his fiancé . " I started to cry . I hate this .

The door flew open and Harry rushed by my side and started crying . "BECCA IM SO SORRY I CANT BELIEVE I WOULD EVER DO THAT . I love you ! Please please please forgive me . "He held on my waist and cried harder . I pulled him off of me .

"Harry I need time . You .. You really frightened me back there . You might hurt Kandy . I think we should take a break ... " I trailed off because don't want to but I think it would be right .

"WE ARE ENGAGED ! Baby please don't leave me . We have been so great lately . I'm so sorry . We can't break up . We are a family . I love you too much . Please Rebecca. Please let us get through this . " he pleaded looking up . He had a black eye that is bleeding. He has a purplish redish handprint on his left cheek . His eyes are puffy . He has a busted lip . He has many scratch marks on his arms . He looks rough . I feel so sorry now . I don't like seeing him like this .

"A break . " I stood up . I grabbed a duffle bag and put random clothes in it . I grabbed my charger and phone .I grabbed my purse and keys . This feeling is familiar. Then I ran out the house. I heard everyone yell after me but I don't know what to do . I don't know if I should forgive him or give up on this engagement. I am too young for this shit . I got to my car and I sped off . I broke down and my eyes got blurry . I say an car coming but I thought I could get across without getting hit but I guess not . Suddenly I felt the impacted on the passenger side and I got pushed off the road . I tried reaching for my phone but I couldn't move . I closed my eyes and waited to be rescued.


I saw her run out the house . I tried stopping her but I couldn't . I yelled after her but she got in the car and sped off . This isn't safe !! I ran upstairs and everyone yelled at me saying it's my fault . I totally agree with them . It's all my fault . I should have never got drunk . I shuld have never forced her to do anything. It's all my fault . I broke down again and covered my ears from everyone yelling. I went to my room and locked the door . Then I fell asleep crying ..

••••later that day••••

I woke up by my phone constantly going off . I looked at the clock and it was 7am . I answered my phone .

"Ello? "

"Hello . Is this Mr.Styles ? Fiancé to Rebecca Irwin ? "

I suddenly sat up and I am now fully awake. "Yes .. Yes it is . Where is Rebecca ? How is she ? " I yelled and cried into the phone .

"Sir , calm down . I need you to come down to the hospital. She was in a car accident which may have happened 3 hours ago . She is in surgery . We have searched the car and this is the number in her phone that seemed important. Could you make it down her mister ? "

"Yes ! "I yelled then hung up .

I jumped out of bed and ranned downstairs. everyone was passed out on the couch . I yelled loudy and they all jolted up. "GUYS BECCA WAS IN A CAR ACCIDENT WE HAVE TO GET THE HOSPITAL NOOOOOOWWWWW !!!! "I yelled and got in my car . I sped and made it there safely within 15 minutes.

I ran to the desk . I was sobbing and rambling . Luckily she understood me and said level 3 room 283.

I went to the stairs and went to her room .

"Hello . You must be Mr.Styles . Fiancé to Rebecca Irwin? "

"Yes ! Where is she ? "I settled looking past her .

"Sir , she is in a coma . The impacted wasn't bad because it was from the passenger side but she slid and hit a pole and hit her head . She is still breathing but just in a coma . She could wake now , hours , days or years . We don't know . I am terribly sorry . You may always come and visit. Family and friends are allowed . Just sign in and you know the room number . "She gave me a sympathetic smile and walked pass me . Soon everyone rushed in the room asking questions .

Then once they saw her they went silent. " Is she .. D-dead ? "Louis asked crying .

"She's in a coma . They don't know when she will wake . " I started crying then I pulled up an chair beside her .

"This is all your God damnit fault Harry ! "Sophia attacked me and started hitting and scratching . Liam pulled her off . " Lad this is your fault . But the only thing we can do is pray and hope she wakes . " He patted his back and they all found a seat on the floor or in chairs .

I looked at her and grabbed her semi-cold hand . I kissed it . " I love you Becca . I truly do . Wake up . For me , for Kandy , for your brother , your friends . Everyone needs you in their life . I miss you , we miss you . We love you . "I kissed her forehead and sat back in my chair .

••••••• a month later •••••••

Harry POV

I sat in my bed with Kandy she is taking a nap and I'm staring at the wall . This was the day we were suppose to be married . It's so hard not seeing Becca beautiful face everyday . I miss her . I visit everyday at 2pm . It's harder and harder every time I go seeing her like that .

•••••••3 months later ( June )••••

It's now summer , me and Kandy are on the beach . She looks so pretty . She looks like her mom . Her eyes and her little button nose . My hair and ears . I miss Rebecca .

I stare at my wallpaper of us on the night she said yes to marry me . I still go visit but some of the boys have stopped . The girls still show up some days . Not all like me .

Kandy said her first word . It was 'dada' . She said it because she is around me so much . I love my girls .

••••••••6 months later (December)••

It is now Rebecca birthday . She would have been 20 today . She is still in a coma . I miss her like crazy . And in a few days it would be Kandy first birthday. I bet Becca would have went all out . Instead I took her to the park and took her to buy some toys and stuff . The boys and girls came over but they are still pretty mad so they didn't stay for long .
It it now Christmas. There is no tree no gifts no anything. Just me and Kandy laying down watching Barney . I don't feel the 'holiday spirit ' I'm too busy missing Rebecca .
It is now New years eve . 11pm . In one hour it will be a new year . I miss Rebecca. I went to visit earlier and said my speech and prayer. I want to be with her .

Ring ring ..

Who is calling me at .... I looked at the time . It was 11:36 pm ... I looked at he number and it was unknown . I decided to ignore it . I fed Kandy and turned on the tv . My phone went off again . Bloody hell .Stop calling fans ! I'm not in the mood .

{edited 6/22/15}

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