Chapter 5

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As me and Mickey got in the car back to the house , we barely chatted . I was thinking of how i am going to tell them about Calum and I . Should i bluntly say it or say it collided with something else so they wouldnt notice . Maybe over dinner. Wait im still anorexic . How are they going to accept ? Will they be mad ? Will they accept ... Probably not . Ugh . I hope they accept ... Both of my life choices . Well three if you count my new hair .

And i cant wait to see my mum and dad . I mean its been two months im very excited .But they need to accept me though. I would hate if i walk in all happy and they look at me with disgust.

I looked over at Michael who was now singing with The Neighbourhood to Sweater Weather . It just started so i joined in .

All i am

Is a man

I want the world

In my hands

I hate the beach

But i stand

In california with my toes in the sand

"I didnt know you could sing Becca ! You rock dude ! "

"Shhh lets sing the chorus ready .. One .. Two .. Three...."

She already thinks about

What i think about

1 love 2 mouths

1 love 1 house

No shirt no blouse

Just us, you find out

Nothing we dont want to tell you about

Cause its too cold

For you here

So now let me hold

Both your hands here in the holes on my sweater

"Dude seriously i didnt know you could sing . I mean whoah . I not saying it too save your feelings or because your my bestfriend but still you go head now girlfriend ! "

"Hey now ! Im Calum's now haha "

"Righttt.... about that ..."

He sounded nervous and akward.....

"I wanted to say this earlier but i didn't know how ..."

"Michael .. your scaring me what is it ?"

Please dont tell me something bad . Calum cant be cheting already...please ? let it be something else God no I mean ..ughh !

"Uhmm .. " He chuckled . "Can we still cuddle ?" He burst out laughing .

Whew !

"Of course Mickey haha . I thought you was going to tell me something bad . You almost had me buddy . " I chuckled .

"Nah , but now that we are almost home . How are you telling everyone about Calum .. Your hair , and uhm your anorexia ? I mean i love you like a sister and i dont mind because its your life and no one can tell you how to run it . Like dude you are turning eighte- "


"Wait . Hold on . How do you know about my anorexia ? " im confused .

"I might act like a five year old and pay you guys no attention . But i do . I notice you losing weight which is fine . But i havent seen you eat at all . I mean im always in the kitchen and everytime you come in you get water and leave . I looked up some stuff and you fit under anorexic because your really boney and look tired alot . Like you apply more makeup than usual to cover your bags but i can tell you barely have energy at times . Other times you seem fine but majority of the time you seem tired . Im not that smart but i am a little . Okay ? Im not here to judge because look at me ! Im no prince charming . You're georgous . You dont need to change your life for no one . And also when you carry those exercise vids to your room and bought that exercise stuff i know you werent using them because when i went in your room you didnt have a dvd player . So yeah . "

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now