Chapter 33

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Hey guys ! Donesha here ! Thanks for the reads And the people that vote ! You rock !

In the video above I thought the baby laughing was cute and you will read why . Lol . But yeah ignore the comments in the video bc it's off YouTube and not my video! Thank you and here is your chapter ! Love you all bye !

February 1 ✨

Rebecca POV .

I woke up early and went to buy two sheet cakes . One had a picture of Harry when he was a baby . And the other was one I took of him a few days ago . Then I went to party city and bought some party decorations . Today is Harry's birthday and I wanna have a party . I invited everyone to come over around 6pm , so me and him and have the day together.

I set the cakes in the kitchen . Well I hid them in the kitchen. I went back upstairs and laid down beside him and went back to sleep .

Soon I woke up again and it was 12pm noon . I looked over and Harry was sitting up stretching.

"Goodmorning Birthday Boy ! " I said and sat up .

"Goodmorning Beautiful " he turned around and kissed my cheek .

"Get ready and let's go okay ? "

"Where to ? "

I smirked . " A surprise "

He got dressed and we got in the car .

"I'm sorry that I can't really cook that well and stuff but I can still make you have a wonderful birthday babe " I smiled and looked at him quickly then back at the road .

He laughed . " It's fine . I'm just happy I'm with you . " He leaned over and kissed my cheek .

We Sanged , laughed , and talked about some wedding stuff . Then we pulled up to a laser tag place.

"Rebecca .. I love you ! " He ran out and opened my door . He picked me up and spun me around .

"Excited ? "

"Very ! "

"Well let's go we only got a hour then we have to go to our next destination "

We played laser tag and ate pizza . I can really tell he enjoyed himself.

We got back in the car and I took him to a fütball game . He yelled and shouted and laughed the whole time . I checked the time it was now 3:45 pm .

After the game we went back home .

"Hey babe when we get in the house I want you to go upstairs and take a nice hot shower okay ? I'll come and join soon . " I winked

He pecked my lips then got out . I got out and called Liam so make sure he has the food and stuff .

I went inside and saw Luke in the kitchen. "He went upstairs right?"

"Yep ! And we are about to start decorating! Anne should be here soon ! "

"Thank you ! "

I ran upstairs and heard Harry in the shower . I closed our bed room door and then undressed . I got in the shower with him and we talked . I let him wash my hair. And then we kissed and things got heated .

When we got out I curled my hair and he did his . Then we both got dressed up . I put on a black slim dress and he put on a black button up but only buttoned it half way to show off his tattoos.

"Babe you ready ? "

"Yeah , but where are we going ? "

"Downstairs "

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now